The Revanchist - Chapter 21 - Razial (2024)

Chapter Text


(Cruiser Pride of Mandalore)

Canderous dodged the wild swing of Tamrok Ordo with ease, his clan brother had arrived with his own ship and instantly challenged him to single combat for the right to lead the Mandalorians back to glory. He accused him of been weak and worse a traitor, that he would not let stand and thus he had accepted the challenge and was currently letting Tamrok wear himself out with his wild attacks, the man who was the same age and had like him fought in the war had clearly lost a lot of his skill with a blade. Their blasters had been set aside for this duel, he ducked another wild swing wondering why Tamrok was been so reckless.

Back during the war the man had been tactically smart and clever about how he attacked an enemy, now it was like he was an enraged beast lashing out in rage. What the hell had happened to him since he had last seen him, after three more wild swings he could see that Tamrok was getting tired and his defences were dropping but he did not immediately go on the attack as that might be just what Tamrok wanted him to do. Perhaps he was not tired just yet and was faking this so as to try and draw him into an attack that left him exposed, he faked an attack to the right and just like he expected Tamrok immediately and with no sense of his previous slowness moved to counter thus allowing him to switch to his left and catch him in the side with a quick blow.

Tamrok backed off wincing in pain from the blow but quickly recovered and shot forward with a hard thrust intending to take him with his speed, however he was ready for it and quickly slid to his left and turned bringing his blade back around and taking Tamrok down as his blade slid into his neck and cut deeply causing blood to flow as he fell. Canderous took no pleasure from killing Tamrok who now lay gasping for life his hand reaching for him, he raised his sword and shoved it straight into Tamrok’s heart killing him and giving him a quick death instead of the slow death he would have had with the neck wound. He turned to face Tamrok’s guards who quickly raised their hands and beat their chests showing they were now loyal to him, the news of who won the challenge was quickly spread to Tamrok’s ship which quickly signalled it loyalty now lay with him as well. His fleet was slowly growing, but he would need more before they could really join the Revanchists in their war.



HK-47 had been watching the argument between the older and younger Onasi for the last several minutes, he had done so to see if the argument might degenerate into a fight but it had not done so. Whilst both father and son were angry with the other, they clearly were not going to let that anger make them attack their own family.

He finally levelled his blaster at the younger Onasi and prepared to fire, he was careful to ensure his blaster was set to stun as he had been ordered by his master. He did not truly understand human family dynamics but he understood at least those in a family unit had more underlying loyalty, and he supposed love whatever that truly was for one another than those outside the unit. Finally he pulled the trigger and the blast struck the younger Onasi full on in the chest, Dustil let out a short grunt before collapsing completely out cold.

Carth had to resist the impulse to pull his blaster then turn and blast the copper droid for shooting his son, he had to remind himself that was all part of the plan to get Dustil off this damn planet alive. He stood back up and turned to face his two companions wondering not for the first time how he had ended up here, before things had made so much sense and the lines between good and evil was clear to him. But now it all seemed that everything he had once known had been turned on its head, nothing was as it was. Still his son was alive, he would never had known that had his path not intersected with Revan’s and he would do all he could to heal the rift between him and his son.

“So how do we get him out of here without us been seen doing it?” he inquired as that was not something that had been explained when they had talked about this.

Yuthura just grinned as she pulled out a spare stealth generator and slipped it on his unconscious son’s arm and activated it, he watched as his son vanished. HK then stepped forward and picked him up and slung him over his shoulder before activating his own stealth generator and vanishing thus ensuring no one would see anything out of place. Yuthura then indicated Carth should follow her, they exited his sons’ room and headed for the exit leading into the valley whilst HK went to store Dustil somewhere close to their ship.


(Leviathan Class Battleship Revenge)

Bastila slowly walked out of the medical bay intending on seeing how Vash and Sunrider were settling in before returning to the medical bay as promised, she could not lie there any longer and she had managed to convince Senna she was strong enough to at least take a small walk. But the Doctor had insisted she return so she could continue to monitor her recovery, considering she had never pushed herself so far before she had decided not to argue the point. She found the two Jedi masters quarters by inquiring at the nearest computer console, entering the room she found Vash meditating whilst Sunrider was staring out of the port window at the huge fleet they were in the middle off. She felt no real affection for the two masters after what they had helped do to her when they attempted to wipe Revan’s mind, but still they were fellow Jedi in as strange a situation as she herself was in.

Vima turned as she sensed Bastila enter and gave her a small smile which was not truly returned, and considering what she had found out had been done to her at the council’s hands she could not blame her. She doubted even though she and Vash had apologised for what had happened, she felt any real connection to them anymore. Still that she had come to see them gave her some hope, that the breach of trust could be healed in time.

“Bastila, how are you feeling?” she inquired as Vash opened her eyes and stood up as she too became aware they had been joined by Bastila.

“Somewhat better than I did when I first woke up” Bastila responded as she clasped her hands behind her back.

“I have to return to medical soon, pushing myself as hard as I did I think would have killed me if not for the force bond I share with Revan” she admitted.

“More than likely you are correct” Vash agreed with a nod of her head. “The body can only take so much stress before it gives out, using the force on such large and separate groups had to have pushed your body to its limits” she speculated. “Without the force bond allowing you to draw on Revan’s considerable strength more than likely you would have died half way through your rescue mission to stop Atris and Vrook’s illegal coup” she told her.

Bastila nodded having come to the same conclusion herself. “I came to see how you are settling in considering it must be strange having turned your backs on the council to join us” she said moving the subject along.

“We have not turned our backs on the council Bastila” Vima interrupted her not missing how she had again referred to herself as been part of the Revanchists. “We are still part of the council, we came to try and ensure that once Malak and his people are dead we can avoid a second war between the Revanchists and the Republic” she stated clearly.

“That will not be a simple task as there is much mistrust, anger and in some cases I assume hatred for what those in power allowed to happen back during the war with the Mandalorians and then what they’ve done since”
Bastila warned them. “The Jedi also have a lot to make up for as far as I can tell, even I am distrusted by many no matter my closeness to Revan or my statement of loyalty to him in the hangar” she added.

“Loyalty is never a sin Bastila but tell me would you be willing to wage war against the Republic you swore to defend if it came down to a second conflict?” Vima inquired nervously knowing much rested on the answer.

“I honestly cannot say just yet what I would do if It came to that” Bastila answered honestly.


(Korriban, Tomb of Ajunta Pall)

Revan ducked the charging Shyracks as they flew overhead cursing at the annoyance of dealing with them, time was of the essence on Korriban. Whilst he was fairly certain how Bandon and Wynn would act now he was here, nothing was ever certain. They could always get impatient of act out of fear of their plans going wrong, or fear of the other getting the upper hand. The sooner they reached the actual tomb where Ajunta Pall rested the better, twisting he sent a blast of force wave even as the sound of approaching tuk'ata reached his ears, letting out another curse he rolled backwards further away from the Shyracks and unleashed a torrent of force lightening at them.

“Niks, Melkor cover our rear there are tuk’ata’s approaching” he ordered as Rikka and T3 continued to combat the Shyracks.

Niks and Melkor quickly spun and dropped to their knees bringing up their blasters after putting their lightsabers away, they opened fire as soon as an entire pack of tuk’ata appeared from behind the far corner of the tomb. Several were killed in quick succession but the rest kept coming, Niks and Melkor quickly switched back to their lightsabers after dropping their blasters and prepared to engage hand to hand with the beasts. Rikka rolled away from a swooping Shyrack as it dived at her, she then spun and lashed out with her lightsaber cutting it in half as it passed.

T3 continued to use its blasters to try and ensure the other Shyracks did not try and swarm any of them, Revan unleashed another stream of force lightning killing another of the flying beasts before he moved to engage another with a lightsaber. Even as they fought they heard more footsteps and soon Carth and HK entered the tomb and quickly drew their own blasters when they realised what was happening, several precise shots quickly took care of the Shyracks allowing Revan and Rikka to move to help deal with the tuk’ata as Niks and Melkor just barely kept the pack from swarming the.

T3 and Carth took careful aim and managed to kill three of the beasts between them even as Revan and Rikka carved through one apiece, Niks managed to gut another but Melkor missed with his thrust and almost had his arm savaged if not for the quick intervention of Niks who just managed to force leap to him and thrust his own lightsaber into the beast’s open mouth as it tried to bite him. Revan and Rikka took care of two more with quick swings of their lightsabers just as Carth nailed the last one with a blaster bolt between the eyes.

“What the hell are they?” Carth inquired as he moved closer to them as the others deactivated their weapons but kept them in their hands in case of another attack.

“Beasts altered by the dark side of the force, experimented on long ago by the ancient Sith Lords” Revan answered glancing back at him. “They are in all the tombs here, perfect guards alongside any traps laid down by the Sith Lord’s followers” he added. “I take it your son is secured?” he inquired as an afterthought.

“Yeah we got him secured ready to pick up when we leave, according to your droid he’ll stay unconscious for at least five to seven hours due to the fact he hit him with the heaviest stun setting he had on his blaster” Carth answered with a nod of his head pushing aside his desire to question the sanity of beings who would warp any animal in such a way.

“Good, if all goes to plan we’ll need to get off this planet as quickly as possible” Revan shot back as he began to lead them further into the tomb.

“Why what is it that you have planned that made it nessacary for you to get in here?” Carth couldn’t help but ask.

“You shouldn’t ask questions you really do not want to hear an answer for Carth” Revan shot back with a slight twisted smile. “Just be sure when it’s time to leave you move as quickly as possible and do not forget your son” he added quickly turning serious.

Carth swallowed lightly feeling very unnerved by Revan’s response, whatever it was the man had planned he doubted he was going to like it when it happened. It would just have to ensure he took Revan’s advice and run fast when it was time, grab Dustil and run like all hell was coming after them.

They moved on deeper into the tomb only stopping when Revan signaled them too as he bent down and began to inspect one of the smooth tiles in the floor, Carth looked around and noted the rocky ground was intersected with smooth tiles all the way to the next door and he suspected this was one of the traps Revan had mentioned. He watched as Revan moved carefully until he was next to the middle tile and then set about disarming the trap that was connected to it, or at least he suspected that was what Revan was doing. This was confirmed when Revan told him that the way was clear, they followed through the door only to hear more sounds of approaching danger.

Carth let out a curse as he realised more of the damn beasts were up ahead and quickly coming for them, he pulled his blasters and prepared to fight.


(Telos, hidden Academy)

Atris had gone days without barely sleeping and eating bar a few energy bars and ensured to drink as she absorbed the information in the holocrons she now had access too, granted she had only gone through the complete information of three of the devices so far. The information on each holocron was almost limitless, to her distaste she had also found on the last of the holocrons she had viewed a copy of Vima’s account of the supposed redemption of Ulic-Qel-Droma this time told from the viewpoint of a Sith acolyte. She cursed Vima a thousand times, her foolish belief she had helped redeem a monster like Qel-Droma showed her shorty sightedness. It also showed why she believed Revan and his cursed followers could be redeemed as well, she was naive to the extreme to believe anything of the sort.

Perhaps Vima had been tainted from the start by whatever it was she learned from Qel-Droma as a child, what was clear was she should never have risen to the position of a Jedi Council member. She was poison to the very nature of the Jedi, and they had foolish given her power to spread that poison. Even she had been blind to the truth believing Vima coming from such a noble and dedicated Jedi, as Nomi Sunrider could not possibly be tainted by the dark side. The viewpoint of the Sith acolyte seemed to find the story of Qel-Droma’s redemption nothing but lies from a Jedi desperate to make a name for herself beyond the one her famous mother had given her and that was something Atris could agree on.

Picking up the next holocron she prepared to open it wondering what long buried secrets it held, and more to the point how those secrets could increase her powers and help her begin to prepare to save the Jedi and the Republic from themselves and finally destroy Revan and all his cursed followers. Yes, soon she would become the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy and all would have to listen and obey her even the Jedi Council and the Supreme Chancellor. Vima and all who believed and followed her would also perish in her quest to save the Republic and Jedi, yes better they be removed for the good of all.


(Korriban, Tomb of Ajunta Pall)

Revan disabled the trap as fast as possible which kept them from opening the door to the final resting place of Ajunta Pall, behind him the others fought off a dozen more tuk’ata’s as they tried to kill them. The trap was not a simple one and whoever had set it had been quite ingenious, it had not been here when he last visited the tomb and thus had to be placed once Malak had removed the sword from it without permission. Finally, he found the trigger and disabled the trap so it would not blow them up once they opened the door to the actual tomb where Pall rested. He spun activating his lightsaber and charged into the melee cutting down two of the tuk’ata’s as he went, this allowed Niks and Melkor to push forward and kill three more between them. Carth and HK blasted another two whilst T3 deployed its flamer and torched several more in a row, but even as they thinned the number down another pack of seven charged round the corner towards them.

Rikka cut down the last of the tuk’ata’s she had been facing and rushed forward and unleashed a heavy force wind, this sent four of the creatures flying backwards giving them more time as T3 rolled forward and again activated its flamer and torched another two as Rikka engaged the last and quickly decapitated it. Revan moved pasted her with HK close behind and they quickly waded into the last four, two were cut down with precise blaster shots to their brains whilst Revan cut down one with a deep swipe across its side cutting into its soft underbelly before spinning to avoid the others jumping attack and bringing his lightsaber down to remove its head. This happened at the same time Carth and Niks killed the last two of the original batch that had attacked them, for the next few seconds they all listened for any signs of more of the damn things showing up but all they could hear was silence as the fight ended.

“Those things must breed very fast” Carth could not help but comment as he put his blasters away. “They have no way out of these tombs and yet they are so many of them” he mused.

“Oh, there are holes in one or two of the tombs small enough for them to use to exit and enter but for the most part you are correct, whatever experiments were conducted to create them in the first place ensured they could rapidly reproduce” he explained as he led them back to the door to the inner tomb and opened it. “Now from here on out let me do the talking” he ordered.

“Talking? This is a tomb Revan who could you talk to in here?” Carth asked in surprise then frowned when Revan did nothing more but turn and smile before entering the tomb with the others slowly following. Grumbling to himself he finally followed, wondering just what lay within Revan considered so important.

Within the tomb there was a heavy marble coffin with a very well done carving of what Carth assumed to be Ajunta Pall when he was alive, the walls around the room were covered in strange writing he could not read and beside the coffin was a two racks with multiple swords on it. Carth instantly noted one of the spaces in the first rack was empty and he watched as Revan removed the covered sword from his back and careful unravel it and slowly replace it on the rack in the missing slot. Instantly the tomb seemed to become darker and a cold wind blew through it making Carth shiver and grab on of his blasters, he looked around nervously even as in front of them a purple cloud seemed to appear before them until it changed into the shape of human force ghost.



Yuthura calmly walked through the academy wondering where Bandon and the assassins she was sure had now been replaced with Wynn’s lackeys were hiding, Wynn himself was in his usual position in the centre of the training area meditating which Sith rarely did at least not in the same way the Jedi did. But Wynn liked to claim he did it to help enhance his focus on the dark side and allow his hatred to flow through him better, she doubted it was anything but a test to see if anyone especially her would try and kill him whilst he was supposedly in such a vulnerable position. She would bet he had guards carefully placed around him watching to see if anyone made a hostile move, she headed for her quarters knowing a quick rest before things became chaotic would perhaps be a good idea.

Wynn frowned as he felt the force presence of his apprentice pass close by, but she clearly did not have anything to report as her presence quickly faded, he was uncertain where Yuthura’s loyalty truly lay. So far, she had done nothing wrong or acted out of turn but that did not mean she was loyal to him or even to the Sith cause. Should he take a prudent course and kill her now or wait and see how things turned out when the time came to deal with Revan and Bandon, what was the best move? In the end he decided to wait as perhaps Yuthura would ensure Revan moved into his trap whether by accident or on purpose made no difference.

Bandon paced up and down growling under his breath as waiting was not one of his strongest suits, he was so close now to finally having his revenge on Revan for getting two of his friends killed and for standing in his way for so long. Once he had killed Revan and his friends bar Shan who he would corrupt her for his own purposes, he would deal with Malak at long last. Shan corrupted and loyal to him would be the perfect weapon to use against his so-called Master, who was so set and insistent on corrupting and having Bastila serve him he would more than likely be blind to the fact she had already been broken by him until it was too late. He paid little attention to the assassins who sat in the room with him, was blind to the fact they were not the same men and women he had arrived with.


(Trayus Academy, Malachor V)

Darth Sion walked towards where his Master Darth Traya sat calmly tapping her hand against one of the armrests, from another side Darth Nihilus appeared with his ever presence apprentice Visas appeared to join them.

“Master we have news” Sion reported gaining Traya’s attention.

“Speak” Traya commanded firmly wondering why had been disturbed from trying to pierce the void that had appeared in the force of late stopping her and everyone else at the academy from seeing even a small glimpse of the future.

“We have news from the spies we dispatched” Sion told her. “Revan is alive and so still are many of his followers the Revanchists” he added. “They currently war with the false Dark Lord of the Sith Malak his former apprentice” he added.

Traya sat forward as this news was delivered and stared more closely at Sion. “What else have they learned?” she demanded to know.

“The exile Meetra Surrik was sighted on Corusant by one of our people Master. she has returned, and it has been speculated that she is beginning to regain her force abilities after they were cut off during the battle of Malachor V” Sion answered.

“What was she doing on Corusant?” Traya inquired leaning back calmly giving nothing away about how she felt about the information she was been given.

“Apparently Jedi Masters Atris and Vrook attempted a coup of the Jedi council and Revan led a strike team to Corusant to stop her” Sion again answered quickly knowing his master did not like to be kept waiting. “Our spies confirm the coup was put down, Vrook and another member of the council along with their followers were imprisoned but Atris fled off planet after escaping” he informed her. “It has been suggested by our spy that Atris has fallen to the dark side and is now on her way to becoming a Sith” he stated.

“Interesting” Traya responded with a twisted smile as the idea of the ever so proud and arrogant Atris falling to the dark side amused her very much.

She had never gotten on with the woman even when she had been a part of the Jedi, in fact she could honestly say she had despised her. She had always held her position as a council member over her and so many others including Revan, who like her had never liked or respected the vile woman. Meetra Surrik on the other hand had originally trusted and followed the older woman who had first taught her, later once Meetra had become linked with Revan and Malak her stance on Atris had changed. She doubted been exiled and then robbed of her name had done much to ease Surrik’s view on Atris, that Meetra had re-joined Revan was no surprise as she knew how much both cared for and even loved the other.

“Did Revan and his force attempt to cause any damage to the Republic defences whilst they were dealing with this coup?” she finally inquired wondering just where Revan stood on the matter of the Republic.

“No Master, they only fired on the defence fleet to disable them and on the ground cause nothing but injuries to those they fought” Sion answered. “It seems the Revanchists hold to the original mission of saving the Republic from the corruption that has crippled it” he said with a sneer whilst Nihilus just shifted ever so slightly but did not speak or react in any other way as was becoming usual as of late. “But for now, it seems they are focused on wiping out Malak and his forces” he added

“Did our spies report anything else Sion?” Traya inquired.

“Only one other thing Master, Bastila Shan the supposed hero of the Republic arrived with Revan and his force and she was carried out of the temple in Revan’s arms in what our spies report was a protective and caring embrace” Sion answered again sneering whilst Nihilus shifted again before making a noise that seemed to echo through the room.

“My Master suggests we locate where Revan and his people are hiding” Visas spoke up.

“For what purpose?” Traya responded with a frown.

Again, Nihilus made a noise that neither Sion or Traya could understand, although both realised the man that
Nihilus used to be before he was almost destroyed and became a void in the force was fading more and more that he was now incapable of communicating with someone else except through the bond he shared with his apprentice.

“My Master believes Revan and his followers are a threat and must be destroyed before he comes for us” Visas responded finally.

“No one not even Revan or Malak know we still survive here Nihilus” Traya quickly responded with a shake of her head. “No, they believe we died many years ago if they did not, they would have sent envoys to attempt to barter for our aid in their war but neither side has done so” she went on calmly. “The Republic does not even know we ever existed, and we are hidden from the True Sith as well, no attacking now would only expose us to all of them and we are not ready yet for that” she told them. “We stay hidden and we watch, Sion order all our spies to keep a close eye on how events unfold and to especially pay attention to how the Revanchists and the Republic continue to act towards one another” she ordered. “Perhaps an opportunity for an attack late on that gives us a better advantage will show itself, but until then we do not act” she repeated.

Sion bowed and moved to carry out his orders even if he partly disagreed with them but right then he was not ready to try and remove Traya from overall command of their forces and her reasoning for now as sound. They were well hidden from any other faction and until they were ready to act, they should stay hidden he also had to admit she was still too powerful for him to attempt to kill. And he did not yet fully have the aide of Nihilus, who had also vacated the room leaving Traya to her thoughts.

Back in the room Traya also known as the Jedi Kreia considered everything she had been told; Revan was alive after it had been reported Malak had killed him. That was a relief for the most part as he was almost like a son to her, and yet the part of her that had begun to be subsumed by the dark side was angry at the fact another stronger threat had returned and added to the pressure she was under. She was not blind that Sion wanted war as soon as possible, against the Republic and more importantly against the Jedi and Nihilus just wanted lives to feed on to keep himself at least in some form alive. For now, they were willing to obey her orders but the longer she waited to act one way or the other the more they might be willing to turn on her. She had a lot to consider, closing her eyes she did something she had not done in a while and began to meditate.

The Revanchist - Chapter 21 - Razial (2024)


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.