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Kingdom Principles

Of Financial Increase

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Kingdom Principles

Of Financial Increase


Dr. Nasir K. Siddiki

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from TheAmplified Bible. Old Testament copyright © 1965, 1987 by ZondervanCorporation, Grand Rapids, Michigan. New Testament copyright © 1958,1987 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, California. Used bypermission.

Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible: NewInternational Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International BibleSociety. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rightsreserved.

Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from The King James Version.Copyright © 1964, 1965, 1966, 1971 by Royal Publishers, Inc. All rightsreserved.

Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from The New King JamesVersion. Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Kingdom Principles of Financial Increaseby Dr. Nasir K. SiddikiISBN 0-9-666779-0-0

Copyright © 1998 by Wisdom Ministries. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in whole or in part or translated in any other language withoutwritten permission from the publisher is prohibited.Printed in the United States of America.

Cover Design: Greg LaneEditorial Staff. Cynthia Hansen & Jessica Thomas

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I dedicate this book to my three sons, Aaron, Matthew, andJosiah. All three have grown up in a home where Mom andDad have applied God's kingdom principles of increase as adaily way of life. My heartfelt desire is that as my sons grow tomaturity, they would also apply these same principles to theirlives in honor of God and His Word.

Certainly I desire that the principles contained in this bookwould help every person who reads it achieve an abundant,prosperous life. But to my three sons, I say this:

"Aaron, Matthew, and Josiah, there is no one for whom Idesire that more than for you. Be faithful to keep God foremostin your lives. Embrace His kingdom principles, and you willexperience the faithfulness of your Heavenly Father as youpursue your own God-given path in life."

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ContentsAcknowledgements................................................................... iiiForeword...................................................................................ivIntroduction................................................................................ 1Chapter 1 Prosperity-God's Will for You................................................... 4Chapter 2 Your Prosperity Is Up to You...................................................21Chapter 3 Power and Purpose To Get Wealth.......................................... 34Chapter 4 Our Key to Prosperity-Knowledge of God's Word.................. 47Chapter 5 Our Part in Receiving Prosperity-Do the Word....................... 59Chapter 6 The Condition to Prosperity—Seek God's Higher Ways......... 77Chapter 7 God's Law of Sowing and Reaping.......................................... 95Chapter 8 Seedtime and Harvest.............................................................114Chapter 9 Guidelines for Sowing............................................................142Chapter 10 Three Principles of Seedtime and Harvest............................. 174Chapter 11 Watering the Seed With the Tithe..........................................199Chapter 12 How To Reap Your Harvest...................................................221


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AcknowledgementsFirst, I want to thank my wife Anita for her constant, loving

support through the years. Anita's godly example of giving firstinspired me to "live to give." Also, the long hours that Anitaspent poring over the manuscript of this book were invaluablein bringing it to its highest level possible.

I want to thank Pastor Mauro Girgenti, whose wise counselhelped point me in the right direction on my quest to discoverGod's will regarding prosperity.

My thanks to Cynthia Hansen for her diligent workcompiling and editing the material for this book and to JessicaThomas for her final editing.

I also want to thank all the Wisdom Ministries staff andvolunteers who worked many hours on this book project to helpmake it possible! You do not go unappreciated.

Last, but not least a special thank you to Kimberly Hjelt,Melanie Hemry and Gina Jennings for your suggestions andsupport.


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ForewordMoney is a tool, a trial and a test. If you want to expose a

man's true character, give him access to large sums of money.Money reveals the heart of a man and the quality of hischaracter. The great king Solomon said, "Money answers allthings." In essence, money explains everything. The poor wantit. The rich hoard it. It will control these who do not control it,and destroys those who love it. Yet it is necessary for life andrequired for living effectively. The average man works for it,but the wise man makes it work for him. The subject of moneyis almost a taboo, especially for the religious, yet the biblespeaks more of money than prayer and fasting.

Having the correct understanding and appreciation for thisvery illusive component of life is critical and must be based onbiblical principles. In Kingdom Principles of FinancialIncrease, Dr. Nasir Siddiki presents one of the most profound,yet simple approaches to this essential subject. His logical, yetdeeply spiritual presentation of these biblical principles forfinancial management, giving and receiving, provide a balancedview of a much misunderstood topic. I encourage anyone whowants to have a fundamental perspective of the issue offinances to peel the wisdom from these pages and experiencethe fruitful life and prosperity that result from applying thesetime-tested precepts of God.

Dr. Myles MunroePresident: BFM InternationalNassau, Bahamas


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I was first introduced to Dr. Nasir Siddiki's ministry as Ilistened to him speak on a Christian television program.Intrigued by his open, friendly manner and obvious knowledgeof the Word, I wrote his ministry, asking for some of histeaching tapes. I found that Dr. Siddiki's method of teachingconsistently conveys a depth of scriptural knowledge combinedwith humility, integrity, and godly confidence.

Impressed with Dr. Siddiki's unique and vital teaching onfinancial increase, I asked him to teach a concentrated,accredited course on Biblical Economics at the American BibleCollege and Seminary, of which I am the Chancellor. Thecourse was a huge success. It was so well received by thestudents and faculty alike that Dr. Siddiki was asked to write abook to use as curriculum in the course. The result is this bookyou hold in your hand.

In May 1998, we at American Bible College and Seminarywere pleased to honor Dr. Siddiki for his work in the field ofbiblical economics by presenting him with an honorarydoctorate. We look forward to having him back in the future toteach the Biblical Economics course at our college wheneverpossible.

I believe you'll find Dr. Siddiki's presentation of God'sprinciples of financial increase both refreshing and life-changing. Dr. Siddiki has achieved a high standard ofexcellence in both business and ministry. That level ofexcellence plus the fruit of his search for biblical answersregarding this subject have made him amply equipped to teachyou how to live a life of prosperity and success!

W. R. Corvin, Ph.D.Co-founder and ChancellorAmerican Bible College and SeminaryBethany, Oklahoma


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IntroductionGod has chosen this generation as the runners of the last leg

of His great spiritual relay race. The heroes of faith who camebefore us are even now watching from heaven's grandstands,cheering us on (Hebrews 12:1).

Those godly men and women did their part, and now theyhave passed the baton to us. It's up to us to accomplish whatGod has called us to do in these last days and to finish the race.However, that will only be possible if we learn to succeedfinancially.

I believe that's why God is raising up teachers in the bodyof Christ. Years ago the Lord told me, "I am going to use yourministry specifically in the area of finances. As you teach MyWord line upon line and precept upon precept, the anointing inthe Word will go forth to break every yoke of financialbondage. Teach My people, and I will use them as channelsthrough which to funnel millions of dollars into the Gospel."

So in order to fulfill God's divine commission on my life, Itravel thousands of miles every year, visiting churches andteaching the principles of financial increase I've set forth in thisbook. Everywhere my team and I go, God confirms His Word,as incredible financial miracles take place among the churchmembers. For instance, one church experienced a 300-percentincrease in income within the first fourteen days after we held a


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Kingdom Principles Of Financial Increase

Financial Increase Seminar there!

The truth is, financial miracles are beginning to explodethroughout the body of Christ. You may ask, "But why isn't thatkind of financial breakthrough happening in my life?"

That's the question I want to answer for you. God wants toperform financial miracles in your life as well, and He iscapable of doing infinitely more than you can ask, think, ordream (Ephesians 3:20). And not only is He capable, He alsodesires to perform those miracles for you.

Sometimes we limit God by how little we believe Him for,and if we settle for less than His best, then less is all He can do.I'm going to do all I can to convince you not to settle for less.Let's go after God's highest and best in the realm of prosperity!

The first step in discovering God's best is to focus on whatHe says in His Word about financial increase. We know thatthe focused light of a laser beam can cut through steel. In thesame way, the focused light of God's truth can cut through allour old ways of thinking and the yokes of bondage that havekept us in poverty and lack for so long.

You can't just read about God's principles of increase andexpect anything to change in your financial situation. You haveto do what God says in His Word to do.

Suppose you are sick and you go to a doctor. The doctormight say, "I'm going to write you a prescription. Take twotablets every four hours for ten days until the prescription isfinished."

Will you do what the doctor has asked you to do? Ofcourse, you will. And you won't take four tablets every five


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hours either. Because you respect the doctor's expert knowledgeand want to get well, you are diligent to follow the doctor'sexact instructions.

Similarly, if you want your financial situation to change,you need to be just as diligent to learn God's principles forfinancial increase and apply them to your life. As you do, Hisspiritual laws regarding finances will become so deeplyingrained on the inside of you that they will ultimately governthe way you think, what you say, and how you act. And youwill operate in these godly principles of prosperity as a way oflife.

So if you're sick and tired of living in poverty and lack, putyour "expecter" on! Get ready to receive revelation from God'sWord that will change the way you think, speak, and act in therealm of finances. And as "revelation brings revolution," thefocused light of God's truth will break the curse of poverty overyour life for good!


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Chapter 1 Prosperity-God's Will for You

"Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless andfoolish, but understanding and firmly grasping whatthe will of the Lord is."

-Ephesians 5:17

Is it God's will for you and me to prosper while on thisearth? Absolutely yes!

That statement may seem bold, but I'm going to back it upsoundly with God's Word. I want to teach you God's principlesof financial increase so you can understand and firmly graspwhat the will of the Lord is about prosperity.

Firmly Grasp the Will of God

You see, if you want to become financially successful, thefirst step is to firmly grasp that it is God's will for you toprosper. Once you know that truth in your heart and grab holdof it in faith, nothing can shake your confidence that prosperityis yours to claim!

For too long the church has told people, "Well, you know,God is a mysterious God who does things in mysterious ways,


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Prosperity-God's Will for You

so no one can ever really know His will."

I beg to differ with that statement. Why would Paul tell theEphesian church in essence, "You need to make it yourbusiness to discover the will of God" if it were impossible to doit? He wouldn't! Paul was basically saying, "Beloved brothersand sisters, God's will isn't supposed to be a hidden, mysteriousthing."

It is possible to know God's will, because God put His willin His Word. Therefore, we can know God's will. In fact, Paulwrote, "Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, andChrist will give you light" (Ephesians 5:14 NKJV). Theentrance of God's Word brings light and reveals the knowledgeof His will.

Of course, at certain times in our lives we have to seek Godin prayer to find out His will in a particular matter. We mayhave to pray, "Lord, please tell me specifically which job totake," or "Lord, which house should I buy?"

But there are other matters we don't have to pray aboutbecause God already revealed His will on those subjects in HisWord.

For example, we don't have to pray to find out whether ornot we should be saved. We know from God's Word that Jesusdied on the Cross for every man, woman, and child on thisplanet and that salvation is God's will (2 Peter 3:9). Therefore,we don't have to go before the Father and say, "If it be Yourwill, I want to be saved."

If you're born again, you probably don't get up everymorning and quote Romans 10:9 ten times for salvation: "Thatif thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and


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shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him fromthe dead, thou shalt be saved" (KJV). More than likely, thetruth of that Scripture is already so alive in your spirit that if Italked to you for hours trying to convince you that you're notsaved, you still wouldn't believe me!

That's how firmly you must grasp every one of God'sblessings in your life-including prosperity.

Thy Will Be Done on Earth

You can see a particular phrase in the Lord's Prayer in awhole new light once you realize prosperity is God's will forHis people. Jesus taught His disciples the Lord's Prayer beforeHe went to the Cross as a guideline on how to pray.

Jesus starts by saying, "Our Father which art in heaven,Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BEDONE IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" (Matthew6:9,10 KJV).

So many Christians pray this all the time and don't realizewhat they're saying! They pray, "God, we want Your will to bedone. Whatever is going on up there in heaven, we want itdown here on earth."

If you and I want God's will to be fulfilled on earth as it isin heaven, then we must find out what His will is in heaven.Consider something. How many people suffer lack in heaven?How many can't pay their bills in heaven? How many filebankruptcy in heaven?

None. Zero. There are no collection agencies in heaven. Noone is going to foreclose on the mansion Jesus prepared for youbecause you didn't make your payment. There is absolutely no


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Prosperity-God's Will for You

lack in heaven.

Remember, Jesus said, "Thy will be done in earth, AS ITIS IN HEAVEN" (Matthew 6:10 KJV). So if it's not God'swill for people to live in poverty and lack in heaven, it can't beHis will for people to live that way on this earth either.

In fact, I'll go one step further and say this: If you aren'tprospering financially, you are out of the will of God.

The knowledge that it's God's will for you to prosper mustbecome so strong on the inside of you that the moment youbegin to experience lack, you refuse to accept it because youknow it isn't from God. Instead, your first reaction should be toconfess in faith, "God takes pleasure in my prosperity. Hewants me to be successful and prosperous. He has given meabundant life. So according to God's will, I believe I receiveabundant provision for my every need!"

In fact, this kind of attitude pleases God.

God Takes Pleasure in Our Prosperity

Throughout the Bible, God makes it clear that He wants youto prosper. I'll even go so far as to say this: When you're notprospering financially, you're not making God happy. How do Iknow that? The Bible says so!

Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour myrighteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let theLord be magnified, WHICH HATH PLEASURE INTHE PROSPERITY OF HIS SERVANT.

-Psalm 35:27 KJV

Notice that this verse doesn't say "Let the Lord be


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magnified, who takes pleasure in His servants barely making itas they live from paycheck to paycheck"! No, it says God takespleasure in the prosperity-not the poverty-of His servants.

And if God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants,how much more does He take pleasure in the prosperity of Hissons and daughters? You see, under the New Covenant, we areno longer simply God's servants; we are His children, and Hewants us blessed!

God purchased us with the blood of His own Son. Headopted us into His family, and He wants us to live a life ofabundance.

We as parents want to see our children do well and beabundantly blessed. It grieves us when our children struggleand go through hard times. So it shouldn't surprise us to findout that God feels the same way about His children. We'recertainly not better parents than He is!

God is a good Father; He doesn't find any joy in seeing Hischildren live on Barely-Make-It Street. He doesn't derive anypleasure from watching them struggle financially all of theirlives. What makes God happy and gives Him joy, fulfillment,and excitement is to see His children prosper.

In fact, Jesus said:

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts untoyour children, how much more shall your Fatherwhich is in heaven give good things to them that askhim?

-Matthew 7:11 (KJV)

Yet people blame God all the time when they're broke.


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Prosperity-God's Will for You

They say, "Look at what God is doing to me. He is making mego through this trial of poverty and lack to teach me how to behumble."

But you won't find one Scripture to prove that point ofview. In fact, Second Timothy 3:16 says that God uses HisWord, not poverty, to reprove, correct, and train us.

Now if you tell me that you're broke because you haven'ttaken the time to pray or study God's Word, I can accept thatexplanation. But don't ever say that God is the One keeping youin lack, because then you're actually claiming to be a betterparent than He is!

You may ask, "Well, why am I broke if it gives Godpleasure to see me prosper? Why doesn't He just go ahead andplease Himself by taking care of my needs?"

But it's not up to God whether or not you prosper. It's up toyou. God already took care of every one of your needs when Hesent His Son to die on the Cross. Jesus purchased your right toclaim whatever you need in His Word.

So just take a deep breath, relax, and stick with what theBible says-that God actually finds joy in seeing you prosper!

God's Will–Abundant Life

Let's look at a few more Scriptures which establish beyonda shadow of a doubt that it is God's will for you to prosper inevery area of your life. If you have any doubts in the matter,you won't strive for God's best. You'll stay in His permissivewill, not His perfect will, for your life (Romans 12:2).

First, let's read what Jesus says about prosperity.


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Remember, this is our Lord and Savior talking. And whenJesus speaks, we should sit at His feet and hang on every wordthat comes out of His mouth, because He never wastes Hiswords. John 10:10 says: "The thief comes only in order thathe may steal and may kill and may destroy. I came thatthey might have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance tothe full, till it overflows."

Jesus says that He came to give us life. That in itself iswonderful, but Jesus didn't stop there. He said, "I'm notsatisfied with giving you just a little bit of life. I want to giveyou life that is overflowing in abundance!"

If Jesus died for you and me so we could have abundantlife, I'm not going to settle for anything less. I don't wantmediocre life—I want abundant, filled-to-overflowing life!

The God of Too Much

The Bible also says that in Christ we are more thanconquerors (Romans 8:37). It does not say that we're supposedto just get by, barely eking out a living with nothing left over togive to God. That's the opposite of conquering!

Too many Christians today are just getting by. But nowherein His Word does God say He wants His children to live inlack, because poverty doesn't bring people closer to God.

And we don't serve a God of poverty but a God ofabundance. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that we serve a God oftoo much! Malachi 3:10 says He pours out blessings more thanyou can contain. He created the universe, and everything in it isHis. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). Heowns every gold and silver mine on the planet (Psalm 50:12;


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Prosperity-God's Will for You

Haggai 2:8). And He created the vast reservoirs of oil under theground.

Think back to the story in Genesis of the night God toldAbraham to look up at the sky. As Abraham stood gazing at thestars, God said, "I'm going to make you the father of manynations. Go ahead, Abraham, count the stars. That's how manychildren will come forth from your loins" (Genesis 15:5).

Now God could have made His point to Abraham if onlyten thousand stars filled the sky. That alone would have keptAbraham busy counting! But instead, God populated the skywith about one hundred billion galaxies-and each galaxy itselfconsists of millions of stars. Why did God create such anamazingly vast universe? He did it because He's the God of toomuch!

Not only is He the God of too much, He is also our Father.And when you get the revelation that your Father is the God oftoo much, all of a sudden you realize that you're linked to alimitless Source.

The revelation of God's abundance should become as strongon the inside of you as the truth of salvation. It should becomeso deeply ingrained in your heart that if a minister everpreaches a message on "Lack Is Where It's At," you'llimmediately respond, "That guy doesn't know his Bible. I knowthe will of God for my life is abundance!"

Three Ingredients:God, the Word, and You

But now we have a problem to solve. How is it that ourHeavenly Father is the God of too much, yet often we are His


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children of too little? If it is God's will that we live abundantly,why are so many believers out of His will, living in lack? Dowe serve El Shaddai (translated "the All-Sufficient One")? Or,as I heard another minister say, do we serve "El Cheapo"?

If we served El Cheapo, then it would be acceptable to bebroke. But there's no Scripture to support that possibility. TheBible says we serve El Shaddai, the God who is more thanenough.

In fact, the Bible poses this question: If God would give usHis Son—His most precious possession—how can we have theaudacity to think He would hold back a mortgage payment,college tuition, or any other good thing from us (Romans8:32)?

People who think God is stingy don't know their God—thatHis very nature is to give.

So if believers find themselves continually in lack, there isdefinitely a problem. One time in prayer I asked the Lord, "IfYou're really the God of abundance, why are so many of Yourchildren struggling? What needs to change in order forChristians to experience the abundant life Jesus talks about inJohn 10:10?"

The Lord spoke to my spirit and said, "Nasir, there are threeingredients that determine your prosperity.

"Number one is Me, the Father, and I'm here to tell you thatI don't change [Malachi 3:6]. I don't bless a few and leaveeveryone else to suffer lack. I'm the God of love, and My loveis for everyone. My mercies are renewed every morning forevery person on this earth [Lamentations 3:22,23]. I'm norespecter of persons [Acts 10:34]. I don't have favorites."


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Prosperity-God's Will for You

"Okay, Lord, I've got it," I said. "You don't change."

"Number two is My Word," the Lord continued. "Now, letMe tell you a little bit about the Word. It doesn't work for oneperson and not for another. In fact, heaven and earth will passaway, but My Word won't pass away [Matthew 24:35]. MyWord is constant; it never changes."

I thought, Well, this is good. The Lord said there were threeingredients, and the first two are unchanging. If I can just takecare of the third ingredient, I'll know the key to prosperity!

So I asked, "Lord, what's number three?"

"Number three is you."

"Me?" I asked in surprise.

"That's right, you."

I didn't want to hear that. None of us want to hear that weare the problem with our finances. We want God to open Hisheavenly bank account and write us a check!

But if you ever go to your mailbox and find a check signed"God," don't cash it-you'll go to jail. There's not a bank inheaven that issues checks.

Incidentally, all the money you need is on this earth, not inheaven. In fact, all that the body of Christ needs to evangelizethe entire world resides right here on this planet.

So I asked the Lord, "Are You telling me that if it were onlyup to You, we would already possess all the good things Youfreely supplied out of Your great love for us? Do we suffer lackbecause of something we're not doing?"

"Now you've got it!" the Lord responded.


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I thought about it for a moment and then realized I had tohumble myself. I said, "Lord, I see it. The problem isn't withYou or with Your Word. The problem is with me. But I'mwilling to change! If You will teach me through the Scriptureswhat I should do, I will change what I think, say, and do to lineup with Your Word."

You see, we all need to humble ourselves before God. TheBible says that the Lord sets Himself against the proud butgives grace, or unmerited favor, to the humble (1 Peter 5:5).

Do you want God's grace and favor operating in your life toprosper you? If you do, you must be willing to change any areaof your life that doesn't line up with His Word.

The three ingredients for success-God, the Word, and you-are key to your prosperity. God has provided whatever youneed in the Word; however, the Bible that just sits on thebookshelf can't help you. You have to open your Bible andstudy it. Then you have to apply the principles you find there toyour life. You have to be willing to change whatever you aredoing that is keeping you in lack.

So get this fact settled once and for all: If you're broke, it isnot God's fault.

Hunger for God's Word

Another thing I've found out about the secret to prosperityis that life will give you exactly what you settle for.

The answer to every problem and struggle in your life-whether sickness, depression, poverty, worry, or oppression-isfound in the Word of God. But if you don't hunger and thirst forthe Word to find out what it says about your problems, then


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Prosperity-God's Will for You

you'll never find your answer.

The Christian who never hungers or thirsts for the Wordstruggles along, barely making ends meet all of his life. Thenone day he stands before Jesus and says, "Lord, You're mySavior, and I'm so glad to reach heaven. But there's one thing Idon't understand. When I was on earth, why was I alwaysstruggling because of money?"

The Lord will reply, "The answer is simple. You didn'tmake it a priority to study My Word. You could have foundeverything you needed to prosper in My Book."

Now that's sad! But fortunately, it doesn't have to be thecase. In fact, I've noticed a spiritual "acceleration" occurringtoday in the body of Christ. Those who are hungry for the Wordare growing spiritually at a more rapid rate than in previoustimes.

And in the meantime, God keeps telling us to move up evenhigher in our hunger for the Word. We can't just keep playingchurch. If we're not willing to get in the Word every day and dowhat God says, we might as well throw away our Bibles and dosomething else on Sunday mornings!

The Power in God's Word

Why is it absolutely vital to hunger after God's Word? TheBible says that God watches over His Word to perform it(Jeremiah 1:12). Psalm 119:89 says that His Word is foreversettled in heaven, and Psalm 138:2 tells us that God hasmagnified His Word above His Name.

Get a revelation of the power of God's Word: God exaltsHis Word even higher than His own Name!


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Kingdom Principles Of Financial Increase

Now the Name of Jesus is powerful. We're told to pray, castout demons, and lay hands on the sick, all in the Name of Jesus.Why? Because all the power and authority of Almighty Godstand behind that Name.

Yet God says His Word is magnified even above His Name.As all-powerful as His Name is, His Word is lifted above it inpower. So when God declares that it is His will for you and meto prosper and live an abundant life, we know that promisecarries weight!

As we hunger for God's Word, we begin to understand thatthe mighty power at work in the Word can work in our lives.And that's the beginning of biblical prosperity.

Good News to the Poor

We need to catch the spirit of prosperity if we're going toexperience financial increase in our lives. What do I mean by"the spirit of prosperity"? It's actually an attribute of the Spirit-filled life. In other words, one aspect of the Holy Spirit'sanointing includes selfless giving.

For example, Jesus explains in Luke 4:18,19 (NIV) that theSpirit of the Lord was upon Him for the primary purpose ofgiving. In those verses Jesus gives us insight into God's willconcerning our prosperity: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me,because he has anointed me to preach good news to thepoor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisonersand recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed,to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

The Holy Ghost anointed Jesus to give the Good News. Infact, Jesus' entire life consisted of selfless giving.


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Prosperity-God's Will for You

What good news did Jesus give to prisoners? He proclaims,"You're no longer a prisoner! You can be set free." What goodnews did He preach to the blind? "You can see again."

And what good news did Jesus give to the poor? "You don'thave to stay poor anymore. You can live in abundance!"

Incidentally, that's the only good news the poor want tohear. If you come to them with any other good news, they'll say,"That's all fine, but I'm still broke!" Good news to the poor isnot "You won't be able to pay your mortgage this month," or"God wants you to stay poor to keep you humble."

But Jesus' message is one of giving. And the same Spirit ofGod in Jesus lives inside you to give as well. Learning to giveis essential to catching the spirit of prosperity. The truth is, itought to be more natural for you to give than to hold back,because the Spirit who lives in you is a giving Spirit.

It's also interesting to note Jesus' first reason for theanointing of God's Spirit: to preach financial increase. I don'tbelieve it's by chance that He put at the top of His list the newsthat we don't have to be poor anymore.

Why did Jesus give first priority to preaching good news tothe poor? For one thing, a person can accomplish a great dealmore for the kingdom of God with money than without it. TheGospel is free, but it takes millions of dollars to reach everyman, woman, and child with the good news of its life-changingmessage.

God wants to use His people mightily. He wants to channellarge sums of money through them in order to spread theGospel to the ends of the earth. That's why Jesus preachedprosperity to His people!


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Was Jesus Poor?

Some people argue, "But Jesus was poor when He walkedthis earth. He was even born in a manger!"

No, Joseph and Mary only stayed in the Bethlehem stablebecause all the rooms at the inn were taken—not because theydidn't have money. People don't go to a hotel and ask for aroom if they don't have the money to pay for it!

Also, remember that the wise men traveled to Bethlehemand gave the infant Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Later,when Jesus' family escaped to Egypt, they were able to live onthe value of those gifts!

"But Jesus didn't even have a place to live," some mightsuggest. Yet that's not what John 1:38 says. When John theBaptist's disciples asked Jesus, "Where do you live?" Jesusanswered, "Come and see" (v. 39). Then the disciples spent theday with Jesus where He dwelt.

Someone else might counter, "Jesus was so broke, he had toride into Jerusalem on a donkey." Are you kidding me?Donkeys were the Cadillacs of Jesus' day. If you had a donkey,you were considered rich!

In actuality, God abundantly supplied Jesus' needs while Hewalked on this earth. Every time Jesus needed something, Hegot it. When He needed extra food to feed a multitude, Godmultiplied a few loaves and fishes (Matthew 14:15-21). WhenHe needed an upper room, the disciples easily secured one forHim (Mark 14:13-16). Jesus even had partners who traveledwith Him to take care of His and the disciples' material needs(Mark 15:41).


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Prosperity-God's Will for You

The Bible also indicates that Jesus' ministry maintained atreasury. We know this from a detail included in John 13:29,which says that when Judas Iscariot abruptly walked out at theLast Supper, the other disciples assumed he was going out todisperse treasury money to the poor, as he had done many timesin the past.

Nothing can convince me that Jesus was broke, because Henever settled for anything less than God's best during His timeon this earth. He even said, "I have come to preach good newsto you who are poor—you don't have to settle for poverty anylonger!"

Don't Settle for Less Than God's Best

The good news of prosperity continually motivates me tomove up higher into the life of abundance God has for me.Many times when I pray, the Lord tells me, "You're thinkingtoo small."

In fact, one time He said, "In all the years you have servedMe, I have never been able to give you all I planned for you inany given year. You've limited Me by your level of faith. I am aGod of miracles, but if you don't believe Me for them, how canI give them to you?"

When I heard that, I immediately got on my knees and said,"I repent, Lord. I won't settle any longer for less than Yourbest!"

So stay with the Word until the truth about prosperityexplodes on the inside of you. Grasp firmly the will of God andnever let it go! Know that Jesus' anointing is to bringabundance into your life, and refuse to settle another day for


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anything less than God's best for you.

The abundant life Jesus promised isn't for just a select few;it is for every believer. It is for you.


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Chapter 2 Your Prosperity Is Up to You

"For all the promises of God in him [Jesus] are yea,and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us."

—2 Corinthians 1:20 (KJV)

Even though your Heavenly Father is the God of too much,He isn't the One who controls how blessed you are in this life—you do. God has already done everything He is ever going to doto provide your abundance. He has given you His Word, andHis promises are yea and amen.

Two Sides of God's Promises

But for every promise, there is a man-ward side and a God-ward side to fulfill. If the man-ward side isn't accomplished, thepromise will not come to pass.

For instance, Jesus died for all mankind, but not allmankind is saved. To be saved, a person believes in his heartthat Jesus rose from the dead and releases his faith with hismouth by confessing Jesus as His Lord and Savior (Romans10:9).

So if a man cries out, "God, save me!" God the Father asks,


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"Jesus, what is he talking about?" Jesus replies, "I don't know. Ialready redeemed him from his sins. I don't have to go back toearth to die on the Cross again, because the price has beenpaid."

Another man cries out to God, "Help, I need money! Mybusiness is folding! I can't pay my rent!" The Father looks overand asks, "Jesus, what do You make of this?" Jesus answers, "Idon't know, Father. I already paid the price for his prosperity. Ialready redeemed him from the curse of poverty with Myblood."

You see, the issue is no longer what God can do for us. Hehas already provided for every need. Just as surely as Jesus diedon the Cross so our sins could be forgiven, He also died on theCross so you and I could be redeemed from the curse ofpoverty. Now the issue is what you and I must do to be morethan conquerors.

To Him That Overcometh

Jesus said that experiencing victory in life is our ownresponsibility: "To him that overcometh will I grant to sitwith me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am setdown with my Father in his throne" (Revelation 3:21 KJV).

Notice that Jesus never said He would do your overcomingfor you; the responsibility lies with you. If you're living adefeated life, in essence it's your own fault.

You may be waiting right now for God to change yoursituation. But He is saying, "Everything you need to be anovercomer is in My Word! Because I already did My part, nowit's your job to do the overcoming."


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Your Prosperity Is Up to You

God won't ask you to do something you can't do. Forexample, He wouldn't tell you to become a bird, because thereis no way you could do it. God will only tell you to besomething that you can be. So if Jesus said you can be anovercomer, you can!

Not only can you be a conqueror in life, but you can bemore than a conqueror! You can overcome every yoke thatbinds you and every symptom of lack that threatens yourfinancial security. You can overcome every one of the devil'sstrategies to steal, kill, and destroy God's blessings in your life.

But don't fool yourself into thinking you can avoid dealingwith the devil's strategies. Jesus wouldn't talk about "him whoovercomes" unless you had something to overcome. You can'tbe more than a conqueror if you have nothing to conquer.

So Jesus lets you know that you will face some problems inthis life, and He also indicates the changes you may need toundergo in order to overcome those problems.

You see, we do need to change in some situations. Onegood definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over andover again and expecting different results." So you must thinkdifferently, act differently, and speak differently if you wantyour problems to change.

You don't have to be poor anymore. That's history. Younever need to experience poverty again, but it's up to you. Youeither take God at His Word, or you don't.

So if you experience financial problems, don't wait forJesus to do your overcoming for you. Humble yourself beforeGod and say, "Lord, what am I doing wrong? Whatever it is,I'm willing to change. Show me what to do differently." That's


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always your first step to overcoming.

The Prosperous Soul

So our first step is knowing it's up to us to overcomepoverty and lack in our lives. But what is the next step we taketoward accomplishing that? We find an important key insomething the apostle John wrote to believers: "Beloved, Ipray that you may prosper in all things and be in health,just as your soul prospers" (3 John 2 NKJV).

Now John was a man who spent a lot of time with Jesus.For three years he walked with Jesus, lived with Jesus, andtalked with Jesus.

Jesus had many disciples, but He was closer to some than toothers. For example, He sent out seventy disciples, but onlytwelve disciples followed Him everywhere He went; and of thetwelve, three disciples were closer to Him than the others. Outof those three, one disciple was the closest of all-John thebeloved.

So I imagine John knew a little bit about the will of God!And in this verse John is praying according to God's divine willunder the direction of the Holy Spirit.

What then does John mean here? "Beloved, I pray thatyou may prosper in all things...." One of the meanings of theword prosper is a progression or a journey.

God wants us to keep moving forward moment by moment,year by year out of our limitations. In any area of life, if we'renot in a better place today than we were six months ago, thenwe're not prospering in that area.


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Your Prosperity Is Up to You

Notice John doesn't say we are to prosper or progress in twoor three areas only. No, we are to prosper in all areas of ourlives-physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, andfinancially.

You see, prosperity is not just an abundant supply ofmoney, although it does include that. But many in the worldpossess great riches and still don't find happiness. Trueprosperity is success in every area of life, including findinghappiness.

But then John offers the condition: "...prosper... and be inhealth, JUST AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS." That's talkingabout the measure of God's Word that you're actually living—not just the number of Scriptures you know.

If your soul isn't prospering, don't expect your pocketbookto prosper. You see, if you become financially prosperouswithout developing corresponding soulish prosperity, you mayeventually lose your wealth because you may not understandthe spiritual laws and principles that affect the financial realm.

I know that because it happened to me. Years ago I was amillionaire, but the time came when I lost my wealth in just afew months! Why? Because at the time my soul had notprospered proportionately to the finances I had acquired.

Sometimes even the enemy will bring you wealth to causeyou to change your focus from God to mammon, or the love ofmoney. Jesus was talking about that change in focus when Hesaid you can't serve two masters-God and money (Luke 16:13).

God wants to make sure you don't change your focus as youbecome prosperous. Therefore, it's His will that the prosperityin your pocketbook grows in proportion to the prosperity in


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your soul.

Man in Three Parts: Spirit, Soul, and Body

In order to learn how the soul is to prosper in proportion toour finances, it's important to understand the three parts of man:spirit, soul, and body.

Remember, I said there is a man-ward side and a God-wardside to every promise of God. Until we fulfill the man-wardside, we won't see the God-ward part of the promise manifestedin our lives. But if we do our part, God does His.

So what is the man-ward part according to Third John 2?How do you make your soul prosper? To answer thosequestions according to the Word of God, you first mustunderstand the three-part nature of man. First Thessalonians5:23 says, "May your SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY bepreserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at thecoming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah."

This Scripture indicates we are spirit beings who live in aphysical body and have a soul. The body is nothing more thanthe outward clothing we wear during this earthly life. One dayour bodies will decay—unless of course we are caught awayfirst in the rapture and receive our incorruptible bodies.

So your body isn't you; it's something you live in. Your soulisn't you either, although it includes your mind, emotions, andwill. The soul is something you possess, not something youare.

You see, the Bible says that God created man in His ownimage (Genesis 1:26). God is Spirit (John 4:23,24), so if Hecreated us in His image, then we also are spirit beings.


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Your Prosperity Is Up to You

Consequently, your spirit, created in the likeness of God, is thereal you. When you were born again, only your spirit wasrecreated—your mind and body were not changed. The HolySpirit dwells within your spirit, not your soul or body.

That's why Romans 12:1 says that you—your spirit man—must present your body to God. Your spirit, the real you, mustcontrol your body by presenting it to God as a living sacrifice.

Renew Your Mind by the Word

For too long we've allowed our bodies to dominate us,telling us what to do and when to do it. So how do we both takecontrol of our bodies and cause our souls to prosper? We do itby renewing our minds according to Romans 12:2: "Do not beconformed to this world-this age, fashioned after andadapted to its external, superficial customs. But betransformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind—by its new ideals and its new attitude—so that you mayprove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable andperfect will of God, even the thing which is good andacceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]".

To be in the perfect will of God, you must learn todominate your body through the renewing of your mind.Renewing your mind is essential because unless you do, youwon't perceive what God's will is! And how can your soulprosper when you're not walking in the light of God's perfectwill?

God wants us to follow the leading of His Spirit in everydecision we make. That's how our souls will prosper. But wecan only know His will in every situation of life as we change


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the way we think, conforming our thoughts to the Word ofGod.

You see, revelation must cause a revolution. You have nottruly received revelation from God's Word unless it has causeda revolution in the way you think, act, and speak.

No matter how you were raised, the Word of God shouldcompletely determine your thought life—not experience orcirc*mstances. You must think in line with God's Word inorder to cause your soul to prosper.

But your mind doesn't automatically get renewed. Instead,you allow it to be changed by the power in God's Word, byyour own will casting down thoughts and imaginations thatexalt themselves against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians10:3-5).

God doesn't change the way you think; you have to do it.That just doesn't happen by listening to one sermon on Sundaymorning, but by getting into the Word every day for yourself.

You know, Christians eat two or three times a day becausethey want their physical bodies to stay strong and healthy. Yettoo often they starve their spirit man who lives inside theirphysical bodies by trying to get by on one cold snack onSunday morning. But if they tried to feed their bodies like that,their bodies would disown them!

That's why so many believers continue to think the sameway they did before they got saved. They haven't renewed theirminds, and, therefore, they make wrong decisions whichadversely affect their souls' prospering.

People with unrenewed minds may have been saved forty


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years, but spiritually, they may only be about four years old.You see, a person's spiritual age isn't based on how long he'sbeen born again but on how many years he's been feeding hisspirit man with the Word.

Actually, a regular diet of the Word is even more importantthan the natural food you eat. The Holy Spirit is your Teacherand Guide, and He desires to direct you in every move in life.But He has a tough job when there is very little Word in yourheart to bring to your remembrance. His ability to guide youinto prosperity in every area of life depends on your diligenceto renew your mind by feeding on God's Word.

If you limit feeding your spirit to Sunday mornings, youwill never be an overcomer and never go from victory tovictory. You will never experience the abundant life Jesus cameto give you.

Until you get serious and commit yourself to renewing yourmind with the Word, you'll be just like the average Christianwho might say, "I can quote lots of Scriptures, but don't ask meto live them!"

Jesus doesn't really care how many Scriptures you canquote. What matters to Him is how many you actually live.

The only way you can walk in the light of the truth youknow regarding financial increase and your soul's prospering isto change the way you think. And there is only one way you cando that-by renewing your mind with the Word of God.

It bothers me when I see Christians running out to buy how-to books about financial success which aren't scriptural. Ihaven't found one Scripture that says you can renew your mindby reading about the habits of successful people!


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God says there is only one way to renew your mind: delvehungrily into the Word and it will cause your soul to prosper.

The Deciding Vote

With every daily decision, the three parts of our nature,spirit, soul, and body, conduct a voting process on the inside ofus.

Now the simple formula for success is this: Learn to makeevery decision the right one. When we make right decisions-togo to the right school, marry the right person, get the right job,start the right business at the right time-it's easy to succeed. Theproblem is, too often we make wrong decisions, and we don'teven know why.

So in order to be successful in life—to prosper just as oursouls prosper—we have to know how this decision processworks on the inside of us. Here's what happens. In any givensituation, the spirit man says, "I want to do this in line with theWord."

But the flesh says, "No, I want to do it my way!"

Then there is the soul or mind. Whichever way the mindvotes determines the outcome of the decision, because the thirdvote creates a majority.

If your mind decides, "I want to go with how my bodyfeels," then you will make your decisions based on what yourflesh and mind have decided and you won't walk in the realm ofthe Spirit. That's precisely what has happened with every baddecision you've made since you became born again.

If you don't renew your mind, it will always side in with the


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flesh and you'll go from failure to failure, never experiencingthe victory God has for you. But as you allow the Word tochange your way of thinking, more and more your mind willbegin to cast a vote with your spirit in the decisions of life. Andthe Holy Spirit dwelling in your spirit will direct you accordingto God's perfect will.

You see, your financial success is not determined by yourcirc*mstances but by your response to circ*mstances. In asense, it doesn't matter what is going on around you—you canstill succeed. It makes no difference whether or not yourpocketbook or bank account is empty; you can still becomeprosperous.

What I mean is simply this. If you respond to decisionsaccording to the flesh, you will remain in the natural realm,where circ*mstances can defeat you. But if you will renew yourmind with God's Word in order to respond according to theways of the Spirit, you will always triumph over thecirc*mstances of life as an overcomer.

Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. Sayyou're in a restaurant and you've had a wonderful meal. You'recompletely full and can't eat another bite. But when the waitresscomes with the dessert menu, she says, "Today we have fresh,moist, succulent, mouth-watering cheesecake."

You look at the picture of the cheesecake and start to drool.You love cheesecake! Your flesh says, "I want it! I want it!Give me that cheesecake. I must have it!"

But your spirit man says, "You don't need that cheesecake.You're supposed to present your body as a living sacrifice, sotime out! You've eaten enough."


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Your flesh protests, "But I love cheesecake. I wantcheesecake. I have to get some cheesecake!"

That's when the mind determines the deciding vote—cheesecake or no cheesecake. An unrenewed mind mightsuddenly think, Hey, I know! I'll just order a diet co*ke insteadof a regular one, and then I'll have the cheesecake!

That may seem like a trivial example, but the truth is, youand I stand at the crossroads of a decision every day of ourlives. How we respond each day to the big and little decisionswe face determines both our soulish and financial prosperity—and ultimately our success in every realm of life.

Making Right Decisions With Your Finances

We've just seen that the level of our financial prosperity isin direct proportion to our level of diligence in renewing ourminds with God's Word. Now let's look specifically atexamples of how our minds determine our response in financialsituations.

When it's time for the offering at church, your flesh maysay, "Hey, I don't have enough for myself and the bills thismonth. I can't afford to give!" But the spirit man responds, "I'mshort on finances because I haven't planted enough seed. I'dbetter give in this offering!"

The mind wonders, "Well, which should I side with?" Ifyour mind is not renewed with the Word of God, it willprobably side with the flesh and the money will stay in yourwallet.

But when you line up your mind with the Word, you'llfollow your spirit and make the right decisions in your giving


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and in your business dealings.

When making business decisions, your spirit says, "I wantto choose integrity," while your flesh argues, "But I want to dowhatever is necessary to make the highest profit." Then yourrenewed mind makes the deciding vote: "I will do what is justand fair for the other guy, because the Word teaches that I willalways reap what I sow."

Imagine if all businessmen did what was right, just, andfair! They would put lawyers out of business, because therewould be no need to sue anyone.

When you get a revelation that your financial success totallypivots on the renewal of your mind, you'll study the Worddaily! It's the most important step you will take on the road toprosperity. It's the man-ward side to fulfilling God's promises inyour life.

So feed on the Word, renew your mind, and change yourthinking. Refuse to let anything keep you from the Word ofGod, because only the Word will change your life and help youwalk in God's victory for you. God has given you everythingyou need to prosper—now your prosperity is up to you!


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Chapter 3 Power and Purpose To Get Wealth

"But you shall (earnestly) remember the Lord yourGod; for it is He WHO GIVES YOU POWER TOGET WEALTH, that He may establish His covenantwhich He swore to your fathers, as at this day."

-Deuteronomy 8:18

We've already seen from God's Word that He takes pleasurein seeing us prosper in life. But as we've just discovered,prosperity is up to us. In other words, God isn't the One whogives us wealth! God didn't say in that verse, "It is I who givesyou wealth." He said, "I give you power to get wealth."

God is in the Power-Giving Business

A lot of people mistakenly seek God for wealth. They begHim, "Lord, give me money! give me money!" never realizingthat God isn't in the money-giving business. He has no bank inheaven, and He's not waiting to throw a moneybag down fromthe sky. No, God is in the power-giving business.

The Hebrew word for power in Deuteronomy can betranslated as forces, abilities, and fruits. In other words, God


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Power and Purpose To Get Wealth

has given us laws and principles that have the force or abilitybehind them to produce the fruit of wealth. It's up to us tosimply find out what those principles are and then to walk inthem.

After all, since God is in the power-giving business, itstands to reason that you and I should be in the power-seekingbusiness, seeking God for the power to increase financially bystudying the principles of prosperity found in His Word.

You see, God wouldn't say, "I take pleasure in yourprosperity, but I won't show you how to prosper." For onething, that would make Him unhappy! No, God says, "I delightin seeing you prosper, and I'll show you by My Word how to doit."

Notice that one of God's instructions to us is that weearnestly remember Him as the One giving us the power to getwealth. Why does He tell us that? I think it's that when peopleexperience a little success and things are going well in theirlives, they tend to forget God. Many actually begin to thinktheir financial increase came as a result of their job, theirbusiness, or their own skills instead of by the grace and abilityof God.

So when you experience increase, always remember thatyou didn't do it by yourself; God empowers you to prosper.

The Purpose Behind the Power To Get Wealth

God instructed me once, "Don't ever teach on My principlesof financial increase without teaching on My purpose forfinancial increase."

If we forget God's purpose for giving us power to get


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wealth, we'll have a real problem applying His principles ofprosperity to our lives. That same verse in Deuteronomy tells usthe nature of His divine purpose: "It is He Who gives youpower to get wealth, THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH HISCOVENANT which He swore to your fathers"(Deuteronomy 8:18).

This verse tells us two things: Number one, if we get wealthbut don't establish His covenant, we are out of His will. Andnumber two, if we don't seek to learn His principles of gettingwealth for the purpose of establishing His covenant—if we arejust content to stay broke—we are again out of His will.

God gives us the ability to produce wealth for one mainpurpose: to reach out all over the world with the Gospel.

Israel failed to understand that purpose. They were God'schosen people. After possessing the Promised Land, they hadwealth in abundance because the land God gave the Israeliteswas rich and fertile, flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8).Remember, it took two men to carry one enormous bunch ofCanaan's grapes on a staff (Numbers 13:23)!

As the Israelites charged forth to possess the land, thepower of Almighty God helped them. They didn't even have toknock down the walls of Jericho to fight the inhabitants—thewalls collapsed by the power of God as the people followed Hisinstructions (Joshua 6:20).

So the Israelites possessed the Promised Land God gavethem, with the understanding that they were to be an exampleof His covenant to all of their neighboring nations. But theIsraelites didn't fulfill what they were called to do. Instead ofliving in righteousness as God's covenant people, they began to


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worship their neighbors' idols.

Because the Israelites failed to establish God's covenant onthe earth as He had commanded them to do, that failureeventually caused them to go into captivity in Babylon.

Now we don't want to make the same mistake the Israelitesdid, neglecting what God has commanded us to do. And whathas He commanded us? Jesus commissioned us to preach theGospel throughout the world (Mark 16:15). You see, He didn'tdie for just one nation or for a chosen few; He died so people ofevery nation could be saved.

Jesus died because people—not money—are the riches ofheaven. Gold, silver, and jewels carry no value there. Thosesubstances, which are so precious on this earth, bedeck merebuilding blocks and pavement in heaven!

We need to value what God values—people. But manyChristians don't share God's heart for people. They may say, "Idon't need a lot of money, Lord. I'm happy with a little bit. Ijust want enough for me, my wife, my two kids, and my dog."

That's selfish! Christians with that kind of attitude are outof God's will. They don't realize that you can't take a car, ahouse, or even a piece of jewelry to heaven with you. The onlythings you take to heaven are the souls you helped bring intoGod's kingdom by sharing or funding the Gospel.

Others say, "But if I make millions, I'm afraid I'll bedistracted and stop serving God." That's why it's important tofix your heart on serving Him before you ever begin to seekwealth. Change your purpose. Line it up to fit God's purpose.

God has His heart set on one purpose: getting as many


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children as possible to heaven. He gave His best for that verypurpose. Now He's looking for those in His family throughwhom He can flood millions of dollars to bring multitudes intoHis kingdom. He wants every man, woman, and child saved.

Six billion people live on this planet, and about five billionof those people still need to hear about Jesus. That's notacceptable to God, nor should it be to us.

The Precious Fruit of the Earth

The time is short. There is a work that needs to be donequickly before Jesus returns, and we're not waiting on Him todo something; He's waiting on us. James 5:7 says God waits forthe precious fruit of the earth, which comes as every person onthis planet has the chance to hear about Him and accept Him asSavior.

I believe something is going to happen very quickly in theselast days, that the body of Christ is going to reap a harvest ofsouls of a magnitude more than we can dream, think, orimagine.

Jesus said that the harvest is ripe (Matthew 9:37), that's notthe issue. So what is the issue that's stopping the church frombringing in the harvest? Usually, it's a lack of money.

The Lord once said to me, "The last stronghold of theenemy in the body of Christ is in the area of finances. Manypeople have given Me their hearts, their heads, and their bodies,but they won't give Me their wallets."

But that stronghold has to be broken! In order for God toprosper us so we can fund the Gospel, we must give Him ourwallets as well, because only then can He multiply a return to


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Power and Purpose To Get Wealth

us. Jesus is coming soon, and there is a harvest of souls to reap.We don't have a lot of time, and therefore, we have to break outof our carnal limitations—those invisible walls that hold usback from fulfilling our role in God's end-time harvest.

This great harvest is going to require a lot of money,because it takes money to send the Gospel around the world. Ittakes money to build churches and print Bibles.

That's why God is thrusting millions of dollars into thehands of believers. In fact, supernatural miracles in thefinancial realm are on the increase. For instance, I heard about aminister who received three-and-a-half million dollars in oneoffering-and only five hundred people were in the service!

Now is also the time for God's transfer of wealth to come topass according to Proverbs 13:22: "The wealth of the sinneris laid up for the just" (KJV). And I believe such a transferhas already begun.

So don't tell me God can't get you the necessary funds. Justline up your purpose with God's purpose, and believe Him forwhat you need. His covenant guarantees that He'll find a way toget wealth to you. And because you have His heart and motiveson the inside of you, you can go to the Father and ask Him foranything you need.

As you begin to prosper financially, never forget yourmandate to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. If Godcan get money through you to fund the end-time harvest, Hewill get it to you.

So be a river, not a dam. Stretch beyond your own personalneeds, and make it your highest priority to establish and shareGod's covenant with the people of this earth.


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God Will Keep His Part Of the Covenant

There is another meaning to the promise that God will giveus the power to get wealth. God is also saying to us, "I will giveyou the principles and abilities you need to produce wealthbecause that's My side of the bargain. If you choose not toapply those principles or use those abilities, you won't prosper.Nevertheless, I will fulfill My part of the deal by making themavailable through My covenant."

The covenant God is talking about is the one He made withAbraham. That covenant included three things: Number one,God told Abraham, "I will make you the father of manynations" (Genesis 17:4). We know that promise came to passwith the birth of Abraham's promised son Isaac.

Number two, God said, "I will greatly bless you" (Genesis12:2). Genesis 13:2 says that Abraham was not just rich butvery rich.

Number three, God told Abraham, "Not only will I blessyou, Abraham, but I will make you a blessing to others"(Genesis 12:2). And God did make Abraham a blessing toothers, even to his own nephew Lot.

God cut covenant with Abraham, not with Lot, yet Godmade Abraham so rich and such a blessing that Lot alsoprospered because of it. In fact, the two of them couldn't evenlive in the same area together because they had so manypossessions, livestock, and servants (Genesis 13:5-12)!

God fulfilled His part of the covenant once Abraham didwhat he was supposed to do: believe. And God will do thesame for us as we fulfill our part of the covenant. We are to


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Power and Purpose To Get Wealth

believe God as heirs of the promise God gave to Abraham, whois the father of our faith according to Romans 4:16. Godpromises to extend the Abrahamic blessing of abundance to usas we follow His principles of increase by faith.

Preparing Your Heart for Prosperity

Let me make it clear that God doesn't mind if you own anabundance of material things; He just doesn't want those thingsto own you. He's looking to the day when you have maturedspiritually to the point that you rely completely on Him, not onmaterial gain, because then He can flood finances through youto get His Gospel out to the world. And that time of spiritualmaturation prepares your heart to receive prosperity.

One day the Lord said to me, "Nasir, when man looks atman, the first thing he sees is flesh. Then as he gets to know theperson, he learns about the person's heart. But I am Spirit. Thefirst thing I see when I look at man is the heart."

You see, preparation for prosperity begins in the heart. It'slike the farmer; he doesn't throw his seed carelessly on just anykind of ground and then expect it to grow. No, he carefullyprepares the ground, making it as fertile as possible to receivethe seed so he can ensure a good harvest.

Similarly, the Bible says your heart is the soil into whichthe Word of God is sown (Mark 4:14-20). In order for thatsupernatural seed to take root and grow into abundance, youmust prepare your heart, keeping it pure before God.

Too many believers aren't seeing the hundred, sixty, or eventhirtyfold return on their giving that the Word tells us we canexpect. Why is that? Often it's due to the poor condition of their


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On the other hand, you may look at some prominentministers of our day and wonder, Why are their ministriesexploding? Why are they experiencing such a huge inflow offinances to help them fulfill their call? I'd be satisfied toreceive any kind of return on my giving!

But then God says, "Wait a minute-how many years didthose ministers prepare their hearts? How long did it take themto learn how to walk in integrity and purity before they couldpossess material wealth without that wealth possessing them?"

It may have taken twenty, thirty, or forty years before thoseseasoned ministers saw their ministries financially explode.However, that doesn't mean you have to wait that long beforeyou're prepared for prosperity. By diligently hungering afterGod's Word, you can tap into the acceleration I believe istaking place in the Spirit in these last days.

The heart preparation that took years in the past will takemonths now. What took months will take weeks, and what tookweeks will take days or hours. But determine daily to keep yourheart pure before God and line up your purposes with Hispurposes so He can do His quick work preparing your heart.

What is Your Motive?

Consider your own heart. What is your motive forincreasing in the realm of finances? Is it the motive God has?Remember, God sees the motives of your heart long before Hetakes a look at the rest of you. The nature of those motivesdetermine whether or not the Heavenly Father can prosper youas He desires.


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Power and Purpose To Get Wealth

As a natural father, I deal the same way with my children.For instance, my young son, Matthew, would love to take mycar keys, jump in our van, and take it for a ride. But it woulddefinitely not be wise for me to give Matthew my keys and lethim drive that van! He would hurt himself.

And no one would accuse me or say, "Nasir, you selfishfather, you! You won't even give your son the car keys!" No, Ilove my son, and that's why I won't give him the car keys.

God the Father loves us the same way. He can't give usgreat financial increase if we're not mature enough to handle itproperly.

Someone once put it to me this way, "Don't ever believeGod for $10,000 unless you're prepared to do with that $10,000what God would do."

It isn't your money; you're just a steward. Remember,everything you own belongs to God anyway—in fact, Jesusbought you yourself with His blood! So if you're not willing todo with your increase what God would do, in a sense, you don'thave a right to ask Him for it.

What would God do with that $10,000? He would find away to bring more souls to heaven. That's what His motive andHis heart's desire is. But if your heart's desire doesn't line upwith His, don't hang around waiting for your finances toincrease. If you want His power to produce wealth, be preparedin your heart to obey Him with that wealth.

Let me illustrate. Suppose you worked as the manager in acompany I owned and I gave you money with specificinstructions about what to do with it. What would happen ifyou did what you wanted with the money instead of following


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my instructions? You wouldn't be working for me anymore.

In a similar way, you're working for God in the service ofthe kingdom. Suppose you pray, "Lord, help me. I needfinances!" and the Lord says, "Okay, here's some money." Butif you use the money for something other than what He wouldwant you to do with it, not obeying Him with the money you dohave, God isn't going to trust you with more.

Too often we're only interested in increasing our lifestyle.That's not a very popular statement, but it's the truth. Thebottom line is, we should always ask the Lord, "What do Youwant me to do with this money?"

I encourage you to get God's purpose deep on the inside.Keep your motives pure as you apply God's principles offinancial increase. You have been placed on this earth at thistime for a reason and a purpose, and you play a vital role in thework to be done, the Gospel to be preached, and the people tobe reached.

You may say, "Well, I don't know if God wants to use me inthe end-time harvest." Friend, if you are a member of the bodyof Christ, God wants to use you. I guarantee that when youwere saved, God didn't hold a heavenly board meeting with theSon and the Holy Ghost and ask, "What are we going to dowith this new addition to Our family? We never planned on thatperson coming into the kingdom!"

But God didn't save you just so you could sit on a peweither. His calling on your life is to get involved in some way inthe end-time harvest.

"But I'm not a preacher or a teacher," you might protest.That may be true, but you are still a minister of the Gospel. God


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Power and Purpose To Get Wealth

has given us all the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians5:19). That ministry includes giving into God's kingdom for thesake of the Gospel.

So make God's motive for prosperity your motive as well.Believe God for increase not only to meet your own personalneeds but also to fulfill your role in the end-time harvest ofsouls!

We Are to Be the Salt Of the Earth

Jesus said in Matthew 5:13 that we are to be the salt of theearth. Salt makes people thirsty, and that's what we asChristians are supposed to do: make people thirsty for God.

But that probably isn't going to happen if you live inpoverty and lack all the time! When you tell the world howgreat your Jesus is and yet you have holes in your shoes, theyaren't going to say, "Oh, I want to be broke and poor just likeyou!" No, people in the world will look at you and say, "Thankyou, but no, thank you. I don't want to be like you, so I don'tthink I want to know your God."

You see, the world is hungry for success. Therefore, themore broke you are, the less people are going to listen to yourwitness. They've already figured out how to be broke, so theydon't need your help with that. But start living as more than aconqueror, with your needs abundantly met and plenty left overto help others, and people will want to know your God!

We Christians have the Greater One living on the inside ofus; therefore, we should be the most successful people in theworld in every area of life. And if we're not, then something iswrong!


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But as we receive revelation from the Word of God andbecome doers of the Word, we can tap into God's power toproduce wealth and become prosperous in every realm of life.

As we seek to establish God's covenant on this earth, we'llwitness the turn-around God has planned all along. Instead ofstruggling along on Barely-Make-It Street all of our defeatedlives, we will shine forth as the salt of the earth, God's glorious,victorious church. And that's when the world will start comingto us for the answers it desperately needs!


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Chapter 4 Our Key to Prosperity-Knowledge of

God's Word

"And these are the ones by the wayside where theword is sown. And when they hear, Satan comesimmediately and takes away the word that was sownin their hearts."

—Mark 4:15 NKJV

Long before you battle financial problems, you must winthe battle in the arena of the knowledge of God's Word. Theenemy knows that if he can keep you ignorant of God's Word,he will defeat you in every area of life.

The Enemy is After the Word

The enemy not only wants to keep you ignorant of God'sWord, but he wants you to stay ignorant of his strategies againstyou. You see, if you don't understand what the enemy is after inyour life, you won't guard it.

One day as I was meditating on some Scriptures, the Lordspoke to me about this. He asked, "Do you know what theenemy is really after?"


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"Yes," I replied, "he's after my finances."

"No," the Lord said. "Don't you know that he's the god ofthis world system? He has all the finances he wants; he doesn'tneed yours. Your extra twenty dollars isn't going to make orbreak the devil."

"Well, then, he's after my health or my kids."

"No, he's not even after that."

"Then what is the enemy after, Lord?"

"He's after the Word," the Lord answered. "He knows that ifhe can stop you from renewing your mind with the Word, hedoesn't have to defeat you—you're already defeated! Your fleshwill take care of that."

What the Lord told me makes sense. Let me show you whatthat means. The Bible lists our spiritual armor in Ephesians6:13-17. But have you ever noticed that every piece of armor-the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, belt oftruth, shield of faith, and shoes of peace-is defensive in nature?Only the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, is anoffensive weapon.

That's why the devil tries so hard to keep you away fromchurch, teaching tapes, or books that can help you growspiritually. He also tries to keep you so busy day by day thatyou never have time to study the Word. Satan's first tactic isalways to separate you from your "sword" so you have nothingto attack him with.

The day I first received that revelation, I didn't walk to theWord-I ran! I read books, I listened to tapes, I attended churchevery time the door was open, and I constantly asked my pastor


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I'm telling you, I got hungry for the Word! I knew if I couldget the Word of God in my heart, I could live a victorious life.

So make sure you don't play into the devil's hands byignorance of the Word. Regularly attend a church that teachesthe uncompromised Word of God. Study the Bible daily andplant it deep in your heart, because the Word is your source ofvictory.

Let me give you another example of how important theWord is to your survival. After fasting for forty days in thewilderness, Jesus Himself won a major victory over the devilbecause He recognized the importance of using the Word.(Matthew 4:1-4).

When Jesus became hungry, the enemy tempted Him toturn stones into bread. But Jesus said, "Man shall not live bybread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of themouth of God" (v. 4 KJV).

Jesus understood that we cannot live by bread (or pizza,chicken, or steak!) alone. In other words, feeding upon God'sWord is actually more important than eating necessary food.Only as we make it a daily priority to seek God's Word do weput ourselves in a position to triumph over the devil's devices.

The Enemy's Number-One Weapon: Lack ofKnowledge

The Bible tells us what happens when the enemy succeedsin keeping God's people from knowing the Word: "My peopleare destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6 KJV).


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It's interesting to note that the Bible does not say we aredestroyed for lack of money or lack of faith. No, the primaryweapon the enemy uses against us is lack of knowledge. Heknows that if he can hold us back through ignorance, he candestroy us.

You see, long ago God set into motion laws and principlesthat govern the universe. Whether we know about those laws ornot, they nonetheless govern our lives. Lack of knowledgedoesn't change the operation of God's laws, but it does keep usfrom obeying or benefiting from them.

For instance, suppose I were to climb to the top of a three-story building and prepare to jump off. You'd no doubt yell,"Nasir, don't do it! You'll fall and hurt yourself! There is such athing as the law of gravity, you know."

And what if I yelled back, "I don't believe in that law! I'mgoing to jump anyway!" Guess what? Whether I believe ingravity or not, I'm going down when I jump! I'm going to sufferfor my lack of knowledge about the law of gravity.

So whatever area of life you lack knowledge in is the areain which you will suffer. For example, as long as the enemy canseparate sinners from the knowledge that Jesus paid the pricefor their sins, they'll stay unsaved. Likewise, as long as thedevil can keep you from knowing it's God's will to prosper you,you'll stay poor. You won't be any threat to the devil in that areabecause you can't act on what you don't know.

Remember the woman with the issue of blood? (Mark 5:25-34.) She suffered with extreme sickness for twelve years.Despite her seeing many doctors over the years, she only grewworse.


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Before this woman could win in the arena of healing, shehad to win first over ignorance. Remember, she said, "If I maytouch but his clothes, I shall be whole" (v. 28 KJV).

The woman must have known something about Jesus as theHealer to speak this way. Then she acted on that knowledge infaith. She went to Jesus believing what she had heard aboutHim, and she received her healing!

Knowledge Sets the Captive Free

Isaiah 5:13 says something similar to the Scripture welooked at in Hosea: "Therefore my people are gone intocaptivity, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE"(KJV).

Their own lack of knowledge holds God's people captive.But Jesus said knowledge of God's truth sets people free (John8:32)!

That verse in Isaiah reminds me of a true World War IIaccount I once heard. During the war, Japanese soldiersinvaded a Philippine island where American soldiers werestationed. After a military scuffle, the Japanese won the battleand took control of the island, putting the captured Americansin a prison camp.

This particular island was very remote, and directcommunication with the Japanese army high command rarelytook place. One day a plane flew over the island droppingleaflets. When the Japanese soldiers picked up the leaflets andread them, they learned for the first time that World War II hadended-and they had lost!

As I understand it, the Japanese soldiers brought the news


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to their colonel, who promptly opened all the jail doors and letthe prisoners out. Then the colonel walked over to theAmerican commander and said, "We are now your prisoners.You have won the war."

One minute the American soldiers were prisoners, and thenext they were set free. Essentially, they were free even whilestill held captive, but they were kept captive through lack ofknowledge that the war had ended. But when knowledge hitthat island, they were freed!

Similarly, you've already been freed. And I believe God issaying to you, "It's time for you to break out of your captivity ofpoverty and lack." How do you do it? Through knowing theWord.

The answer to every problem you might go through is in theWord, but you have to break out of the arena of ignorance. Youmust know what the Bible says to receive revelation of God'struth and apply His principles of increase to your life. Then youactually activate His power to set you free from poverty, lack,and any other yoke of the enemy.

The Key to a Life of Blessing And Prosperity isKnowledge

The New Testament says something else about theconsequences of not knowing God's Word:

Their [the Gentiles'] moral understanding is darkenedand their reasoning is beclouded. [They are] alienated(estranged, self-banished) from the life of God-with noshare in it. [This is] because of the ignorance-the wantof knowledge and perception, the willful blindness-


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that is deep-seated in them, due to their hardness ofheart (to the insensitiveness of their moral nature).

—Ephesians 4:18

This verse says that unbelievers are alienated from, or non-participants of, the life God wants for them.

What is the key to God's abundant life? Knowledge. Andwhat causes alienation from an abundant life of blessings andprosperity? Ignorance.

The enemy's strategy is obvious. He knows that onlyknowledge of God's principles found in the Word can bring youinto the prosperity God intends for you to enjoy, so to keep youfrom participating in the life of God, he uses every means hecan to keep you ignorant of the Word.

God Gives Wisdom and Knowledge

The devil may be in the business of keeping you ignorant ofGod's Word, but I have good news for you: God is in thebusiness of delivering you out of ignorance! Indeed, God is theGiver of wisdom and knowledge:

For to the person who pleases Him God givesWISDOM and KNOWLEDGE and joy; but to thesinner He gives the work of gathering and heaping up,that he may give to one who pleases God.

—Ecclesiastes 2:26

According to this verse, if we desire God's wisdom andknowledge, we must first please Him. The only way to pleaseGod is by faith (Hebrews 11:6). We walk by faith, talk by faith-do everything by faith in order to please God.


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To those who please God with their lifestyle of faith, Hegives wisdom. Wisdom simply means God's common sense, thecorrect application of His Word.

You see, wisdom must accompany knowledge in order forthe latter to be effective. Consequently, quoting the Word initself doesn't count for a hill of beans; even the devil can quotethe Word, which is why reading Scriptures in context is soimportant. Only as we correctly apply God's Word by Hiswisdom does the Word transform our lives.

While it's true that God is in the wisdom and knowledge-giving business, too many times we seek God for what we wantrather than for what He gives, which is knowledge of His Wordand the wisdom to apply it. In other words, we ask Him tomake us a success rather than seeking His wisdom in order tosucceed.

You know, businessmen come to me and say, "Nasir, I haveno time to study the Bible or pray the way I should. I'm workingnight and day to get my business off the ground. You don'tknow what it's like to build a business—I have to put in twelveto fifteen hours a day!"

But I do know what it's like to build a business. During atwenty-five year span, I started and owned several businesses,and in that time I learned this: I'm limited in my wisdom andability, but I serve One who is unlimited.

I serve One who knows finances and business better than Ido and who brings me orders, customers, witty ideas, anddivine appointments.

Those businessmen don't understand that, so they fulfill thewrong role. They're busy gathering and heaping up, but


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according to Ecclesiastes 2:26, that's the sinner's job!

In fact, many Christians in business make decisions andthen run to God, asking Him to bless the decisions they'vealready made. But God says, "Are you kidding Me? How can Ibless that? If you had come to Me before you made a decision,your plan would already be blessed; you wouldn't need to prayabout it now."

Christian businessmen should first be seeking God for Hiswisdom and knowledge.

"No, I don't have time to seek God. I'm busy working,"someone might protest. But that's the problem-too muchgathering and heaping up and not enough seeking!

You see, it's never an issue of time; it's an issue ofpriorities.

As I mentioned, God gives the work of gathering andheaping up to the sinner so He can in turn transfer that wealthto those who believe and trust Him. Notice that God doesn'ttransfer the sinner's wealth to every believer, but only to thosewho please Him.

That transfer of wealth can happen in many ways. Maybeyou can only think of a few ways for God to get finances toyou, but God can think of a million! That's why it's integral foryou to seek His wisdom in all your business dealings.

God's Knowledge and Ideas Lead to Prosperity

So let Jesus be your Chief Executive Officer and the Spiritof God your Senior Partner. The Holy Spirit promises to helpyou make decisions, guiding and directing you in line with His


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own ways.

As you spend time in the Word and trust in God's wisdom,He actually helps you build your business. And God not onlygives you knowledge of His Word, He also gives youknowledge in the natural realm, inspiring ideas that lead youinto prosperity.

For example, I know a man named Leroy Anderson whowas a pastor for twenty years when God told him to resign hispastorate.

At first Leroy sat around groping for ideas of what to dowith his time. One day God spoke to his spirit, saying, "I calledyou out of the pulpit, not out of the ministry. Now I'm callingyou to the ministry of giving."

"How am I going to fulfill that ministry?" Leroy asked.

"I'm going to give you an idea," the Lord answered.

It wasn't long before Leroy got an idea straight fromheaven, although to some it seemed silly. God gave him theidea to design a yo-yo with a light bulb inside it.

A yo-yo with lights—that simple idea made that man afortune. Today he is called "The Yo-Yo King." He owns thelargest yo-yo company in North America, and he invests 50percent of his profits into the Gospel.

God didn't just give this man money; He gave himknowledge. God is in the knowledge-giving business.

Today we are seeing the greatest outpouring of knowledgethis world has ever seen. For example, look at the computerindustry. Manufacturers can't make computers fast enough. Bythe time they release the latest computer on the market, it's


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already outdated.

God is the Source of this outpouring of knowledge, and Heendeavors to give knowledge and ideas first to Christians allover this planet. But a great many Christians are sitting onthose good ideas, doing nothing with them. They may goaround telling people about their God-given idea, but whilethey're still talking, someone else goes out and invents it!

You see, just because God gives you an idea doesn't meananything will ever come of it. You'll have to do something withthat idea to bring it to pass.

A man once told me, "Nasir, you know those digitalcameras for sale now—the kind that you plug into the computerin order to take photos? God gave me that idea three yearsbefore the invention showed up on the market."

I asked, "What did you do with the idea?"

"Nothing," he said. "And when I saw digital cameras comeout on the market, I got on my knees and repented before theLord. I said, `God, You gave me that idea and told me how toput it together three years ago, and I didn't move on it. Father,forgive me. I promise You, if You will trust me with anotheridea, I'll move on it."'

So when God gives you an idea, step out in faith and followthrough on it. Don't just leave it on the shelf- check it out, dosome research, and proceed with it.

You may say, "Yes, but I can't do what it's going to take tomake that idea a reality."

You're right, you can't do it - but God can! Success iswithin your grasp in any area of your life when you act on the


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wisdom and knowledge He gives! Remember, Satan's greatestweapon against you is to keep you out of God's Word. But asyou break that barrier and feed on the Word, God promises togive you knowledge and wisdom-your keys to prosperity!


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Chapter 5 Our Part in Receiving Prosperity-Do

the Word

"Only be strong and very courageous, that you mayobserve to do according to all the law which Moses Myservant commanded you; do not turn from it to theright hand or to the left, that you may prosperwherever you go."

—Joshua 1:7 NKJV

Two realms make up this world: the natural and thespiritual. We access the natural realm through the body with itsfive physical senses. But the spiritual realm, which we can'taccess through the senses, is more real than the natural realm.In fact, God, whom you can't see with your natural eyes, createdthe things you do see.

Within the spiritual realm dwells a very real enemy, thedevil, who tries to steal, kill, and destroy everything good inour lives (John 10:10). If we choose to live only in the naturalrealm, we won't even perceive the enemy's strategies against usand we'll be defeated by his every attack.

But I believe God is saying, "If you will cross over the


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bridge from the natural to the spiritual realm, you will defeatthe enemy every single time." What is that bridge? The Wordof God!

Now apply that truth to your future prosperity. Your part incrossing the bridge from chronic lack, the natural realm, tosupernatural prosperity, the spiritual realm, is found in threesimple words: do the Word. What I mean by that is, findScriptures which promise you prosperity, and stand on them infaith!

But realize that the moment you decide to stand on God'sWord for prosperity, the enemy will try to attack your finances.Remember, he wants to uproot the Word you've planted in yourheart.

You see, the devil most fears the Spirit-filled believer whoknows his rights in Christ and who marches forward, acting onthe Word. Even the gates of hell can't stand against the child ofGod who uses the sword of God's Word in faith—in otherwords, a believer who is a doer of the Word.

God's Command to Joshua

God's purpose in exhorting Joshua to "do according to allthe law" (Joshua 1:7 NKJV) was to show him the part heplayed in receiving his prosperity-to do the Word.

At this point in Joshua's life, God had just promoted him asthe leader of Israel, a nation of more than three million people.Joshua's subsequent responsibilities included leading theIsraelites into the Promised Land-a major undertaking, to saythe least.

Now God had already given the Israelites the land, but for


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forty years they had roamed the desert, surviving in the land ofBarely Enough when they could have been living in a landflowing with milk and honey (Numbers 14:8).

God hadn't wanted the Israelites to wander in the wildernessfor so many years, only to die in the desert without everentering the Promised Land. But some of the people broughtthat sad end upon themselves. Instead of mixing faith withGod's promise of entering the land, they believed the ten spies'evil report: "There are giants in the land, and we aregrasshoppers in their sight!" (Numbers 13:32,33).

So in Joshua chapter 1, God endeavors a second time tohelp the Israelites enter and possess the Promised Land. Toequip Joshua for the task of leading the Israelites, God instructshim in universal laws that govern both the natural and thespiritual realms.

First, God says, "No man shall be able to stand beforeyou all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I willbe with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you" (v. 5NKJV).

That's quite a promise to give Joshua! Think of all Mosesachieved in his life because God was with him. Now Godpromises to abide with Joshua in the same way, never leavingnor forsaking him.

Where have we heard that promise before? It's the samepromise God gives us in Hebrews 13:5!

That means the God who was with Moses and Joshua,making them successful, is the same God who lives inside youand me! We have the same right to say, "God will never leaveor forsake me. Because He's with me all the time, no enemy can


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defeat me. Nothing can stop me from possessing my promisedland, which includes financial success!"

Once you grasp the fact that the One with Joshua andMoses dwells within you to prosper you wherever you go, youwon't make excuses for financial failure anymore. You will nolonger think, "Maybe I'm broke because of my upbringing ormy education. Maybe I was just born on the wrong side of thetracks."

So Joshua, equipped with the promise of God's help,wonders, "What's my part in possessing the land? Is it to planthe battle strategy? Is it to lead the battle?"

God's answer is, in effect, "Joshua, your only part as leaderis to do the Word. And if you obey, you will successfully leadthe entire nation of Israel into the land of their inheritance."

God's message to Joshua remains His message to us today:"Prosperity is in your hands. You control it, and your part is todo My Word."

Being a doer of the Word is vital to your success! Jesus isnot interested in how many Scriptures you know; He'sinterested in how many Scriptures you do. The only Word thatactivates God's power to change your situation is the Word youdo.

What Joshua did with the Word determined his ownsuccess as well as the success of an entire nation. So much rodeon Joshua's obedience to do his part.

Verse 7 also says Joshua's part was not only to do the Wordbut to do according to all the law. In other words, God didn'ttell him to choose the Scriptures he liked and ignore the rest.


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Our Part in Receiving Prosperity-Do the Word

The same goes for us. We can't just pick the Scriptures welike and apply only those to our lives. Nor should we say, "Ilike these prayers, but not that passage on giving. I like thisScripture on worshipping, but I don't like the one aboutpresenting my body as a living sacrifice." No, God hascommanded us to obey all the Word.

Now let's look at the next verse:

This Book of the Law shall not depart from yourmouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, thatyou may observe to do according to all that is writtenin it. For then you will make your way prosperous,and then you will have good success.

—Joshua 1:8 NKJV

Notice that it says you make your way prosperous. Now ifJoshua had the ability to make his way prosperous, then youand I possess that same ability.

You may ask, "Do you mean I've been waiting all this timeon the Lord to make my business explode or to pay off mydebts, and I'm actually the one who brings about my ownprosperity?"

That's exactly right. Prosperity has been in our hands allalong, but if we won't do the Word, we won't participate inGod's abundant life.

"You're telling me that I can guarantee success in my life ifI do the Word?" Yes, that's what I'm telling you! "And you'resaying the Word always works?" Always.

I know that the Word always works because the Bible saysnot one word from the mouth of God is devoid of His power


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(Isaiah 55:11). "And if I stand on the Word, I cannot fail?"Absolutely, because the Word cannot fail. Heaven and earthwill pass away before the Word does (Matthew 24:35).

According to God's unfailing Word, we can make our wayprosperous! But these verses in Joshua 1 show us that we needalso to obey God's admonition to be strong and courageous.

Be Strong and Courageous

The first time I read God's command to Joshua to "be strongand very courageous," I felt sorry for Joshua. God evenrepeated it to Joshua four times in one chapter (vv. 6,7,9,18)!

I thought, This man had to lead an entire nation into enemyterritory, and it sounds like he was a skinny little guy who wasafraid of the giants in the land. That must be why God had toremind him to be strong and courageous.

But the Spirit of God corrected me, "The reason I toldJoshua to be strong and courageous," He said, "had nothing todo with his lack of physical strength or courage. Joshua wasn'tafraid to go into battle. Remember, Joshua and Caleb were theonly two men who returned from spying out the land,exclaiming, `We can take on those giants and win [Num. 14:9]!"'

So why did God continually encourage Joshua to remainstrong? What would he face that would require great strengthand courage? Think about what it must have been like forJoshua as the Israelites prepared to enter the Promised Land.

Picture Joshua spending time with God. He prays, "Okay,Lord, I'm ready to take Your people into the Promised Land.Tell me what I have to do." God gives him the plan for the first


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Our Part in Receiving Prosperity-Do the Word

conquest: the city of Jericho.

Later Joshua calls a meeting with all the generals andcaptains of the army. They gather around Joshua and ask,"Have you seen the walls? They're so thick, the people ofJericho hold chariot races on them!

"So what's the plan, Joshua? How and when do we attack?What weapons do we use? How do we get through those wallsto win this battle?"

Joshua replies, "Well, guys, you better sit down for thisnews. I prayed, and God told me the plan. This is the word ofthe Lord to us. We're going to surround the city..."

"Oh, good, Joshua!" they responded. "Are we going toclimb the walls? Ram the gates till we break through? Siege thecity until they run out of food and water?"

"No, no, no. All of those are good ideas, but here's whatwe're going to do instead. We're going to march around the cityevery day for seven days."

"Oh, well, okay. But then on the seventh day we attack,right?"

"No, no, no. We shout.""What? We're going to march around the city and then

shout? Joshua, have you had too much sun? What kind of battlestrategy is that? The soldiers are just going to laugh at us whenwe tell them your intentions!"

Can you imagine how ridiculous God's plan must havesounded to the Israelites? Joshua no doubt faced considerableopposition from them, not to mention the scorn and insults ofenemy soldiers who watched the mysterious seven-day march


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from atop the walls.

Think of the pressure that must have weighed on Joshuathose seven days. It would have been so easy for him to say,"Let's forget that plan and just attack!"

But God's words rang in Joshua's ears: "Be strong and verycourageous." That divine admonition helped him keep standingon the Lord's Word until His plan succeeded and the wallscrashed down.

Why did Joshua need courage? He needed it because it'sdifficult to do the Word when everyone around you is saying itwon't work. It takes courage to maintain that stand and refuse tobe moved from what the Word says when no one else isstanding with you.

Don't Be Distracted From Standing on the Word

You see, when you make a stand not to compromise God'sWord, often all hell breaks loose against you. First, the enemytries to keep you away from hearing the Word. And if thatdoesn't work, he tries to distract you from the Word you arehearing.

For instance, as you're in church and the pastor preaches theWord, the enemy may send thoughts your way to distract you.You might begin thinking, How am I going to redesign thatbrochure at work? or I have to remember to add salt to theroast for lunch. Meanwhile, you're missing half the sermon!

Afterwards you say, "That was a good sermon." But howare you going to apply it to your life when you didn't reallylisten to it?


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Our Part in Receiving Prosperity-Do the Word

Maybe you protest, "I don't know, but I felt good listeningto it." But if what you heard doesn't change something abouthow you think, speak, or act, then you missed what God wastrying to get across to you.

"But I can quote the Scripture text the pastor used!" Yes,but if you're not living that Scripture, you don't have therevelation of it yet.

Don't Abandon the Word Because Of Persecutionor Temptation

However, once you do receive the revelation of a Scripture,the devil's next strategy is to do everything he possibly can tomake you abandon your beliefs. He'll send persecution from theright and temptations from the left- anything to make youcompromise or give up on the Word.

We can see in the book of Acts that the enemy sendspersecution so believers will abandon the Word. The apostlePaul made three missionary journeys, returning to the threetowns—Lystra, Derby, and Iconium—where people hadpersecuted him, caused riots, and even stoned him and left himfor dead. (Acts 14:1-22.)

Why did Paul return to those towns? He risked his life inorder to strengthen the towns' new converts spiritually so theywouldn't abandon their belief in God's Word during times ofpersecution.

I've noticed that the more you stand on the Word, the morepersecution is likely to come against you. The moment youmake a decision to pursue God's principles of financialincrease, Satan will try to steal that Word from you.


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That's why God said to Joshua, in effect, "You can bestrong and courageous because I've given you My Word. WhatMy Word says is so contrary to the way the world thinks thatpeople may laugh at you and some may even think you're crazy.But that's why you'll have to stand strong and be courageous."

The same holds true for you. You need strength andcourage, not just in the area of finances, but in every area oflife, because when Satan attacks you from the right and the left,you'd better know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're notmoving from your stand on God's Word.

You see, you can learn God's principles of financialincrease, but those principles won't do you any good if you giveup on them as soon as you encounter times of trouble orpersecution.

And those times will come. Unexpected bills may show up.The car may break down. You may have a flat tire. But thosecirc*mstances are all part of the enemy's attempt to keep youfrom standing on the Word. Determine that you won't let himsucceed!

The truth is, the enemy doesn't have any new tricks. He'sstill using the old flat-tire trick or the broken-down-car trick.He doesn't care if his tricks are old, as long as they still work.

But you can make sure that the devil's strategies don't workin your life anymore. How? By making the decision that youwill stand firm on the Word no matter what pressure oropposition you face. You must be strong and very courageousin order to prosper wherever you go.

And wherever means everywhere—in the city or in thecountry, at home or at your job. Wherever you go, whatever


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Our Part in Receiving Prosperity-Do the Word

you put your hand to, prosperity will follow you if you do theWord.

So keep the Word before you. Read it. Hear it. Get it intoyour heart. Speak it with your mouth. Meditate on it day andnight.

By doing so you make God's promises more real in yourheart than the natural circ*mstances around you and you crossover the bridge from the natural to the spiritual realm—fromchronic lack to supernatural prosperity. Meditating on the Wordenables you to do all that is written in God's Word.

God's Covenant—A Conditional Promise

When it comes down to it, it is our obligation to do theWord if we want to receive prosperity.

Nowhere is the truth that we hold our future prosperity inour own hands more clearly set forth than in Deuteronomy 28,where God contrasts the blessings of the covenant with thecurse of the law.

Before God lists all the blessings His people can experienceas part of the covenant, He starts verse 1 with a big "if."Whenever I see an if in the Word, I apply the brakes and stop tocheck it out. The word if usually flags a condition following—the man-ward part of a divine promise. Let's see what thisparticular if refers to:

IF you will listen diligently to the voice of the Lordyour God, being watchful to do all His commandmentswhich I command you this day, the Lord your Godwill set you high above all the nations of the earth,And all these blessings shall come upon you and


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overtake you, IF you heed the voice of the Lord yourGod.

—Deuteronomy 28:1,2

God tells us there are two ifs or conditions we must fulfill.First, we must listen to the voice of the Lord. No matter whatHe tells us to do, we are to obey without even stopping to thinkabout it.

Second, we must do what is written in God's Word. Noticethat after we fulfill our part of the condition, the Bible says allof God's blessings shall come upon us and overtake us.

What blessings is God talking about here? Deuteronomy 28goes on to say that you'll be blessed in the city, blessed in thefield, blessed in your family, blessed coming in, and blessedgoing out. In other words, you'll be blessed in every area ofyour life!

Verses 4 and 5 continue, promising that you'll be blessed inyour ground, blessed in your cattle, and blessed in your basket.The blessed ground and basket refer to the rich, fertile soilwhich produces an abundant harvest. Blessed cattle are thosethat are healthy and multiply exceedingly.

In today's terms, that translates as blessings in your job orbusiness, getting raises and promotions or new customers andorders.

Verse 8 goes on to say that the Lord will commandblessings upon your storehouse, or the place you store yoursubstance. Today that might refer to your bank account.

God has a lot of blessings to pour out on you. If you wantthose blessings to come upon you and overtake you, make sure


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you fulfill the conditions in verse 1: Listen to the voice of theLord, and do His Word.

God's Blessings Will Overtake You

I find it significant that God said, "All of these blessingswill overtake you." Think about it. You can't be overtaken bysomething that's in front of you. When you're driving down theroad, only the cars behind you can overtake you. Therefore, ifGod's blessings can overtake you, they must be behind you aswell!

When I finally understood that principle, it changed my life.I realized for the first time that if God's blessings are behindme, my eyes should definitely not be on the blessings, or I'd belooking backwards.

That's the problem with too many believers. Their eyes areon the blessings, yet they don't understand why they are notseeing them manifested in their lives. "Where is my blessing,Lord? I've been looking for it," they say.

That attitude spells trouble. As long as Christians arelooking for their blessing, their blessing won't look for them!

I once asked the Lord, "If our eyes are not to be on theblessings, what should we focus on?"

The Lord responded, "All blessings originate in Me. If youkeep your eyes on Me, the blessings will overtake you."

All of God's blessings move full speed toward Him—thesame direction we move if we're focused on God. But theblessings move faster than we do.

Now that I understand this truth, my eyes are not on the


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blessings; they're on Jesus. His will is my will. My focus isnow, what does He want? What is His purpose for my life?

I focus on Him by feeding on His Word and listening forHis voice. Therefore, I don't have to be concerned aboutlooking for blessings. They are all looking for me as Iconcentrate on doing God's Word.

Stop chasing your blessings, because you will never catchthem. But you can let them chase you by focusing on and doingthe Word of God. And those blessings will eventually overtakeyou. You don't have to worry or even think about them; theywill hunt you down, and you will experience blessing uponblessing upon blessing in every area of your life.

The bottom line is this: The prosperity message is not,Keep your eyes on prosperity. Biblical prosperity comes as wekeep our eyes on God.

Redeemed From the Curse of the Law

In Deuteronomy 28, after God finishes talking about theblessings of obedience, He lists all the curses that result fromnot doing God's Word (vv. 28:15-68).

I'm not going to dwell on those curses, but I want you tounderstand this: If you are still living under any part of thecurse of the law, it isn't Jesus' responsibility; it's yours—yourresponsibility to fulfill the conditions of hearkening to God'svoice and obeying all of His Word.

Jesus already redeemed you from the curse of the law. Hepaid for your freedom with His own blood.

Christ purchased our freedom (redeeming us) from


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the curse (doom) of the Law's (condemnation), by[Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [inthe Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on atree (is crucified).

—Galatians 3:13

Part of the curse of the law is poverty. But Jesus redeemedus from poverty—we don't have to be poor anymore!Nonetheless, we can still choose to live in lack by not followingGod's principles of increase. And if we do, that's our fault, notGod's.

Now if we're not under the curse, then where are we? Weare not only redeemed from something, we are also redeemedto something:

To the end that through [their receiving] Christ Jesus,the blessing [promised] to Abraham might come uponthe Gentiles, so that we through faith might [all]receive [the realization of] the promise of the (Holy)Spirit.

—v. 14

The Bible goes on to say that we are Abraham's offspringand heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:29). Jesusredeemed us from the curse of the law so we can inherit thepromise God gave to Abraham.

We've already seen that God's covenant with Abrahamincluded three promises. He told Abraham that 1) He wouldmake him the father of many nations (Genesis 17:4); 2) Hewould richly bless him (Genesis 12:2); and 3) He would makeAbraham a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2).


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God told Abraham to take his wife Sarah and all of theirpossessions and leave his homeland. Abraham didn't evenknow where he was going, but he trusted God and wentanyway.

Abraham didn't possess much when he left the land of Ur.But God kept His Word and blessed him: "And Abram wasvery rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold" (Genesis 13:2KJV).

God richly blessed Abraham financially and materially-andas his heirs, we're next in line! As we've seen, our part inreceiving the blessings of God's covenant with Abraham is tohearken unto God's voice and obey all of His Word.

Fulfilling those divine conditions not only keeps us freefrom the curse of the law, but it enables God to bless usabundantly with the blessings of Abraham. That in turn enablesus to be the blessing God intends us to be in this world!

Establish the Image of the Word In Your Spirit

So to experience the blessings of Abraham, we must bedoers of the Word. James compares the person who hears theWord and doesn't do it to "...a man who looks carefully at his[own] natural face in a mirror; For he thoughtfullyobserves himself, then goes off and promptly forgets whathe was like" (James 1:23,24).

You see, the Word acts as a spiritual mirror. When we readthe Bible, its words of truth form an image on the inside of us.

Here's an example. Suppose you read the verse in whichJesus says, "I am come that they might have life, and thatthey might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 KJV).


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Now what do you see when you meditate on those words?Do you see yourself broke, barely able to pay your bills? No,you should see yourself living an abundant life-that's the imagethe Word should form in your heart.

The problem is, after that image forms in your heart, youstill have to do the Word before it will change your life. Inother words, apply the Word in your thoughts, words, andactions.

But too many times we make the mistake described inJames 1:24. We fail to apply the Word we heard; therefore, wesoon forget the image we saw in God's mirror-His Word.

How do we bring back that image once it has faded fromour hearts through neglect? The key can be found in thefollowing verse: "Let them SAY CONTINUALLY, `Let theLord be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity ofHis servant"' (Psalm 35:27 NKJV).

As we begin to do the Word by continually speaking wordsof faith, the image of God's taking pleasure in the prosperity ofHis servants will become established in our hearts. Eventuallyit will become so much a part of us that we'll never again forgetto see ourselves prosperous according to the image of HisWord.

The more you speak the Word, the clearer the image ofprosperity becomes on the inside of you. That's the Word-basedimage you want to focus on. Refuse to forget or abandon it, forwhen you hold fast to that image, you begin to live God'sabundant life.

Stand strong on God's Word-no matter what attacks ordistractions the devil brings against you. By doing the Word


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you can cross over the bridge from the natural realm into thespiritual realm of supernatural prosperity!


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Chapter 6 The Condition to Prosperity—Seek

God's Higher Ways

"And he [King Uzziah] sought God in the days ofZechariah...and AS LONG AS HE SOUGHT THELORD, GOD MADE HIM TO PROSPER."

—2 Chronicles 26:5 KJV

God's will is that we prosper in life, but that doesn't meanprosperity will automatically happen. Remember, there is aman-ward and a God-ward function to every promise. SecondChronicles 26:5 tells us that the man-ward function orcondition to prosperity is to seek God's higher ways.

You see, as long as King Uzziah sought the Lord—as longas he was hungry for the Word and did what God wanted himto do—God made him prosper.

The same is true for us. As long as we seek God and HisWord, you and I will experience prosperity in our lives.

Too often, Christians want to prosper without doing theirpart by seeking God. But it doesn't work that way. The Biblesays we must seek first God's kingdom (Matthew 6:33). Only


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then will His blessings be added unto us.

Let's look at that verse in context, starting at verse 24. Jesusstarts out this passage of Scripture by saying we cannot serveboth God and mammon-money: "No one can serve twomasters; for either he will hate the one and love the other,or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despiseand be against the other. You cannot serve God andmammon [that is, deceitful riches, money, possessions orwhat is trusted in]."

Actually, Jesus' message in this passage is that you cannotput your trust in both money and God. If money serves as thesource of your security, then you're not putting your faith inGod as your Source.

Jesus goes on to say:

Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy(anxious and worried) about your life, what you shalleat or what you shall drink, and about your body,what you shall put on. Is not life greater [in quality]than food, and the body [far above and more excellent]than clothing?...And which of you by worrying and being anxiouscan add one unit of measure [cubit] to his stature or tothe span of his life?

—vv. 25,27

In essence, Jesus said, "Stop worrying about daily lifenecessities!"

If you're worried and concerned about what you should eat,drink, or wear, you might as well put your trust in mammon!


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The Condition to Prosperity—Seek God's Higher Ways

Jesus puts it something like this, "If your Heavenly Fatherkeeps feeding the birds, why do you think you have to trust inmammon? Don't you think you're worth more to Him thanbirds?" (v. 26).

Certainly, the God who takes care of birds can find a way totake care of you. And He has the ability, the resources, and thedesire to do it.

So stop worrying. No matter what financial struggle you'refacing, rest assured that God will bring you through it and meetyour need.

"But I don't know how I'm going to pay my rent!" you say.Take a deep breath and relax. Remember, God operates throughfaith.

You see, the root of worry is fear. If you're worried aboutsomething, you're in fear, not faith, about that particular matter,which hinders God from moving on your behalf. Worry alsoshortens your life and consumes precious time that you coulduse to seek God.

Jesus communicates to us in these verses. We do not needto worry about getting our basic needs met. God will take careof us in the area of finances as long as we're seeking Him andwalking in obedience to His Word.

Despite Jesus' admonition not to worry, the majority ofChristians still do! God's higher ways haven't becomerevelation in their hearts.

You may say, "Yes, but you don't understand the financialproblems I'm struggling against in my life right now." Hasn'tGod delivered you from difficult times in your life in the past?


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The same God can bring you through today and into tomorrowvictoriously!

Once you get ahold of this truth, you'll stop worrying aboutall of your tomorrows. You will no longer expect mammon totake care of your future instead of God. Why? You no longerneed worry because the God who originally created tomorrowis the One who delivered you out of yesterday's trials to bringyou triumphantly to today!

We're often so concerned about how we're going to takecare of tomorrow's bills or financial worries. Why don't we justtrust our Heavenly Father to take care of us?

Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, Whatare we going to have to eat? or, What are we going tohave to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear?For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave anddiligently seek after all these things; and your heavenlyFather well knows that you need them all.

—Matthew 6:31,32

You cannot worry and be in faith, nor can you put yourselfand God first simultaneously. When you focus all yourattention on taking care of your own needs—such as what you'lleat, where you'll live, or what you'll wear—you have just putyourself first. That's what the world does, but as a child of God,you're supposed to be different; you're to put God first and thenwatch Him take care of your needs.

We either know God or we don't. He is either a Provider orHe isn't. But if we know Him, we get a revelation of Hischaracter as our Provider.

Jesus is essentially telling us in these verses, "Get a


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revelation of the character of your loving Heavenly Father! Ifyou don't know Him, how can you ever trust Him? Know thatthe Father feeds the birds of the air and clothes the lilies of thefield, yet He loves you so much more than these!"

Seek God and His Ways

Once you get a revelation of your Father's character, nocirc*mstances need ever hold you back again. You won't worryabout getting your needs met. You won't spend all your timeserving mammon or seeking after meeting your material needs.Instead, you'll rest in the assurance of your Heavenly Father'slove as you obey Jesus' admonition:

But SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD,and his righteousness; and all these things shall beadded unto you.

—Matthew 6:33 KJV

Notice that this verse starts with the word but. That word isthere for a reason because the Bible contains no meaninglesswords. Let's look at the context to figure out why.

Jesus has just finished talking about what non-believers do—they put themselves and their needs first. Now He's saying,"But don't do as the world does, seeking after daily necessitiesand material things as your main focus. Seek first My kingdomand My ways, and cast those cares on Me."

You see, if you do what the world does, you will get theresults the world gets. But for things to change in your life, youhave to change! We know that God doesn't change, and HisWord doesn't change; so that means if you have been sufferinglack and you want to become prosperous, you are the one who


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will have to do something different.

We often keep doing things the same way we've alwaysdone them, making the same mistakes that have kept us in lackin the past. Then out of frustration we ask, "Why am I notbecoming prosperous, Lord?" But we won't see prosperity untilwe change our ways, becoming serious about seeking God first.

To seek God means to hunt, search for, and diligentlypursue the knowledge of His ways, digging into the Bible everyday. That's the only way you'll discover more of the kingdomprinciples and mysteries of God.

The Lord once gave me an illustration to help meunderstand what He means by seeking Him.

Imagine that you're running late for an importantappointment and you can't find your car keys. What do you do?You don't just casually glance around and then give up if youcan't locate your keys right away. No, you begin to earnestlyseek them!

You turn the living room upside down, hunting for thosekeys. You turn the bedroom and kitchen upside down. Youlook in every nook and cranny, and you don't stop seeking untilyou find them.

That same kind of intensity and hunger should consume youas you seek to know God and His ways. Channel all the extratime you used to spend worrying into hungering and thirstingafter His Word!

Seek God First

I probably read Matthew 6:33 hundreds of times before the


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word "first" jumped out at me. Seek first God's kingdom.Where do you find out about His kingdom? Again, in HisWord.

I was reading this verse one day, and on the inside of me theSpirit of God asked, "What does first mean?"

"Well, Lord, that's obvious. First means first!"

"That's right," the Lord said. "So what if you get out of bedin the morning, take a shower, put on your clothes, make a cupof coffee, and then read your Bible? What's wrong with that?Nothing, except that you've just put My Word fourth, not first,in your day."

The days of playing Christianity are over, friend. We eitherseek God first or we don't. And it doesn't matter how you lookat first—it doesn't mean second. It doesn't mean third, fourth,or at the end of the day either.

Here's a sample of the reasoning process we often gothrough regarding spending time with God. See if it soundsfamiliar.

If I take a shower when I first wake up, then I'll be moreawake to read my Bible. And, of course, if I take a shower I'llhave to put my clothes on. But if I go ahead and eat breakfastand drink a cup of coffee, then I'll be even more awake and I'llreally be able to get into the Word.

But sometimes I run late, and I don't get a chance to readmy Bible after breakfast. So I take it with me, figuring I'll readit once I get to the office.

The problem is, when I arrive at the office, there is a pile ofphone messages. I think, Oh, I better call so-and-so and take


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care of that situation. I'll read my Bible later on this morning.But it doesn't quite happen, so I decide to read it duringlunchtime.

Then someone calls, and I use my lunch break talking tohim. So I decide to read the Bible sometime during theafternoon. But the day slips by so quickly, I never get around toit. Finally, I decide I'll read it when I get home.

When I arrive home, I'm so hungry that I think, If I don't eatsupper, I won't be able to concentrate on my Bible. Then after Ieat, I feel like relaxing for a while, so I turn on the television. Idecide to read my Bible when I go to bed, when the house isquiet and peaceful and no one is distracting me.

I climb into bed and pick up my Bible, but before I've readone paragraph, my eyes start to droop. I hadn't realized howtired I was. I yawn and think, I'll just read the Bible in themorning when I'm fresh.

I set the alarm to get up a little earlier than normal. But thenext morning when the alarm clock rings, I press the snoozebutton.

(I'm convinced that the snooze button came from the pit ofhell, because it has kept so many Christians from seeking Godfirst in their day! Their flesh says, "I'll do it tomorrow. I have tosleep a little more today." But there is no record of anyone everdying because they got up earlier every morning to seek Godfirst!)

So as a result of all that carnal reasoning, first becomes last.The days go by, and my Bible gets very little use as I seek lastthe kingdom of God-if I can squeeze time for the Word into myday at all!


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The Condition to Prosperity—Seek God's Higher Ways

Too often that's the way we go through life. We don't giveGod our best by seeking Him first, but instead we give Him atiny bit of our worst. We wait to open our Bible (if we do it atall!) until we're exhausted, drained of energy, and want nothingmore than to sleep. Then we wonder why we're not blessed!

God wants to take you up higher than you've ever gonebefore in your spiritual walk, but you won't get there withoutsome serious discipline.

As I said earlier, it's never an issue of time—no one hasmore than twenty-four hours in a day—but it is an issue ofpriority.

You will not seek God first until you make it a priority.Once you realize that spending time with God is moreimportant than anything else you could possibly do in a day,you will do whatever is necessary to make sure you seek Himfirst. And I promise you that as you give Him the highestpriority every day, your life will change.

That's what happened with me. My life began to changedrastically the day I made the decision to start spending timewith God as soon as I wake up every day. My commitment hasgrown to the point that now I refuse to do anything until I havefirst spent my time with God.

The Lord once said very clearly to me, "Nasir, the key toyour success is not what you do on Sunday morning; you findsuccess in your daily routine. So if you'll give Me the first partof each day, I'll direct the rest of it."

Now every morning when I get out of bed, I seek God first.It was tough at the beginning-my flesh was screaming! But Istarted with five minutes and grew from there.


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But don't legalize what I'm saying here. I don't mean youhave to get up at three o'clock in the morning to find time toread your Bible before anything else. I'm saying that you needto make it a daily priority to pray and seek God in His Word. Ifyou find that you can do that better in the afternoon, fine-butthen discipline yourself to do it!

You Do the Seeking—Let God Do the Adding

So as we seek first God's kingdom principles, or His way ofdoing things, then God will add to us all the natural things weneed in order to live an abundant life. Notice that Matthew 6:33doesn't say these things might be added to us if God is in a goodmood. It says they will be added to us.

Our job is to do the seeking; God's job is to do the adding.But the adding doesn't come until after we make a consciousdecision to seek God's ways.

Too many times we try to do the adding and therefore haveno time to do the seeking. We fulfill the wrong role!

"But you don't understand, Nasir," you might say. "Myneighbor bought a new car, and I've decided we need one too.Besides, my wife has been bugging me to buy a new car, so I'mjust going to take the plunge!"

So you go into debt up to your neck in order to "keep upwith the Joneses"! That's an example of your doing the addinginstead of allowing God to do the adding His way.

Here's another example. A couple I know found out theyhad inherited several thousand dollars. At the time, this couplewas renting an apartment. As they talked over how to use theinheritance money, they totally convinced themselves that they


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should use it as a down payment on a home worth four timesthe amount of the inheritance.

There was just one problem with the couple's plan. Even ifboth of them worked and earned as much overtime pay aspossible, they would end up deeply in debt, having barelyenough money to make the mortgage payments.

I told the couple, "Don't you understand what the enemy isdoing? He's trying to convince you to do the adding instead ofallowing God to do it. But if you do it, you'll have a yokearound your neck for thirty years!

"Why don't you just buy a less expensive house? Buy onethat costs only $20,000 more than the inheritance, and use theinheritance money as a down payment. Then work as hard asyou can to pay off the balance, which is a more manageablegoal.

"That way you won't be a servant to the lender. You'll onlybe a servant of God!"

The enemy had this couple so convinced that they had to dothe adding in their lives that they thought God was leadingthem to buy that more expensive house. But they werecompletely relieved to remember that their part was only toseek God and let Him do the adding.

You see, God wouldn't lead His children into a situationwhere they could barely pay their tithes, much less giveofferings, because they're working day and night just to covertheir mortgage payment! The Bible says, "The blessing of theLord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it"(Proverbs 10:22 NKJV).


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Too often Christians spend their time trying to jump aheadto the fulfillment of their dream for prosperity right awayinstead of moving toward that dream, knowing it may comegradually. In other words, they're busy adding instead ofseeking.

For example, perhaps a friend tells you, "Look at how theLord has blessed me—I've got a new car!" But you know he'salready deeply in debt and having a difficult time making hispresent payments.

The last thing that person needs to do is take on theadditional debt of a new car. Nevertheless, he's out to convincethe world that God is the One who blessed him.

But because the friend is busy adding when he should beseeking, the car eventually becomes a curse to him. Thethought constantly weighs on his mind, Somehow I've got tomake the car payment this month!

Now if God tells you to buy a new car, then do it. But don'tjust buy one because your neighbor did or because you wantsomehow to prove that God is blessing you. Don't you do theadding; let God do it.

Hebrews 11:6 gives us the same message. It says, "He thatcometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is arewarder of them that diligently seek him" (KJV). You see,we do the seeking; God does the rewarding-and the rewardingcomes after the seeking.

We Can Know God's Ways

We know what seeking means, we know that we are to seekGod first, and that we expect His reward after seeking Him. But


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why are we to seek first God's kingdom and His ways? TheWord tells us God's ways are better and higher than our ways.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither areyour ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavensare higher than the earth, so are my ways higher thanyour ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

—Isaiah 55:8,9 KJV

These verses tell us God's thoughts don't line up with ourthoughts, that His ways differ from our ways. Our human waysare based on the information we perceive from the naturalrealm by our senses, but God's ways are based on His Word.Therefore, to line up our ways with God's ways, we mustgovern what we say, think, and do based on the Word of God.

When God said, "My thoughts are not your thoughts," Hewasn't saying, "I refuse to tell you My thoughts."

Some people think that's what God means. They say, "Oh,you can't know what God's thoughts are-they're too high, andHis ways are too mysterious." But that's simply not true. Allyou have to do is dig into the Bible, and you'll find out God'sthoughts and ways. And that is the very reason we do seek Him.

We can know God's thoughts! For example, Jeremiah 29:11tells us something of God's thoughts: His mind is on us! Thisverse also gives us some idea of God's thoughts toward us:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saiththe Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give youan expected end.

—Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

The New International Version describes God's thoughts


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toward you as "...plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future."

So we have just discovered one of God's thoughts towardus: He wants to prosper us!

We also know that God thinks the whole world should besaved (2 Peter 3:9). And there are countless other Scriptureswhich reveal God's thoughts toward us. So you see, althoughwe may not know all the thoughts of God, we can know thoserevealed in His Word.

The Opposite Kingdom

So if it is possible to know God's thoughts, then what doesGod mean when He says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts;My ways are not your ways"? He means that His thoughts andways are better than our thoughts and ways.

Once as I was preaching on this subject, the Spirit of Godspoke up on the inside of me, saying, "You could almost callMy kingdom the opposite kingdom." I took that to mean thatHis kingdom stands opposite to our "kingdom"—our naturalway of thinking. And His way of doing things usually countersthe way we do things.

For example, think about the time King Jehoshaphat andthe people of Judah faced imminent attack by three armies (2Chronicles 20:1-25).

What do you do when three armies come against you? Yougo into battle and fight! But God said, "Go into battle and singpraises to Me." That's definitely not what your natural mindwould choose to do!


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So the people of Judah went into battle singing praises-andthey won!

I can give you many examples of how God's ways are notour ways. The world says, "Get all you can, can all you get, siton the can, and poison the rest!" But God says, "Give."

In troubled times, our natural mind screams, "Worry, worry,worry!" God says, "Receive peace." We protest, "But there's somuch to worry about!" He only replies, "I know, but that isn'tMy way."

No matter what subject you study in the Word, you'll findthat God's ways oppose the way we naturally think. That's whyHe calls His kingdom the opposite kingdom.

God's Ways Always Work

When God says His ways are higher than ours, He alsomeans that His ways always work. His ways always accomplishwhat He intends them to accomplish.

Man's ways often fail, but you can count on God's ways tosucceed. As surely as the rain and snow fall to the earth, so tooGod's Word always works.

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow fromheaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth theearth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it maygive seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplishthat which I please, and it shall prosper in the thingwhereto I sent it.

—Isaiah 55:10,11 KJV


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By making this comparison, God helps us relate the factthat His ways do not fail to do something in nature that wealready understand. I mean, you've never seen rain or snow goup instead of down, have you? And you're not surprised whenrain or snow fall from the skies, are you? No, you expect it!

Similarly, God says you can trust His ways to work assurely as you can expect the rain and snow to fall down to earthfrom the heavens!

Think of that—God's ways are guaranteed to work. Andonce that revelation gets rooted inside you, nothing can shakeyour faith in Him!

So it's our choice. We can try to prosper according to ourown ways, or we can seek to know God's higher ways, whichalways work.

It's like trying to fix a piece of equipment when we don'tknow how it works. We can either spend a lot of time trying tofigure it out ourselves, or we can simply read the manual,follow the directions, and finish the job.

We often spend years trying to figure out how to solve ourfinancial problems when what we ought to be doing is seekingfirst the ways of God by simply reading the Bible—the divineManual covering every aspect of life.

We would save ourselves years of heartache if we'd onlyseek in God's Word His way of delivering us from financiallack. Once we know God's way, the next step is to commitourselves to stop doing things our way and start doing them theonly way that works!


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Ten Percent How—Ninety Percent Why

A lot of people have sought to know God's ways andkingdom principles, but they don't live them. One day as I wasdriving down the road, the Lord explained to me why this is so.He said, "Success in My Word is 10 percent how and 90percent why."

I asked, "Lord, what do You mean?"

The Lord replied, "Ten percent is knowing the Word andwhat it will do for you, but ninety percent is knowing why youshould obey it."

Suppose I tell you that the love of God has been shedabroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5) and that Jesus gave us onecommandment: to love one another (John 15:12). You nowknow these truths, but does that mean you will suddenly decideto walk in love? No.

Since faith works through love (Galatians 5:6), unless youwalk in love, your faith for prosperity in every area of your lifewon't work.

Now I've told you why you should walk in love, not justwhat the Word says about it. And because you understand thebenefits of doing the Word, God's principles on love suddenlybecome a priority to you.

That's why 90 percent of success in life is knowing why youshould do the Word. Many Christians have learned the how, butthey haven't grasped a revelation of the why yet. So again andagain they go around the same mountain of unforgiveness,anger, worry, and so forth, not realizing how much thatmountain hinders them from living an abundant life.


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Just reading Scriptures doesn't make much difference inyour life. When you understand what the Word will do for youon a practical level, when you learn the why, you'll grab aholdof it and truly live.

You'll start to say, "Taking offense or holding a grudgeagainst someone costs too much and shuts down the anointingon my life. I have to forgive, because unless I do, I'll keepmyself from receiving by faith all God has for me!"

Knowing why you should obey the Word simply gives youthe proper motivation. And then it's not difficult to followGod's direction to seek Him and His ways first—the why is thatHe can then add blessings of prosperity to you.

So get a revelation of what learning and applying God'skingdom principles will do for you. Hunger for the Word morethan bread. Go after it with everything in you because it is yourlifeline; it is your source of success. As you daily seek God firstand give Him and His higher ways your priority, His Word willmake you prosperous in all areas of life!


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Chapter 7 God's Law of Sowing and Reaping

"And He [Jesus] replied to them [the disciples], To youit has been given to know the secrets and mysteries ofthe kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not beengiven."

—Matthew 13:11

When you have completely settled in your heart that it isGod's will for you to prosper and you know your part andconditions to prosperity, you are ready to discover God'sprinciples of prosperity. Jesus refers to these kingdomprinciples in Matthew 13:11, calling them "the secrets andmysteries of the kingdom of heaven."

The Mysteries of the Kingdom

When I first read this verse, I thought, Boy, I wish I couldhave been there when Jesus was giving out those mysteries!Then I'd know His secret counsels too!

But the Spirit of God spoke up on the inside of me and said,"I didn't just give those secrets and mysteries to the disciples; Iwrote them down in the Bible for everyone."


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From that day on, the Lord began to take me on a journey todiscover these mysteries or kingdom principles. Sharing withyou the results of that journey is what this book is all about.

Let's look back at our text. Jesus goes on to explain whathappens to the person who perceives the mysteries of thekingdom and applies them to his life:

For whoever has [spiritual knowledge], to him willmore be given and HE WILL BE FURNISHEDRICHLY, so that HE WILL HAVE ABUNDANCE;but from him who has not, even what he has will betaken away.

—Matthew 13:12

According to this verse, as you begin to learn the mysteriesof the kingdom, you can count on more revelation coming. Andwhen you live by the mysteries you learn, Jesus promises thatyou will be furnished richly with abundance!

There's that word abundance again. The God of too muchloves to give us more than enough! But it's important to realizethat there is a divine connection between the kingdomprinciples God gives us in His Word and the abundant lifeJesus promised in John 10:10. In other words, you must knowthe principles to live in abundance.

God's kingdom principles describe the way His kingdomworks. Not only are they eternal but also unbiased; they workfor anyone who puts them into practice.

But a word of warning: according to Matthew 13:12, if youdon't walk in the light of what you learn-if you don't renew yourmind, thereby prospering your soul-any financial increase youmight gain can be lost. You'll have holes in your pockets, and


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your prosperity will drain away (Haggai 1:6).

The Key to the Mystery—Sowing

Let's look at a similar passage in Mark 4 to see in contextwhat mysteries Jesus referred to. Jesus says to His disciples:

"To you has been entrusted the mystery of thekingdom of God, [that is, the secret counsels of Godwhich are hidden from the ungodly;] but for thoseoutside [of our circle] everything becomes a parable."

—Mark 4:11

The world could listen to Jesus' parables but never fullyunderstand them. But to His disciples Jesus said, "You're notonly supposed to hear these parables, you're supposed tounderstand what they mean. Hidden in each one is a kingdomprinciple, an insight into God's way of doing things. The worldcan't see these principles, but the mystery has been entrusted toyou."

Notice Jesus didn't say, "The mystery will be entrusted toyou at some time in the future." He said, "It has been entrustedto you"—past tense. You see, He had already given thedisciples the mystery; they just hadn't recognized it.

The disciples were just like us. When we're looking forsomething we assume is hard to find, we may glance at theobject a hundred times without even realizing it's in plain sight!

Jesus had just shared the mystery of the parable of thesower with His disciples (vv. 3-8). In verse 3, Jesus says, "Giveattention to this." In other words, "What follows is veryimportant, so pay attention!" Then He said, "Behold, A


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SOWER WENT OUT TO SOW."That's a heavy-duty mystery! Remember, Jesus is teaching

us about God's ways, which are higher than our ways. Jesussaid, "The sower went out to sow." The mystery is found in theword sow. What is God's higher way? Sow! If we can get aholdof that one key word, it will change our lives!

Jesus said, "Seek first My ways, and all these things willbe added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). What is His way?Sowing!

And Jesus said here in our text, "I've given you the secretcounsel of God" (Mark 4:11). I can just hear the disciplesexclaim, "Secret? Oh, my goodness, did anyone write that onedown? Jesus just gave us the answer to the mystery!"

What was the mystery? The sower goes out to sow. As Heexplained this mystery, I imagine Jesus said something like,"Men, you may have a tough time understanding this, butsowing is the key principle of increase. It's the way God'skingdom works. This is God's higher truth—and it works!"

Now you may say, "I thought the mystery would be muchdeeper than that. It just can't be contained in a little three-letterword like sow!" But God wouldn't make His secrets toabundant life so deep that you and I could never discover andgrasp them. That isn't the kind of God we serve. He wants us toknow His kingdom principles!

Sowing is a law God has put into effect on this planet, andit will work for anyone who will work it. Whether you believeit or not, it will still produce in your life!

You can talk to any farmer in any country around the world,


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and he will tell you, "If I sow seed into the ground, I expect aharvest." That's why I said earlier that the finances you and Ineed are not in heaven—they're right here on earth. All we haveto do is reap them! But there is no way to reap a financialharvest without first sowing seed.

`Don't You Get It?'

Even though Jesus walked the earth as the Son of God, Hewas a human being with feelings just like you and me. I believeHe showed some of that human emotion in the next verse whenHe said, "Do you not discern and understand this parable?How then [is it possible for] you to discern and understandall the parables?" (Mark 4:13).

Jesus had just told His disciples that He had given them thesecret counsels of God so they could understand how Hiskingdom worked and thereby enjoy abundant life. But thedisciples' only response must have been an uncomprehending,blank look on their faces.

Jesus recognized that the disciples didn't understand whatHe said, and so He told them something like, "Don't you get it?I just told you one of God's secret kingdom principles. In fact, Ijust gave you the key to living an abundant life, and all you cando is look at me with blank faces.

"You're supposed to understand! I know the world doesn'tget it, but you're supposed to. And if you don't understand thismystery, how are you going to understand all the other parablesI tell you?"

Jesus was making the point that the mystery in this parablewas pivotal to understanding the other principles He taught. Inessence He was also imitating, "If you'll apply the mystery I've


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just given you, you'll enjoy a life of richness and abundance."

So it was critical that the disciples understand the kingdomprinciple Jesus set forth in this parable. To make sure theygrasped it, He repeated the key to the mystery in verse 14: "Thesower sows...."

A Lifestyle of Sowing

I had read that verse countless times in the past, but one dayit suddenly exploded on the inside of me: The sower sows!

Let's camp on that thought for a while. What is a sower? Asower is someone who plants seed as a lifestyle, not someonewho sows every once in a while or whenever he feels like it.

For instance, if you live in a small town and you see theelectrician walk by, you could say, "There goes the electrician!"You don't call him an electrician because he tinkers withelectric wiring once a year; you call him that because hepractices that profession as a lifestyle.

Likewise, you can recognize a teacher because he teachesregularly. He doesn't just talk about things he knows onemorning a week for five minutes. No, he leads a lifestyle ofteaching.

Likewise, a sower is someone who continually sows seed asa lifestyle, daily looking for ways to sow. Sowing is hisnumber-one priority, and in fact, sowing so consumes him thathe doesn't even have time to look for the harvest!

The Spirit of God once asked me, "Nasir, when was the lasttime someone accused you of being a sower?" Ouch! I had tothink about that. People had called me a teacher of the Word,


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but not too many had accused me of being a daily sower.

How about you? Can anyone "accuse" you of being asower?

Don't call yourself a sower unless sowing is your lifestyle,your daily practice. You're a sower when you get up everymorning saying, "Lord, everything I am and everything I ownbelongs to You. Tell me what You want me to give, and I'llgive it today. I don't care if it's the brand-new jacket I boughtyesterday—if You tell me to give it to someone, I'll give it,because I'm a sower!"

God looks all over this planet for sowers. He looks forpeople He can trust with the wealth needed for the end-timeharvest. But until you get ahold of this principle of sowing andyour lifestyle changes to that of a sower, God cannot trust youas a true steward of His wealth.

Some people are saying, "I'm waiting for my millions." ButGod is whispering in their hearts (if they would listen!),"You're not a sower yet."

"But I give my tithe and my little offerings!" the samepeople say. Yes, but God is talking about a lifestyle of sowing.

You see, God isn't going to trust you with much if youhaven't been faithful with a little. What should you do to befaithful with your finances? Should you lock up all your moneyin a safety deposit box? No, sow.

Live the lifestyle of a sower. Change the way you think.Continually ask God who, where, when, and how much—"Whocan I bless today, Lord? What do You want me to sow?"

Do you want to be able to write checks for God's kingdom


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in the thousands or even millions of dollars? Then you have toprove to God beyond a shadow of a doubt that today you are afaithful sower.

So be faithful with what you have now. Prove to God thatyou will live a lifestyle of sowing. I don't mean just today andtomorrow—I mean from this day forward until Jesus comes!

The financial increase God wants to entrust to you is somuch more than you can even dream, think, or imagine. Butyou'll never see it until you sow seed as a lifestyle.

What Does It Take?

Back in Jesus' day, a sower didn't have all the heavy farmequipment farmers own today. The sower had to get down onhis knees in order to sow his seed. He'd clear the ground, plantsome seed, and then move forward a little bit. Then he'd clearanother patch of ground, plant some more seed, and move on alittle farther. He'd keep looking for new places to plant until allof his seed had been sown.

That's what you have to do as a sower—you continuallylook for ways to give in a world that is continually finding waysto get. Instead of hoarding and gathering up for yourself, youmake a daily practice of looking for new places to sow.

For instance, the house I'm living in is completely paid for."That's because God has blessed you, Nasir," you say. But whyhas He been able to bless my family? Because God gave seed tomy wife, Anita, and me that we then sowed into others' lives.

You see, Anita and I helped six people with down paymentson their houses. What were we doing? Sowing. What was theharvest? Our own home is completely paid off. That is a


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manifestation of God's principles at work in the earth!

Don't Let Material Things Have You

You see, when sowing is more important to you thanhoarding material possessions, God will find ways to bless youwith those possessions. Remember, He doesn't have a problemwith your having things; He has a problem with things havingyou.

How do you know when something has you? When you'renot ready to give it away even if God asks you to, then youknow. In fact, if something you own is so precious that you'renot willing to sow it, I question the depth of your trust in theLord. What exactly is so valuable in your life that you can't partwith it because you're afraid God won't replenish it?

"Lord, I'll sow anything but that ... and that ... and that." Oh,really? I thought you loved and trusted Jesus!

"Oh, Lord, not that dress. I'll give any other one, but that'smy favorite!" Look out! The Lord will probably tell you to givethat dress away, because that's the dress that has you.

But when you catch the spirit of prosperity, you'll suddenlyrealize there isn't one thing you own so big and valuable whichGod can't replace with better and more.

I know a young couple who learned that hard lessonthrough their attachment to their beautiful, four-thousand-square-foot home. The couple loved their home, butmaintaining it and paying taxes on it had become more andmore expensive.

Finally, it came to the point that the husband and wife


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couldn't afford to keep the house. But instead of selling it, theylooked for other ways to cut back, even sacrificing certain basicneeds in order to keep their house.

But one day they finally realized, "We don't own this house—this house owns us!" So they let go of it in their hearts andsold it.

From that day on, the couple's life changed. They've seenmiracle after miracle in the financial realm. Everything hasfallen into place for them, because that house and othermaterial things don't have them bound anymore.

When owning a big house is no big deal to you, you'll ownone. When driving a new car is no big deal, you'll drive one.

But don't go looking for those blessings. Just get busysowing the way God wants you to, and the blessings will huntyou down.

I'm telling you, you can't out-give God, because God's verynature is that of a sower. He sowed His very best—His onlySon. God's a Sower, and He's looking for those who willmanifest His nature on this earth.

"But I'm not a giver," you may say. Oh, yes, you are! Thevery Spirit of giving inhabits the inside of you, and therefore,that facet of God's nature makes up a part of your recreatedspirit.

Of course, you may choose not to manifest the Spirit ofgiving. But when you stand before Jesus at the end of your life,you won't be able to protest, "I just wasn't a natural giver, Jesus.I couldn't become the kind of sower You wanted me to be, so Ididn't sow anything and stayed broke."


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God's Law of Sowing and Reaping

Jesus would respond, "Oh, yes, the Spirit of giving diddwell within you. You just decided not to develop it."

God Provides Seed to the Sower

It's so important to become a sower because that's the onlyway you'll receive seed to sow!

And [God] Who provides seed for the sower and breadfor eating will also provide and multiply your[resources for] sowing, and increase the fruits of yourrighteousness [which manifests itself in activegoodness, kindness and charity].

—2 Corinthians 9:10

Notice that God isn't in the harvest-giving business; He's inthe seed-giving business. And He doesn't scatter seed to everyChristian; He provides seed for the sower—the one God findscontinually on his knees, looking for places to sow.

If you tell me that God has never provided seed for you,then only two possibilities exist for you: Number one, maybeyou're not a sower. Number two, maybe you're eating yourseed.

You see, God doesn't sit in heaven, selecting the believersHe likes best so He can give only them seed. No, He looks forone thing: those who will sow the seed He provides.

Why does God look for sowers? Because seed in the handsof one who doesn't sow can never grow to its full potential forthat person or for the Gospel.

Think of it this way. Imagine that you are God, sitting up inheaven with a big bag of seed ready to distribute. Would you


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give that seed to someone who stores or squanders it, or wouldyou search for someone who plants that seed, expecting aharvest? You'd give seed to the sower!

God gives; He doesn't withhold. And when He sees thatyou're living the lifestyle of a sower, He will find ways to getseed into your hand. Seed will hunt you down! Why? BecauseGod knows that if He can get money to you as a sower, He'llget it through you.

But many times when God provides seed, people don'tcorrectly identify it as seed. They think, Well, I needed the sixblessings I just received. But after I get the seventh blessing,I'll use that as my seed. But people who think that way don'trealize that the first six blessings they received may haveactually been their seed!

If you learn to correctly identify it, you'll see that God hasmany ways of providing seed. For example, maybe you madesome money from a garage sale of things you don't useanymore. Well, did you ever think about asking God whether ornot the money you made is seed He provided?

You see, you don't know what the future will bring, butGod does. He knows what you're going to need in three months,in six months, and in a year from now, and that's why He wantsyou to sow toward your harvest.

What Hinders the Harvest?

One day I asked the Lord, "Lord, I don't understand. Whyare so many Christians broke? Why isn't there more of a harvestin the body of Christ?"

The Lord replied, "Son, it isn't an issue of harvest; it's


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always an issue of seedtime. Seed just isn't getting planted."

He continued, "If men and women would trust Me enoughto start planting seed for their harvest, I could give them theharvest they desire."

People who don't trust God to meet their needs fall rightinto the enemy's trap. Afraid they won't have enough forthemselves, they gather and heap up seed, keeping it storedaway in their storehouses, or banks. And since their seed nevergets planted, the seed itself remains all the harvest they everreap. And then they wonder why God seems to pass them by atharvesttime!

But no successful farmer keeps his seed locked away in abarn, because he knows that storing seed in a barn neverproduced a harvest.

Someone might say, "But I'm believing God that I'll haveenough not only to pay off my mortgage, but to makeinvestments in some mutual funds and term deposits for myretirement. I won't be able to do that if I give all my surplusaway!"

It's not wrong to invest in mutual funds or term deposits.But always remember that God is your Provider and your All-Sufficiency, and don't let your faith rest in mutual funds andterm deposits rather than in Him.

You see, money only contains value to God when it isturned into goods and services that help people. Money heapedup in a bank account doesn't bless or prosper anyone, nor doesit get the Gospel out or help people get saved, healed,delivered, and set free.


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Think about it. What are you going to do when Jesusreturns—grab your bank statement and say, "Okay, let's go"?

I don't think so! But money sown into the kingdom willreap a harvest of redeemed souls who will follow you toheaven. After all, how much of the earthly wealth you'vegathered and heaped up for yourself can you take with youwhen Jesus comes? Absolutely, none.

"That's pretty radical, Nasir. Are you telling me to giveaway everything I have?" No, of course you do need tomaintain a bank account and such. But I am telling you to bewilling to give whatever God asks you to give—because if youdon't, He can't get more to you.

So if you want to be a good steward of your money, don'ttell me how much you have stored up in your bank account.That won't tell me anything except that you may not belistening to God! Instead, show me how God is leading you toplant and sow.

Another strategy the devil uses to hinder people's harvest isdoubt and unbelief. Often believers give up too soon. They getweary as they wait and wait and no harvest comes. So just asthe harvest is breaking loose for them, they become frustratedand change their confession from words of faith to words ofdoubt and unbelief.

They may say, "Years ago, I planted that seed over there,but I never reaped any harvest from it. So I'm giving up on thissowing business—it just doesn't work."

Oh, really? You're saying that God's law of sowing andreaping doesn't work?


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"Well," these people say, "sometimes it works, andsometimes it doesn't. You never really know."

Are you calling God a liar? "No, I wouldn't do that," theyargue. "I just don't believe in seedtime and harvest." But sayingthat is the same as calling God a liar, because He's the One whoset that law in motion!

Those people should read what the Bible says about adouble-minded man. James wrote to the church, "If I see youdoubting, I'm going to sit you down and tell you not to expectanything from God because you're like a wave, tossed to andfro by the wind" (James 1:6,7).

How about you? Are you a believer or a doubter when itcomes to looking to God for your needs to be met? To locateyourself, think about the kind of words that come out of yourmouth.

Maybe you'd say something like, "Yes, I believe God'sWord will work because the preacher said so. But I might notbelieve it tomorrow because look what happened last year-myprayer didn't get answered. Oh, I don't know. Maybe the Wordwill work, or maybe it won't."

But those are the words of a doubter! And if you keepwavering between faith in God's kingdom principles and yourown fleshly doubts, don't be surprised if your harvest doesn'tcome in. Either you believe God's Word or you don't, but youcan't waver and still receive your harvest.

If you've planted seed, don't give up on it too soon becauseof doubt and unbelief. Your harvest may be just about to arrive!


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Satan's Number-One Hindrance To Reaping aHarvest: Fear

Doubt and unbelief in God's Word cause people to fall preyto Satan's number-one strategy for keeping God's people infinancial bondage: fear.

Many times when the Holy Spirit nudges someone to sowsome seed, they think, If I give that money away, I might nothave enough for my own needs. I may not even have enough toeat!

But that is a lie from the pit of hell! A statement like thattells me that you don't know God's character. God is a God oflove. So don't worry. God will see to it that there is plenty leftover to meet your needs as you faithfully sow the seed He'sprovided for you.

The Psalmist David said he had never seen the righteousforsaken nor God's children begging for bread (Psalm 37:25).And you are not going to be God's first exception!

God promises to give you everything you need, but theenemy whispers to people's minds, "You won't have enough fortomorrow. You better hang on to your money, because if yougive it away, you'll be broke tomorrow."

Or the devil will say, "You're going to do what with yourlast hundred dollars? Give it to the church? You're crazy! Youand your pillow are going to sleep on the street tomorrow night!All of your neighbors will laugh at you, and you'll die ofstarvation."

Many Christians listen to the enemy and then reason tothemselves, "I must make sure I have enough for the rent next


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week, so I better not sow this money now," or "This is my lasttwenty dollars; I better not give this."

Or someone who just lost his job may think, I was a giverwhen I had a job. But since I don't receive a paycheck everyFriday anymore, I'm going to hang on to my savings.

No, that's how the world thinks. But remember, God said,"My thoughts are not your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8).

Your job is not your source; God is. Therefore, your givingshould not be totally dependent on a predictable source ofincome. God's source of supply never runs out, so what are youworried about?

God knit you together in your mother's womb. He gave youthe very breath that keeps you alive today. His love for you isso strong that it endures forever—so strong, in fact, that Hegave His only Son to die on the Cross for you. And He nowcalls you His child!

Your Father will provide for you. Even an earthly fathermakes sure his children are fed and taken care of, so how muchmore will your Heavenly Father take care of you (Matthew7:11)?

Remember also that God said, "I'll never leave you norforsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). In troubled times, He promisesto always be there, always provide for you, bless you, causeyour business to prosper, and give you pay increases,supernatural favor, and inspired ideas.

In every area of life, God wants to stand by you—if you'llonly trust Him and sow seed as He directs you.

But the enemy doesn't want you to think this way or to trust


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in your Heavenly Father, so he uses fear to stop you fromplanting your seed. The devil knows that if he can get you tokeep your seed in your pocketbook or in your bank account, hecan keep you broke. As long as he can keep you from puttingyour seed in the ground, he won't have any problem with yourharvest because there won't be any!

Harvest never comes until you first sow. So as long as theenemy can keep you wrapped up in fear about giving, youmight as well hang on to the little you have instead ofhaphazardly tossing it into the offering as some sort of "tip" toGod. God doesn't need your tip. In fact, if you're only tippingHim, I suggest you keep your money—you're going to need it!

You see, unless you sow seed deliberately to God, you can'texpect a harvest. And that's difficult to do when the devil's gotyou bound by fear.

Do you know what I do when the enemy tells me, "You'renot going to have enough if you give"? I laugh! "Ha, ha, ha!" Isay, "I'm not going to have enough? Satan, if you don't be quiet,I'm going to double this check!"

That scares him, because he knows the law of sowing andreaping exists on this planet, and he wants to do everything hecan to stop me from operating in it. He'll do the same to you,but only if you allow it.

Jesus shared this kingdom mystery so we could get seriousabout sowing. It isn't something we should play around with. Itis time for us to stop being satisfied with the little offerings wearbitrarily give here and there, until we're good stewards of ourseeds, we'll never see the supernatural increase we desire.

It's up to you. If you don't overcome fear, the enemy can


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keep you broke all your life. But you don't have to let theenemy control your harvest anymore through the fear of nothaving enough. You can trust in God, remembering that He notonly gives seed to the sower, but bread for the eating (2Corinthians 9:10). And His supply never runs out!

God knows that you need to eat and drink. He knows all ofyour needs. So don't worry about them. God will make sureyour needs are met as you apply the kingdom secret of sowingto your life. Because when you get ahold of the truth of thismystery, it will break that curse of poverty over your lifecompletely and forever!


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Chapter 8 Seedtime and Harvest

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, andcold and heat, and summer and winter, and day andnight shall not cease.

—Genesis 8:22 KJV

The law of seedtime and harvest is one of the unchangingprinciples God set in place to govern this universe. It is a lawthat operates in people's lives for blessing as they apply it totheir lives and sow good seed. Inevitably, that good seedbecomes a harvest, according to the law of seedtime andharvest.

God Looks for Channels

If you want to experience the blessings of seedtime andharvest for yourself, it's time to change your thinking to that ofa sower's mentality. Shake yourself and say, "Hey, wait aminute! Lord, everything I have is Yours anyway, so I'll givewhatever You tell me to."

You see, God looks for channels through which He canfunnel finances for the end-time harvest, but He wants rivers


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that flow, not dams that stop the flow.

If you want to be one of God's channels, you will have tospend time with Him, learning to listen to His voice. As you do,He will tell you exactly where to sow.

He may point out a brother or sister in the congregationwho needs financial help, or He may direct you to sow into aparticular ministry that is doing a good work for His kingdom.He may also ask you to sow your compassion, your time, oryour love.

Learning to know His voice in order to be a vessel ofblessing comes through spending time in the Word and inprayer.

Channels for the Anointing

Because God moves through people on this earth, He islooking for channels not only for finances, but also channels forHis power and anointing to flow through.

When Jesus, the Head of the church, wants something doneon this earth, He directs a member of His body to do it. As thebeliever obeys Him, the anointing flows.

God's anointing is not meant to be kept to one's self, it'salways meant to flow through you to someone else. Considerthe example of Jesus. He was never anointed for His ownbenefit. He never said, "The Spirit of the Lord has anointed Meso I can enjoy that anointing."

No, God anointed Jesus so He could minister the anointingto others. Notice that Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord hasanointed me to preach good news to the poor, bring sight to the


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blind, and set the captives free" (Luke 4:18). The anointingcarries with it a purpose.

Sometimes I ask people why they stepped forward forprayer in a service. Some of them answer, "I want moreanointing on my life."

I ask these people, "What did you do this week with theanointing that's already in you? Did you witness to anyone?Teach the Word to anyone? Lay hands on any sick people? It'sgreat that you want more of God's anointing on your life, butwhat are you going to do with it?"

Often, those same people don't know what to answer. But Ican ask such questions because I've had the Lord ask the sameof me. Once He asked me, "Nasir, do you want more anointingin your life?"

"Yes, Lord, of course I want more!"

"Well, then," the Lord said, "start letting it flow more, andit will grow."

Like any other gift from God, His power and anointingincreases as it flows out of you. The more you allow His powerto flow out of you, the more God's power will flow into You.

It's the same way with finances. The more you allow yourfinances to flow out of you, the more God will bless you withfinances to flow to and through you.

Turn on the Tap!

Think, for example, about the water faucet in your home.The tap connects to a pipe, and the pipe links up to the watersystem in your town.


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When you want a glass of water, you simply walk to thesink, turn on the tap, and let the water flow out. You are the onewho determines whether the water flows out in a trickle or aflood.

Now where was the water just before you turned on the tap?In the reservoir? No, it was in the pipe. The water flowing outof the tap is immediately replenished by water from the cityinto your pipe. And if the tap is only opened a little, only asmall amount of water needs replenishing.

That's what seedtime and harvest is like. Think of yourselfas the pipe and that water as both your seed and harvest. If youwant a big harvest, remember, you're the one who controls theflow, so open the tap more!

You determine the size of your harvest; the enemy doesn't.He never has. In fact, your financial increase doesn't depend onanyone but you.

If you only allow the water to drip, drip, drip out of the tap,then the water to replace the outflow can only flow back at thesame rate, "drip, drip, drip." To change that, just turn on the tapuntil it's a floodgate!

You don't have to worry-the "pipe" will never run empty,because God wants to flood water through it to you. But Hecan't replenish your supply until you empty yourself of whatyou already have.

The control to the faucet is in your hands. You decide ifyou're going to open it for a trickle or a flood. And if you allowGod to flow through you, He will always find a way to getblessings to you!


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Your Heavenly Father's Supply Never Runs Out

Most people don't allow themselves to be God's channelssimply because they don't know by revelation their Supplier'scharacter. But here's what the Bible says:

As for the rich in this world, charge them not to beproud and arrogant and contemptuous of others, norto set their hopes on uncertain riches, but on GOD,WHO RICHLY AND CEASELESSLY PROVIDESUS WITH EVERYTHING FOR [OUR]ENJOYMENT.[Charge them] to do good, to be rich in good works, tobe liberal and generous of heart, ready to share [withothers].

—1 Timothy 6:17-18

I wrote in the margin of my Bible next to this passage,"Give, and believe God that there is no end to His supply."Never-ending supply is God's promise in these verses.

When my son, Matthew, was five years old, he starteddoing something which really strengthened my trust in myHeavenly Father as a faithful Provider.

Matthew couldn't conceive that there might ever be ashortage of toys. Therefore, when he went to school, he oftengave away one of his toys to someone in his class.

I wondered, What am I supposed to tell Matthew—thatthere is a shortage of toys and he shouldn't give away so freelywhat is his?

No, I couldn't do that, because Matthew knows his daddyloves him and would never allow him to run out of toys. In fact,


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his daddy wanted to give him even more toys as a reward forlearning to share!

That's the way you should trust your Heavenly Father tosupply your needs. First, realize that His supply literally cannotrun out. As we've already read, He owns the cattle on athousand hills (Psalm 50:10) and He also owns every gold,silver, and diamond mine on the planet. He owns every sun,star, moon, and planet in the universe. It's obvious that it'simpossible for God's supply to run out.

Second, understand that because you are intimatelyconnected to a Father whose supply never runs out, He willalways provide you with seed to sow.

So that's what I mean when I say that learning to live by thelaw of seedtime and harvest is really just a matter of getting toknow your Heavenly Father. When you know Him, you realizeHis mighty arms of protection and provision surround you at alltimes. You understand that He will always be there to supplyyour every need.

Don't Set Your Hopes On Uncertain Riches

I want to show you something else about God's abundance.Let's look back at our text in First Timothy 6. Verse 17 says:"As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be proudand arrogant and contemptuous of others, nor to set theirhopes on uncertain riches, but on God, Who richly andceaselessly provides us with everything for [our]enjoyment."

This passage refers to two kinds of riches. The first arecalled uncertain riches; the second are the riches God gives us.


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How do you tell the difference between the two? That'seasy. Uncertain riches are what I call "stacked-up" riches, orriches that a person gathers and heaps up for himself becausehis trust is in money. But God's riches are given.

"Well," some people say, "I stack up money for thoseunexpected `rainy days' when an emergency hits." But if youkeep stacking up your wealth rather than using some of it asseed, you'll spend your whole life having rainy days becausethat's what you sowed to! That's exactly why stacked-up wealthis uncertain.

For instance, look at the many rich people in the world.Often their trust is in their "stack." They buy surveillance videocameras and guard dogs; they build walls and hire securityguards-all because they're afraid someone will steal the richesthey've heaped up!

God doesn't have any problem with your having riches aslong as you're willing to give when He tells you to. And havingthat willingness is only a matter of trusting Him that His supplynever runs out. You see, faith freely gives, but fear holds on.

It set me free when I learned to trust in my Heavenly Fatherto meet all of my needs. Now I don't care about hoarding mystack. My stack isn't mine anyway; it's His.

And if my Father wants to use that stack to help someone,that's fine with me. I found out that if I'm faithful to give with alittle stack, God will trust me with a bigger stack.

And what can He trust me to do with that bigger stack? Thesame thing I did with the smaller one-sow it whenever He tellsme to! The key to living God's abundant life is following thelaw of seedtime and harvest.


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The Riches God Gives Us To Enjoy

The second kind of riches are given to us by God, "Whorichly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for [our]enjoyment" (First Timothy 6:17).

God wants us to have a good time! But the key to enjoyingall the things He gives us is to be ready to give them away. Godcharges those to whom He gives His abundance " be richin good works, to be liberal and generous of heart, ready toshare [with others]" (v. 18).

"But how can I enjoy my material possessions if I'm alwaysgiving them away?" you ask. That's the whole point—youactually find joy in giving them!

"God gave me this car," someone boasts. Great! But to trulyenjoy it, be ready to give what God has given you. That'scatching the spirit of prosperity.

Some people think the object of prosperity is to "get, get,get." But it's actually to "give, give, give." You have to becomea giver, not a getter, so you can be a reaper, not a keeper!

If God tells you to give away your brand-new car, take adeep breath and give it! The car manufacturers build more eachyear, and the next model is even better!

Get to know your Daddy in heaven, trust in His everlastingsupply, and you'll have no problem with giving. In fact, you'llgrow to the place where you find greater pleasure in giving thanyou do in receiving.

If you only have ten dollars in your pocket and yourHeavenly Father tells you, "Give your ten dollars to that person


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over there," you won't even think twice about it; you will justobey. If He tells you to give your best suit away, you'll do it in aheartbeat—with joy.

When you know your Father, you can live a continuallyfulfilled life whether you are abased or you abound. God givesto you richly to enjoy, you learn how enjoyable it is to give aswell!

Freely Share of Your Substance

As a father of three sons, I've learned so much about theheart of my Heavenly Father. For example, in my efforts toteach my own children how to share, I've come to realize howmuch God wants His children to learn the same lesson. That'swhy in 1 Timothy 6:18 He gives us a fatherly exhortation,telling us to be ready always to share with others.

For Anita and me, teaching our youngest sons to share witheach other hasn't always been easy. Because our son Matthew isthree years older than Josiah, most of the toys belonged to himfirst. So when Josiah comes into the playroom, Matthew wantsto lay claim to his "territory."

Here's a standard scenario. Matthew will grab several toysand retreat to a corner. There he stands in front of the toys,guarding them from his little brother. When Josiah comes overand tries to pick up one of Matthew's toys, Matthew protests,"No, I got them first!"

As a father, it grieves me to see my son act selfishly. I sithim down and tell him, "No, son, don't be like that. You needto share with your brother."

How much more then is our Father in heaven grieved when


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we act selfishly with our earthly possessions? How much moredoes He want us to learn to share freely with one another?

God wants us to share freely of our substance. I believeGod's message of giving is this: "I bless you with finances, butnot for you to just store them away for yourself. Share withyour brothers and sisters in Christ!"

It shouldn't be hard for us to imagine that our Father wouldwant that from us. After all, He is the Author of giving and wasin fact the first ever to share. He could have kept this universeto Himself, but He decided to share it with you and me.

Do you remember what happened in the book of Acts? Thebelievers all shared their substance with each other, and thechurch exploded (Acts 2:44,45). The church prospered as theyfinally got a revelation of seedtime and harvest and came God'schannels of blessing. They learned to share what God had sorichly given them to enjoy.

It's Not How Much You Give, But How Much IsLeft Over

Some people come to church, and when the offering plategoes by, they put in the smallest bill they can find in theirwallet.

That doesn't please God, He doesn't care how much yougive; His concern is how much you have left over.

You see, if you only have one hundred dollars to your nameand you give fifty dollars, that's a big deal to God. But you haveten thousand dollars in the bank and you give fifty dollars,that's a different story. You may not have the spirit of giving!


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Don't Value Money More Than People

Christians sometimes fail to share their uncertain richesbecause fear, the enemy's number-one strategy, makes themvalue money more than the goods and services it can buy tohelp people. In essence, they value money over people.

Often, a person who yields to fear is only interested inseeing his bank account balance increase. He gives more valueto that balance than to what his money can buy to bless others.

The moment money becomes more important to a personthan helping others, that person yields to the deceitfulness ofriches and the father of fear then begins to guide him.

First, the enemy tells him to stack up riches for himself. Ifthe person allows it, the devil eventually leads him to the veryroot of evil; the love of money. That person will servemammon, not God, because he cannot serve two masters.

What a dangerous progression! But it all starts by valuingmoney more than people.

On the other hand, when you value people more than themoney you can accumulate, you actually manifest the nature ofGod and catch the spirit of prosperity.

God is pleased when we value people enough to sharefreely with them today, trusting Him to supply our every needtomorrow.

Imagine this scene by way of illustration: Say I walk intothe kitchen, and my youngest son Josiah says he can't find thebox of breakfast cereal. As we search the house, we discover itunder my other son Matthew's bed. So I ask Matthew, "Son,


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why do you have the cereal box under your bed?"

"I'm hanging on to it, Daddy, and no one else can haveany."

"But, why?"

"Because I don't know if you'll buy cereal for me tomorrow,so I'm hiding this box safe under my bed for me."

That kind of situation seems so ridiculous, doesn't it?Actually, the opposite is true at my house. All of my sons run tothe refrigerator and eat whenever they're hungry, and none ofthem hide food away for themselves. They never once say, "Iwonder if we'll have enough for tomorrow."

My sons don't lose one bit of sleep wondering if there willbe food in the refrigerator tomorrow, because they know thatthe same father who put food there that day is the same fatherwho puts food there the next day.

My sons implicitly trust their father to be a faithful supplierof their every need, so they have no problem sharing amongthemselves. How much more should we likewise allowourselves to be God's channels, valuing each other enough tofreely share of our substance as we trust Him to faithfullysupply all of our needs?

I'm convinced that there is a lot more money in the body ofChrist than we know of. The problem is, too many Christiansvalue money over people, and they keep their riches storedaway! They hide away seed in "barns" when it's meant to flowback and forth among God's people, meeting needs and gettingthe Gospel out to the ends of the earth!


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A Lesson in Being God's Channel of Blessing

I myself have had many opportunities to learn to be awilling channel for God's blessings to flow through. Forexample, while I was a Bible college student, I worked as anusher at the church. When the church services concluded, Ialways stood at the back of the auditorium and shook handswith people as they left.

On one of those occasions, as a man stopped to shake myhand, he slipped a piece of paper into my palm and said, "Blessyou, brother" and then just walked away.

It crossed my mind that the man may have given me somemoney, but I was too busy ushering; I couldn't look at it. So Iput the folded piece of paper in my pocket and continued toshake hands with others who were leaving the service.

It wasn't until later that I remembered to pull out the pieceof paper and look at it. It was a one-hundred-dollar bill!

I said, "Glory, hallelujah! This is wonderful! Someone justwalked up to me and gave me a hundred dollars! I can't wait toget home and tell Anita about this!"

That afternoon I had to go to another appointment and thenon to usher at a night service before I went home. Before theservice began, I stood at my post in the back of the sanctuaryand watched people start trickling in.

Suddenly the Spirit of God spoke up on the inside of me."Do you see that man sitting over by the wall, seven rowsback?" He asked.

I looked over and saw the man the Lord was talking about.


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Seedtime and Harvest

"Yes, Lord, I do," I replied.

"Give him the hundred dollars."

What? I thought, Give away the hundred-dollar bill I justreceived? Satan, I rebuke you! This can't be God. I've alreadyplanned out how I'm going to spend that money!

I had planned to pay my ten-dollar tithe, give a ten-dollaroffering, and then use the rest of the money for some of thefamily's basic needs. Eighty dollars can go a long way for afull-time Bible school student with a wife and three children!

But the Spirit of God continued, "No, this is Me. Give theone hundred dollars to that man."

"Lord, I haven't even shown this money to my wife. Can't Ijust show it to her?"

"No, give the money now."

I sighed and said, "All right, Lord." So I walked over to thisman whom I had never met in my life, and said, "All I can tellyou is that God loves you, and He's going to see you through."

Then as I shook the man's hand, I transferred the hundred-dollar bill from my hand to his and walked away. When Iglanced back, the man was overcome with emotion and close totears.

To this day I have no idea who that man was or whatproblem he faced in his life. It's none of my business; I was justa vessel.

But I can tell you this: God knew, and He also knew whatthat man needed. And God wanted me to learn how to be alifestyle sower, a channel through which He could freely flow


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to bless and help others.

So if you want to see blessings flowing into your life, learnto obey God's voice when He tells you to sow seed.

Remember, Deuteronomy 28:1 says that if you listen to thevoice of the Lord and do all that is written in His Word, all ofGod's blessings will come upon you and overtake you. Butunless you're willing to obey His voice, blessings won'tovertake you.

You see, God is orchestrating a master plan. He sees one ofHis children going through a tough time financially, and Healso sees one of His other children with the finances to help.Therefore, He prompts the child who possesses more to give tothe child experiencing lack. Thus both believers are blessed—one in his giving and the other in his receiving.

But God can't use you in His grand master plan if you won'tlisten for His voice. In fact, He'll have to pass you by and go onto plan B. And if the person to be the channel of blessing inplan B doesn't listen, God will go on to plan C.

One way or another, God will meet that need. But you willbe the person who loses the most if you don't hearken unto Hisvoice or obey His Word by sowing.

There's another chapter to that hundred-dollar story. BeforeI left the service that night, someone I barely knew came up tome and handed me an envelope. I thanked him and left forhome without opening it, intent on telling my wife about myexperience with the hundred-dollar bill. (At least I could tell thestory, even though I couldn't spend the money!)

As I was relating to Anita what had happened, she opened


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the envelope I'd gotten just before coming home. Inside a cardwas a check for three hundred and fifty dollars!

No one will ever convince me that I didn't receive thatmoney because of my obedience to sow first that hundred-dollar bill.

"But why didn't God simply send the man who had thehundred dollars to the man in the night service who needed it?"you ask. Well, He could have, but if He had, I would havemissed the blessing of sowing into that stranger's life andreaping a harvest!

So why does God give something to you only to have youturn around and give it to someone else? He does it to bless youas well. That's the fun of being one of His channels of blessing!

The Power in a Seed

What if God wants to use you as a channel the way He usedme with the hundred-dollar-bill? Does the thought of givingaway all the financial increase you just received scare you alittle? If it does, you simply need to get a revelation of theawesome power in a seed.

You see, a seed contains the power and potential tomultiply. In itself, it doesn't look like much, but when planted,that little seed carries enough power to shoot roots deep into theground. You and I may need the aid of a shovel to dig into theground, but a seed needs no force other than itself.

And as the roots dig down, there's still ample power in thatseed to push a tiny plant out of its shell upward, fighting itsway up through the soil until it finally pushes through to theopen air.


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Where did the power come from—power enough to causeboth the roots to shoot down and the plant to push up throughthe soil? That power comes from the seed itself.

Next the fledgling plant thickens into a stalk; then the stalkgrows leaves and finally bears fruit. And within that fruitdwells many, many, many more seeds full of the same powerand potential of the initial seed—a multiplied harvest!

One day as I was driving to Branson, Missouri, I saw placesalong the highway where road crews literally dynamitedthrough huge rocks in order to create the road. At one suchplace I looked up and saw a little tree growing on the side ofone of those rocks.

I thought, How in the world did that tree ever have themight, strength, and energy to kick and fight its way throughthat rock, shooting its roots down so it could grow? And Irealized the incredible power that resides within the seed of onetree!

A Seed Unplanted Yields No Harvest

Jesus tells us that the power and potential in a seed willnever be brought forth if left unplanted. The harvest dies withinthe seed, wasted.

I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain ofwheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains (just onegrain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone.But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a richharvest.

—John 12:24


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Seedtime and Harvest

Once again, Jesus gives the disciples another kingdomprinciple, but this time He starts off by saying, "I assure you,most solemnly I tell you." In other words, He's saying, "I tellyou the truth."

Now Jesus always told the truth, and the disciples knewthat. But He wanted to shake the disciples up a little and makethem pay attention. So He essentially said, "Listen up—whatI'm about to tell you is crucial!"

What kingdom principle did Jesus consider so important?Simply this: A seed unplanted contains power and potential.But it never exercises that power and potential unless it isplanted in the ground.

God provides seed to you if you are a sower. But until thatseed gets planted in the ground, He won't be able to"...multiply your [resources for] sowing" (2 Corinthians9:10).

Notice that God will multiply your sowing. If you aren'tsowing, He has nothing to multiply.

You see, God doesn't even need to concern Himself withmultiplying your harvest; as you plant the seed, it automaticallymultiplies! The seed multiplies independently because seedtimeand harvest is a law that governs this earth. If you plant seed,you will see a harvest.

God is interested in multiplying His people's sowing. If Hecan get His children to sow more, the harvests will take care ofthemselves. God wants to bring a mighty harvest to the body ofChrist, but the only way He can is through His own law ofseedtime and harvest. That's why He wants you to sow seed.


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Someone may say, "I'm broke. I have a need." God's answeris simple: "Plant a seed, My child. I already put My laws on theearth, so start operating in those laws. Be a sower, for from aseed unplanted your only harvest will be a seed."

The problem with too many Christians is that they live onseed instead of living on harvest.

God says to a believer, "Three of My children are strugglingbecause they can't pay their bills, and you have all this moneystored up in your bank account. Why don't you share out ofyour abundance?"

"But, Lord, that's my nest egg!"

"Child, I'm not trying to take your nest egg," he prods, "I'mtrying to increase it. And the reason it hasn't increased beforenow is that your `nest egg' is actually your seed and you neverplanted it. Therefore, your seed has become the extent of yourharvest!"

If you have ten dollars in your pocket and you don't plant it,then that ten dollars is all the harvest you'll have. But if yousow your ten dollars into the kingdom, God can multiply yoursowing and bring the harvest of that seed back to you.

So obey the voice of the Lord when He tells you to sow. Ifwhat you have isn't enough to meet your need, chances are it'sintended to be used as a seed!

But remember, only seed that's in the ground can grow. Youmay not be able to multiply what you hold in your hand, butGod can—if you plant it. He's the God of multiplication!


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Seedtime and Harvest

The Power To Multiply In a Kernel of Corn

Let's look at the development of a kernel of corn as agraphic illustration of the awesome potential contained in oneseed. You couldn't get too full from eating one small kernel ofcorn, could you? You might put a little salt and butter on it andtry to savor it for a moment, but you'd leave the table as hungryas you came.

But what would happen if you planted that same kernel inthe ground? A friend of mine did the math on that and told methat the average kernel produces one stalk with two cobs ofcorn. Each ear of corn produces an average of 452 kernels.That's a total of 904 kernels from just one small kernel plantedin the ground!

Now you could cook those two cobs and eat those 904kernels, and they would probably taste great and satisfy yourhunger for a few hours. But if you had the mentality of a soweryou'd think, Wow! If one kernel could produce this many morekernels, I think I'll take these 904 kernels and plant themagain!

If you plant those 904 kernels they will multiply into aharvest of 746,496 kernels of corn! That's three-quarters of amillion kernels harvested from one kernel by sowing theincrease just once. You've tapped into the powerful law ofseedtime and harvest!

God is the One who put the law of increase into effect onthis earth. Do you think He would make that law more effectivefor corn than He would for planting into His kingdom? Noway! And like anything else we've discussed, the law ofseedtime and harvest is even more real in the spiritual realm


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than it is in the natural realm.

We limit God when we say, "I want a hundredfold return onmy giving, Lord." The God of too much must say, "But what'swrong with four hundredfold? Or how about if I were to giveyou a thousandfold? Do you have any problem with that?"

The Lord told me long ago, "Son, your faith limits Me."Ever since then, I've said, "Okay, Lord, I'm taking the roof offmy faith. No more limits!"

So don't be afraid to sow seed, but believe in the power ofthe seed to multiply. God will never tell you to do somethingthat will hurt you. He wants you to plant seed because He'strying to get a blessing to you. You see, God has a great harvestprepared, and He's ready to pour more blessings into your life—but it's up to you to tap into the power of the seed!

Elijah and the Widow

Let's look at the biblical account of the prophet Elijah andthe widow of Zarephath to see how the God of multiplicationworks. (1 Kings 17:5-16.)

The people of Gilead experienced a great drought in theland. Elijah had been staying near the brook Cherith at theLord's command. There God had supernaturally provided Hisprophet with food, sending ravens to bring him bread and meat.

But when the brook dried up because of the drought, Godgave Elijah new instructions: "Arise, go to Zarephath, whichbelongs to Sidon, and dwell there. Behold, I havecommanded a widow there to provide for you" (v. 9).

So Elijah obeyed the Lord and traveled to Zarephath. He


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found the widow God told him about out gathering sticks, andasked her to bring him some water. As she went to get it, Elijahsaid, "Bring me a morsel of bread in your hand" (v. 11).

It was no little thing for Elijah to ask this widow to bringhim a morsel of bread since bread was scarce and worth a lot ofmoney during the time of famine! Nevertheless, Elijah told thewoman, "Bring the morsel to me. Plant it into my ministry."

We can see from verse 9 that God had already commandedthis woman to feed Elijah before he'd ever arrived. Butobviously, she wasn't planning on obeying. She told Elijah:"As the Lord your God lives, I have not a loaf baked butonly a handful of meal in the jar and a little oil in the bottle.See, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and bake itfor me and my son, that we may eat it, and die" (v. 12).

(Now don't judge this woman too quickly. How many timeshas God spoken to you about sowing seed and you weren'tobedient!)

The widow operated in fear—the fear of not having enough.She got so busy looking at what was in her hand that shecouldn't conceive of the possibility that God could take her seedand multiply it back to her as harvest.

Sounds like a familiar problem, doesn't it? We sometimessit in church and pray, "Lord, I know I have a twenty-dollar billin my pocket. But if I give all of it in the offering now, what amI going to do for money next week?" We forget that He is ElShaddai, the God of more than enough!

This widow was saying the same thing to Elijah: "Thisportion of meal is all I have; this is my security." But whatsecurity did that tiny amount of meal and oil actually provide


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her? None! Without God's help, she was going to die anyway.

Now consider this. Could God have taken care of His mananother way? Sure, He could have. God has many ways to takecare of His ministers. He wasn't hard up for the widow's littlebit of bread; He could have called in more ravens without anyproblem. Then why did God tell Elijah to travel six days to findthis widow just so the prophet could take her last morsel?

But God didn't command the widow to give her last bit offood to Elijah because He couldn't find any other way to feedHis man. He did it because He was trying to get a harvest ofblessing to her!

In relating this account of Elijah and the widow, I heard aminister once say, "Can you imagine the newspaper headlines ifa reporter got ahold of a story like this one? `Corrupt MinisterTakes Widow's Last Meal.' I can just hear the public outcry,`Jail him! Crucify him! He took that poor lady's last meal!"'

But thank God, we're not moved by the media, but only bythe Word of God! The world doesn't understand how Godoperates. They don't understand the kingdom way of doingthings. You see, there wasn't any shame in Elijah's eating thewidow's last meal. In fact, his request actually gave her theopportunity to reap the harvest she so desperately needed.

The truth is, if the widow hadn't obeyed God and fed Elijah,we wouldn't be reading about her in the Bible today. She andher son would have eaten their last meal and then died, just asshe feared.

But the widow did obey God—after she first told Elijah, "Ihave just enough meal to feed one adult and one child. If Imake a cake for you first, there goes the adult portion. Logic


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dictates that I would only have enough left for my child."

But Elijah responded, "Don't be afraid. Just make me alittle cake first, and afterwards prepare some for yourselfand your son" (v. 13).

"What?" she could have said, "Elijah, you must not belistening! I just told you I have enough in my hand for only oneadult and child, and you're still telling me to fix enough foodfor two adults and one child. Can't you count, Elijah? It isn'tgoing to work!"

If the woman had responded that way to Elijah's request,she would have been absolutely justified. As long as she kepther eyes on what was in her hand, it never would work.

But if you give God the seed in your hand, it doesn't leaveyour life. God promises to multiply your sowing back into yourlife with the harvest He has in His hand.

So Elijah told the woman, "Fear not" (v. 13), and withthose two words, he identified her problem. It's the sameproblem we all deal with in the area of giving—the momentGod tells us to sow something, the enemy tries to bring in fearto keep us from obeying.

Then Elijah gave the reason why the widow need not fear.He shared God's promise: "For thus says the Lord, the Godof Israel, The jar of meal shall not waste away, or the bottleof oil fail, until the day that the Lord sends rain on theearth" (v. 14).

The moment Elijah spoke those words, God's power waspresent for the miracle. But the woman wouldn't see hermiracle unless she acted on God's Word.


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At this point, the widow stood at a crossroads. It was timefor her to decide, "Do I base my actions on what little I see inmy hand, or do I base them on the word of the Lord?"

God required the woman to take her eyes off what she heldin her hand, focus her faith on His promise to her, and sow herseed. The kingdom way always starts with sowing. It has to,because that is a law of the universe God set into motion beforethe foundations of the earth.

Do you see how much God loved this woman? He didn'tneed this widow's last morsel. He could have sent more ravensto feed Elijah instead. And it's not that she was the rich widowin town; she was the poorest of the poor! With only a handfulof meal, she was desperate! But God said, "Even though youhave little, use it to plant seed into My kingdom."

Thank God, this woman didn't go with her initial reaction offear! She chose to believe the Word of God above what she sawin her hand, and her obedience released the financial miracle inher life. According to the word of the Lord, the meal and oilcontinued to multiply until the three-year drought was over!

So do you want to know how to overcome the fear of nothaving enough as this widow did? It's easy. The next time Godasks you to sow a hundred dollars and the enemy whispers,"You aren't going to have enough for yourself," just go aheadand sow anyway!

That's how the widow of Zarephath overcame her fear-bysowing the little she had as the Lord had commanded her to do.She decided, "I choose this day to believe the word of Goddelivered by the prophet. I'm just going to do it!"

So when God tells you to give but the enemy says you can't


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afford to, just do it anyway! Check out the faithfulness of yourFather, who won't fail to take care of you.

Get in the Cycle!

The moment you plant seed into God's kingdom, you enterthe cycle of seedtime and harvest. The Bible describes thiscycle, which operates in every realm of life:

For as the rain and snow come down from theheavens, and return not there again, but water theearth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it maygive seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shallMy word be that goes forth out of My mouth.

—Isaiah 55:10,11

How does the cycle work? When you ask God for seed, Healways gives you enough to start the cycle. Once you sow that,God multiplies it in order to get more seed back to you as aharvest of the seed you initially planted. Then you plant moreseed, which grows and produces even more seed for you toplant again. Then the cycle repeats itself over and over and overagain.

If you stay in that cycle, it will produce for you, and Godwill never take you out of it. Only you can take yourself out ofthe cycle of seedtime and harvest by stacking up or eating yourseed—in other words, by interrupting it through not sowingseed.

I remember the day I got a deeper revelation of the law ofseedtime and harvest. It was the day the Lord told mesomething that set me free from concerns about my finances.


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You see, I travel all over the world teaching the Word. Ihave a wife and three sons, and we own a home, run a ministryoffice with staff, and oversee a thriving tape ministry—and welive by faith. No one comes looking for me at the end of theweek to give me a paycheck for the work I do.

But the Lord said to me one day, "Nasir, your needs willnever be met by other people giving to you."

"What do You mean, Lord?" I asked. "I'm a minister. WhenI travel and teach, people take up offerings for our ministry. Sowhat do You mean, my needs aren't going to be met bypeople?"

The Lord replied, "Your needs won't be met by their giving.Your needs will be met by your giving."

That definitely got me excited about becoming more of asower! I realized that all I need to do to increase my harvest isincrease my sowing.

Since then, I've understood that it doesn't matter if I teachsomewhere and only receive one dollar in the offering; I knowmy "Boss" will take care of me and my family. Because I'm asower, I control my harvest, and whether people give or not,God guarantees my harvest!

Even as a ministry, my staff and I sow seed into thekingdom of God from every dollar that comes in. We'veplanted a lot of seed in the ground, and I can tell you, the law ofseedtime and harvest works!

So don't miss out on the blessing—get into the cycle ofseedtime and harvest and allow God to use you as a channel ofblessing. The same principles of the power of the seed which


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work for me will work for you. If you're a sower, you haveGod's ironclad guarantee of a harvest!


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Chapter 9 Guidelines for Sowing

"He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, andhe who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully."

—2 Corinthians 9:6 NKJV

Now that we understand the vital role sowing plays inreaping financial prosperity and we understand the law ofseedtime and harvest, we can examine the way in which we areto sow seed. The Word actually sets forth specific guidelines.

You see, sowing isn't just a matter of carelessly throwingsome seed on the ground every once in a while. If you want toreap the abundant harvest God intends for you to enjoy, youmust follow the guidelines for sowing that God's Word tells usabout.

Sow Daily, Reap Daily

The first guideline to sowing is to do it continuously.Although the law of sowing and reaping works both in thenatural and the spiritual realm, we Christians have an edge overnatural sowers—farmers. You see, a farmer can plant onlyduring the planting season, not all year round. He can't, for


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example, plant in the middle of winter. He has to wait for theplanting season.

When that season arrives, planting, planting, plantingconsume the farmer's days. Even after he's planted all the seed,he waits several months more until harvest time.

But as Christians, we don't have just one planting season inwhich we can sow seed. In fact, it's possible to sow and reap aharvest of blessings every day of our lives!

Here's how it works. Day 1: My lifestyle is sowing, soguess what I'm going to do today? I'm going to sow.

Day 2: I look at my seed planted on Day 1. Nothing ishappening. Do I think, Sowing doesn't work? No, I don't,because I understand the law of seedtime and harvest. Instead, Ijust sow more seed.

"But you haven't received the harvest from Day 1 yet!" yousay. That's all right. Just wait and see what happens.

Day 3: Guess what I'm going to do today? Sow! "But," yousay, "you haven't seen the harvest from Day 1 or Day 2 yet!" Iknow; just be patient, and you'll see.

Day 4: What do you think I'm going to do on Day 4? Sow."Wait a minute-when is this harvest coming?" you keep saying."I mean, look, you sowed on Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4.What's going on here?" I'll tell you what's going on. I'm makingsowing my lifestyle!

Day 5: What do you think I'm going to do? Sow. Day 6:And today? Sow. Day 7: Suddenly-oh, what is that? Wow!Look what I received today! Glory to Jesus, I've begun to reap aharvest! Is it a harvest from my sowing on Day 7? No, it's from


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Day 1! So what do you think I'm going to do now? Sow. I'm notgoing to allow myself to get so wrapped up in my harvest that Iforget to sow!

Day 8: What do you think I do the day after I receive aharvest? I sow again! Then, look here! My goodness, anotherharvest! I received one yesterday, and I've received anothertoday! This is wonderful-it's my harvest from Day 2!

Are you getting the picture? If you make sowing your dailylifestyle, you're sure to come to a place in your spiritual walkwhere you reap a harvest daily. That's just the inevitableoutcome. Blessings will chase you down and catch up with you.Because you're so busy sowing, sowing, sowing, you'll keep onreaping harvest, harvest, harvest!

Anita and I experience that kind of daily harvest in ourpersonal lives and in our ministry. Someone will bless us withfinances, and we'll think, Wow! Where did this harvest comefrom? Why would so-and-so bless us like that?

Then the Lord reminds us, "Remember the time you planteda seed here? Or remember that other time you obeyed My voiceand sowed into that person's life? Well, this is the harvest ofthose seeds sown."

Don't Wait for Harvest To Sow More

Do you want to reap a harvest every day of your life? Thenstart sowing daily, and don't be moved by what you see.

Some people say, "I haven't seen the harvest from Day 4yet. I think I'll just wait until I do before I sow more seed."

But let me give you an illustration to show you the folly of


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waiting to see harvest before you sow more seed. Have youever seen what happens when water flowing through a pipe hitsan air pocket? No more water flows out of the pipe. You haveto wait until the air is expelled from the pipe before the watercan flow out again.

When you don't sow daily, you create a spiritual "airpocket" in your harvest—a space of time when no harvestcomes in. So if you want your harvest to continually flow,make sure you continually sow!

God Daily Loads Us With Benefits

How do we know that God wants us to enjoy a harvestevery day? Because Psalm 68:19 says, "Blessed be the Lord,WHO DAILY LOADETH US WITH BENEFITS" (KJV).

When I first read that verse, I grabbed hold of it and said,"Hallelujah! I want daily benefits, Lord! I don't want to belimited to telling people about something that happened a yearago. In fact, I don't even want to tell people testimonies fromyesterday. If I cannot experience a new testimony each day as aresult of my daily sowing, then that Scripture is not working inmy life!"

It's great to talk about what God did in my life ten yearsago, but I want to be able to talk about what God is doing forme daily. I ought to experience God's benefits every day of mylife—and so should you!

God loves to bless us with benefits both large and small.For example, I love all kinds of food, but one of the foods Ienjoy the most is Japanese sushi.

One time when I was holding meetings in Toronto, Canada,


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I had a great desire to eat sushi. The problem was that I do notlike to eat before a service, and most restaurants don't stay openlate enough to eat dinner after a service. Besides that, sushi isnot the most common menu item in Toronto restaurants.

I thought, How will I ever find the chance to eat sushibefore I leave? So I handed it over to the Lord and forgot aboutit.

After one of the meetings later that week, a Filipino pastordecided to take me to a Chinese restaurant-and guess what?They had sushi on their menu! I said, "Thank You, Lord! Youdaily load me with benefits even in the little things!"

Start believing God for daily benefits. Wake up eachmorning and thank Him for the blessings you're going toreceive that day. What blessings? Well, you may not knowwhat they are at seven o'clock in the morning, but you canknow that they will come before the day is over!

Therefore, if you want those daily blessings, continue to bea doer of the Word. Sow each day whether you see any harvestor not. As you do, the time will come when you experienceGod's benefits on a daily basis, as His Word promises.

I know this from what the Bible says: "Give, and it shallbe given unto you" (Luke 6:38 KJV). In other words, you cancount on it. You can take it to the bank. This truth is more realthan the chair you're sitting in. Sow daily, and God will dailyload you with benefits.

Don't Wait for a Surplus Before You Sow

Don't wait until you have more than you need for yourselfbefore you sow. That's not how God's kingdom principles


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Some people say, "When I get ten thousand dollars in thebank, then I'll give." But they probably won't. If they won't givewhen they have only a little, they're decieving themselves tothink they'll give when they have much.

Once those people finally obtain their ten thousand dollars(if they ever do!), they change their goal to accumulatingtwenty thousand dollars in the bank before they give. Who arethey fooling?

Besides, those who say, "I'll give once I get all my financestogether" miss God's timing. Because they wait too long to sow,they never reap the harvest that's somewhere down the road.

The Bible teaches us that we are not to wait on surplus tosow seed: "He who observes the wind [and waits for allconditions to be favorable] will not sow, and he whor*gards the clouds will not reap" (Ecclesiastes 11:4).

You can't keep your eyes on the wind, so to speak, and be alifestyle sower. What do I mean by that? I mean you can't seethe wind—it has no shape or color—but you can see its effectsas, for example, it blows away topsoil or scatters seed. So ifyou keep your eyes on the wind, you look for the perfectconditions before sowing, waiting for the wind to die down, orto blow from the right direction, and so forth.

"When everything goes perfectly—when I have the rightjob, when this financial deal goes through, when I have thisamount of money saved—then I'll sow a big offering," you sayif you're looking at the wind.

But I've found out two things about God. First, He often


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asks you to sow when it's not convenient. Therefore, if you'realways waiting for a convenient time, you may never sow. Andif you never sow, you'll never reap.

Second, many times God will ask you to sow an amountthat's not convenient. In fact, if the seed you're planting isconvenient or if you know you can afford it, you may be stuckin a comfort zone and you may not be hearing God accurately!

You see, God likes to stretch us out of our comfort zones byasking us to sow more than we were expecting to sow.Remember, He wants us to live by faith, and that takes trust.That's how He desires to take us higher spiritually.

For instance, if you're going through a tough timefinancially and all you have left in your pocket is a ten dollarbill, the Lord may say to you, "Go ahead and plant that tendollars. Trust Me."

"Yes, but I might have to miss dinner!" you could argue.You know, it's all right if you go without a little in order tosow. If you wait until all the conditions are favorable, chancesare you won't sow. Instead develop a lifestyle of sowing thatdoesn't depend on the circ*mstances around you.

Anita and I learned how to apply this principle in our ownlives during a time of economic recession. We lived in Canadaat the time, and finances were very tight.

However, we continued to sow even when conditionsweren't at all favorable in the natural. In fact, when we figuredout our tax returns that year, we were amazed to find out wehad actually given more than we had earned!

What resulted from our giving during the time it was so


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inconvenient? We reaped a continual harvest of blessings andfinances in the months and years that followed!

There are three reasons why God asks us to give when it'snot convenient.

Number one, He wants us to learn how to walk by faith andnot by fear. As I said before, He wants us to trust Him enoughto step out of our comfort zones and give anyway—convenientor not.

Number two, He wants to use us as those channels ofblessing to fulfill someone else's need, and others' needs don'talways arise at our convenience. As we allow God to use us aschannels, our seed becomes someone else's harvest. Andlikewise, someone else's seed can be our harvest!

Number three, our giving in obedience, even when it's notconvenient, releases the future harvest God knows we willneed.

So determine not only to sow but to sow in God's timing.Don't miss the harvest God intends for you by waiting on asurplus or the perfect time to sow, keeping your eyes on thewind! Know that God rewards your faithfulness to sow whetherit's convenient or not.

Ask God for Seed

Another guideline to sowing is to ask God for seed! As weread before, God gives seed to the sower (2 Corinthians 9:10).You may say, "My problem is that I'm so totally broke, I havenothing to sow." Then ask God for seed, and He'll find a way toget it to you—even if the seed is shirt buttons!


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Shirt buttons? As unusual as that sounds, it's exactly whathappened years ago to Kenneth Copeland. Today BrotherCopeland heads a prospering ministry with about four hundredemployees. But more than thirty years ago, he didn't have muchof anything—until he suddenly got a revelation of the law ofsowing and reaping while sitting in a church service.

As ushers passed the offering plate, Brother Copelandprayed, "Lord, I want to sow into this offering, but I don't haveany money. I'm broke! I can't even put food on the table, andmy car is falling apart. Help me, Lord. I want to plant, but whatam I supposed to do?"

Then Brother Copeland thought about the shirt he waswearing. The only thing he could think of to sow as seed werethe buttons on his shirt, so he plucked off a few and droppedthem in when the offering plate went by.

God honored his seed of those buttons! Why? BecauseBrother Copeland gave of his little bit in faith. Now he testifiesof the harvest of increase he's reaped again and again from thatshirt-button seed simply because he had the heart of a sower!

I'll give you another example. A woman who attended oneof my Financial Increase Seminars got a revelation of sowing,but she didn't have any seed. Then the Spirit of God spoke toher spirit, saying, "The seed is in your hand."

Surprised, the woman looked at her hands. She didn'tunderstand. She had no money in her hand, so what was theseed? "Lord, there's nothing in my hand," she said.

The Lord spoke again: "Look again. The seed is in yourhand."


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So the woman looked at her hands again and said to theLord, "Oh, You must mean my wedding ring! That's the onlything in my hands." And with a willing heart, she took off herwedding ring and planted it in the offering.

The church didn't know what to do with this woman's seed,so when they gave us the offering, they included her ring in anenvelope.

Now this ring wasn't extremely expensive, nor did it have ahuge diamond in it. But to this woman, it was the most valuablething she had, and with the heart of a sower she planted it intoGod's kingdom.

When my wife saw the wedding ring in the offering, shebroke down in tears and prayed, "Lord, I can't take thiswoman's wedding ring! We'll have to send it back!"

But the Lord told Anita, "Don't you dare refuse thatwoman's seed! She planted her ring in faith."

A month later, this woman and her husband began trying topurchase a house. When it turned out to cost more than theycould afford, the Spirit of God led them to an even biggerhouse than the one they'd just tried to buy.

The couple couldn't afford the worth of that house either,but when they talked to the owner, he said, "Well, just make mean offer." To make a long story short, they purchased thegorgeous, more expensive home for a third of what it wasworth! The woman indeed received a harvest from herwedding-ring seed!

You may wonder what happened to the ring. Anita and Iprayed about it, and the Lord told us, "Accept the ring as seed,


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and a time will come when I will have you plant it back into herlife as your seed." It was, in fact, seed to us because we couldhave sold it and used the money.

So this woman doesn't know it yet, but she is getting herring back! Then she'll have her ring and her house—all becauseshe was willing to sow what she had even when it wasn't much.

What I'm saying to you is that before you say, "I don't haveany seed," check your wallet, check your bank account, checkyour closet. Have a garage sale. Or if you know someone whoneeds a pair of shoes, give him a pair of yours. In fact, give himyour best pair!

Don't tell me you don't have any seed, because the Biblesays God gives seed to the sower. Now you may not be willingto part with your seed, but you do have something you can sow,and God promises to multiply it. And if you even start with alittle seed, He'll find a way to get you more.

Get ahold of this truth: When it seems like you don't haveanything to sow—even when you don't have a penny to yourname—you still possess more than the rest of the worldbecause you have God, and He's the Seed-Giver!

So don't hesitate to ask God for seed. If you're a serioussower, He will find a way to get seed into your hand.

Don't Eat Your Seed

Another guideline to sowing is this: God doesn't continue togive seed to a person if that person keeps "eating" the seed. Bythat I mean the person doesn't rightly value the seed Godprovides; instead of using it as God intended—for planting—hesquanders it on his own wants and needs.


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I heard a minister once relate that in the remotest parts ofAfrica, no matter how bad the climate conditions becomewhether typhoons, drought, or extreme heat—you'll never finda native farmer who eats all of his seed.

The farmer knows that one day the weather will change andit will once more be time to plant seed. And when that daycomes, if he has eaten his last seed and has nothing to put in theground, then his chances of survival are over.

Native farmers with no formal education can figure out thebasic principle of seedtime and harvest—that seed brings a fargreater return in the ground than in our pockets—but how aboutyou and me? It's the same. If we eat the seed God provides forus, we'll not only miss our harvest, we won't have anything leftto sow!

For example, suppose my oldest son Aaron comes to meand says, "Dad, I want to start a little business, but I don't haveany capital to get it started. If you'll give me the money tobegin, I'll work really hard, and the business will explode. ThenI'll be able to repay the money you loaned me."

So I say, "Son, I trust you and have faith in you. How muchdo you want?" Then I write him a check so he can start hisbusiness.

But suppose six months later, I find out my son never didstart that business. Instead, he just wasted the money on otherthings. Later, he comes to me again and says, "You know, Dad,I was going to start that business, but something happened and Inever got around to doing it. But, listen, I have another, evenbetter idea for a new business. Please just give me the money toget it started. The product will sell like hotcakes!"


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So I decide to trust my son once more and give him themoney he needs. But again he doesn't do what he promised andinstead spends the money.

I guarantee you, the next time my son asks me for money tostart a business, I'm more hesitant to give it to him! Well, that'sjust how the Heavenly Father feels about the person whoalways eats the seed God gives him.

So if you ever ask the Lord for seed and He faithfullyprovides it for you, make sure you faithfully sow it.

Any seed not sown is seed not grown.

Live Off Your Giving

Let me share another guideline for sowing: Live off yourgiving. Don't live off your seed; plant it and live off yourharvest.

I'll tell you what I mean. One of the most obvious ways Godprovides seed for you to sow is through your job. The Biblesays:

Let the thief steal no more, but rather let him beindustrious, making an honest living with his ownhands, SO THAT HE MAY BE ABLE TO GIVE TOTHOSE IN NEED.

—Ephesians 4:28

The principle in this verse doesn't just apply to formerthieves; it applies to all of us.

Why should we get jobs just so we can fill up a bankaccount? No, that's not what this Scripture says. It says to makean honest living so we can give.


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You see, God wants you involved in the cycle of seedtimeand harvest. Therefore, He'll help you find a good job toprovide you with seed to sow.

I know many Christians who live a quality of life far abovetheir paycheck. They can do that because they've tapped intoGod's law of seedtime and harvest by making the decision, "Mypaycheck's going to be a source of seed for sowing, and I'mgoing to live off my harvest!"

But too many Christians make the mistake of paying theirbills with their paycheck and leaving nothing to plant intoGod's kingdom. And yet they wonder why they're alwaysbroke!

If you were a farmer and God gave you a bag of seed, whatwould He say if you promptly cooked all the seed and ate it?He'd tell you, "I gave you this seed to plant, not to eat!" You'renot to live off the seed!"

In the same way, your job is your seedbag, not your sourceof security. Therefore, you must let your giving—not yourpaycheck—produce your living. Step over into heaven'seconomy, where there are no "black Mondays," no roller-coaster interest rates, no fluctuating values on the currency. Inheaven, the economy is always good, and the supply is alwaysnever-ending.

So remember, you're working for seed to sow toward yourharvest!

Sow Bountifully, Reap Bountifully

We find an additional guideline for sowing in SecondCorinthians 9:6 (NKJV): "He who sows sparingly will also


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reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reapbountifully." This verse proves that God doesn't determine ourharvest; we do!

Do you want to experience great prosperity in your life?Then large harvests require large amounts of seed, because themore you sow, the more you reap.

A farmer determines the size of his harvest initially atseedtime. If he wants ten acres of crops harvested, then heplants seed in ten acres of ground. There's no other way.

So how much should you give? Give as much as youpossibly can. Remember, you determine your own harvest!

Give Cheerfully

Verse 7 goes on to say, "So let each one give as hepurposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; forGod loves a cheerful giver." You see, God doesn't want you togive under compulsion. If you're giving only because you feellike you have to, then you're not giving in faith and you're notfully convinced that the law of sowing and reaping works.

Notice what kind of giver God likes-a cheerful one! TheAmplified Bible renders verse 7 this way: "Let each one [give]as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart,not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, forGod loves (that is, He takes pleasure in, prizes above otherthings, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) acheerful (joyous, prompt-to-do-it) giver—whose heart is inhis giving."

God takes pleasure in a joyous, prompt-to-do-it giver!Why? Because a cheerful giver gives by faith, and faith is the


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very thing that pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).

I'm more excited about giving to God than I am aboutanything else. For instance, I used to own a big company, andwhen checks would come in the mail, my staff members and Ididn't waste a minute of time-as soon as the checks were out ofthe envelopes, we calculated our tithes and offerings.

Then I could hardly wait for the church doors to open so Icould bring my tithes and offerings into God's storehouse. Iwanted to be a prompt-to-do-it giver-and I still do!

Verse 7 emphasizes that God "prizes above other things" acheerful giver. When I read that phrase, I thought of hunterswho display their greatest hunting trophy-the head of a moose,bear, or bull elk-above their mantelpiece. And whenever avisitor comes to the house, that hunter says, "Hey, come over tothe mantelpiece. I want to show you the trophy I prize above allof my others."

Something similar must take place up in heaven. God says,"Hey, angels, come here and let Me show you something. Yousee that believer down there? I prize that one! He's My trophy."

"Why is that believer Your trophy, Lord?" the angels ask.

God answers, "Look at the attitude in which he gives. He'ssuch a cheerful, prompt giver! Every time I even whisper tohim to give, he writes a check without hesitation. Every time Ibless him with something, he asks me, `Who is `this for, Lord?'I'm unwilling to do without that one because he's a faithfulchannel. Now just watch as I release his harvest!"

You see, God loves a cheerful giver!


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Give as You Purpose in Your Heart

Notice something else Second Corinthians 9:7 says: "So leteach one give AS HE PURPOSES IN HIS HEART...." Inother words, let God speak to your heart about how much togive.

God is omnipresent. He knows your future; He's been therealready, and He knows what your needs will be before you do.But He also knows the financial obstacles the enemy will try toput in your way.

So if you always give what you think is a good figurewithout ever checking your heart, your amount may not matchwhat God wants you to give. He may prompt you to sow acertain amount because He sees a future need in your life thatwill require the very harvest you could sow toward if youlistened to your heart. Therefore, purpose to give the amountGod lays on your heart.

And here's something else to consider when planting seed.Suppose God leads you to give a needy person some money andthat person uses the money for the wrong thing, such as drugsor alcohol. Or suppose the Lord leads you to sow a largeoffering into a church and later that church mismanages itsfunds and falls apart. Do the wrong actions of a person orchurch you've blessed cancel out your harvest?

No! The law of sowing and reaping still works for youbecause you obeyed God's leading and gave as you purposed inyour heart. Now He may hold that person or churchaccountable for misusing the money, but God nonethelessrewards your obedience to sow. And the harvest remains yoursto claim.


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Here's the bottom line: The Spirit of the living God lives inyour heart, He speaks to you there, and He tells your heart whatto do. What it means to give as you purpose in your heart is thatthe moment an offering is announced, you check your heart andask, "Lord, what do You want me to give?" And you give theamount He leads you to give, knowing He will bless your seedno matter how the church manages it.

Don't be moved by circ*mstances—by the bills and suchthat surround you. Be moved by one thing only: the Spirit ofGod speaking to your heart.

God's Definition of Prosperity

What happens when you sow bountifully and cheerfully asyou purpose in your heart to give? You get yourself in positionto enjoy God's definition of prosperity, which is described in 2Corinthians 9:8. In other words, as you fulfill verses 6 and 7,you get to verse 8! "And God is able to make all grace (everyfavor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, sothat you may always and under all circ*mstances andwhatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough torequire no aid or support and furnished in abundance forevery good work and charitable donation]."

Now that is prosperity according to the God of too much!Essentially, this verse tells us we should never have a need inour lives which God isn't in the process of meeting.

God's definition of prosperity is this: "I will give youenough to meet every single one of your needs." But He doesn'tstop there; because He realizes we need to be flowing rivers,not clogged-up dams. God also says, "Not only will I meet all


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your needs, but I will give you enough excess to give into everygood work."

That means if your heart is drawn to ten good works, you'llhave enough to give freely to all ten works. If you know oftwenty-five good works, you'll be able to give to all twenty-five-in great abundance, with great joy!

Unfortunately, for the most part, Christians have notreached that level of supernatural prosperity yet. But it will startto happen as we change the way we think, seeing things theway God sees them.

So let me stir up your imagination a little so you can pictureyourself living according to God's definition of prosperity.

Suppose your church starts an evangelism program to reachout to people in your city and it's going to cost five thousanddollars to implement it. Getting people saved is a good work, soyou write a check for seven thousand dollars and send it to thepastor.

The pastor says, "Thank you, but we only needed fivethousand dollars."

You reply, "Oh, no, it's all right. Use the rest for anyunanticipated expenses. Otherwise, apply the extra funds toyour next project." That's giving in abundance to a good work!

Or imagine yourself in this situation. The pastor says, "Wewant to get this church building paid off."

You ask, "Well, how much do you need?"

"Oh, about a hundred thousand dollars."

"Okay, I'll write you a check for the total amount."


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How about this scenario: The pastor tells you, "One of ourmissionaries is returning from Africa in order to travel fromchurch to church, trying to raise enough money to buy a badlyneeded school bus."

You say, "No, no, Pastor, tell the missionary to stay inAfrica! How much is the bus?"

"Forty thousand dollars."

"Okay, I'll write you a check to cover the cost. Thatmissionary doesn't need to spend so much time and energylooking for money. I want to give to every good work!"

Those are just a few examples of living according to God'sdefinition of prosperity. Are we there yet? Maybe not, but thoseof us who take God at His Word will be!

It's unfortunate that only the unsaved seem to stand up andstate publicly that they're giving a billion dollars away—ifanyone is going to give away a billion dollars, it ought to be thechildren of God, giving to every good work of the kingdom!

Cause Others To Glorify God Through YourGiving

When we're living according to the level of God's definitionof prosperity, the following principle becomes an inevitableresult:

Thus you will be ENRICHED IN ALL THINGS ANDIN EVERY WAY, so that you can be generous, and[your generosity as it is] administered by us will bringforth thanksgiving to God.

—2 Corinthians 9:11


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Why will we be enriched in all things? Because we sowseed cheerfully. To us, giving isn't a chore—it's a joy!

And every time we give freely and joyfully from our hearts,we bring forth thanksgiving unto God according to verse 11.You see, the person who receives the blessing says, "ThankYou, Lord!"

I want to be someone who continually causes people tothank God for His goodness!

You certainly are not going to cause people to glorify Godif you're a stingy Christian. But when you give freely, the wayGod does, people see Jesus in you and thank the Lord for Hislove as it is reflected through your life!

Make Heavenly Deposits Before MakingWithdrawals

Philippians 4 gives another important guideline to sowing.Let's start with the familiar verse 19, which many Christiansuse to claim prosperity: "But my God shall supply all yourneed according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus"(KJV).

People read that and say, "Hallelujah! God will supply all ofmy needs!" That's true, but do you know what I found out out?I found that you can't get to Philippians 4:19 without goingthrough the door of Philippians 4:15.

You see, Scripture must be read in context to know who istalking and to whom. We can't just pull out a Scripture and say,"Paul said it, so my God shall supply all my needs!"

So to find out who can stand on the promise in verse 19, we


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have to start in verse 15. Paul is writing to the church inPhilippi, to believers like you and me.

And you Philippians yourselves well know that in theearly days of the Gospel ministry, when I leftMacedonia, no church (assembly) entered intopartnership with me and opened up [a debit andcredit] account in giving and receiving except you only.

—Philippians 4:15

Paul was so busy doing God's work-traveling, teaching,preaching, and starting churches—that he needed people tosupport him. Philippi, the poorest church Paul had established,nonetheless, chose to partner with him.

During a twenty-year relationship with Paul, the people hadbeen serious sowers, giving into God's work as a congregation.

So Paul wrote, "No church entered into partnership with meand opened up a credit and debit account except you." Noticethis account was opened for two reasons: for giving and forreceiving.

In essence, Paul meant, "Philippians, you and I are partners.Your giving into the work of God has opened for you anaccount in heaven for both debit and credit. Now you cannotonly partake in giving, but in receiving as well."

The heavenly account is both a debit and credit account.That's an important point. Can you imagine, for example,someone walking into a bank where he doesn't have an accountand saying to the bank teller, "I want to make a withdrawal"?

The teller would say, "You've never made a deposit-in fact,you don't even have an account here! You have the nerve to


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come into this bank and ask for money? Are you crazy?"

Unfortunately, that's what too many Christians do withGod. They pray, "God, give me money! I need to make mymortgage payment and my car payment."

God asks, "Have you opened an account in heaven andmade any deposits here?"

"Uh, well, let's see-oh, yes! Three years ago I gave twodollars in the offering."

You see, people expect to make withdrawals from heaven;they just don't want to make any deposits. But you can'twithdraw a harvest of blessings from your "account" unless youhave planted seeds toward it first. Your giving creates yourharvest.

In the natural, when you open an account in a bank anddeposit money into it, you obtain the legal right to stand at thecounter and say to the teller, "I want to make a withdrawal."

Paul tried to get the same idea across to the Philippians.They had become partners with Paul through their giving,which opened an account in heaven—where credit ismultiplied. Therefore, Paul said, the Philippians had every legalright to make a withdrawal; they had sowed to their heavenlyaccount, so they could expect a harvest from it.

The same principle holds true with you. When you give intoGod's kingdom as a lifestyle sower, you open a heavenlyaccount. Every time you give, you make a deposit into thataccount, which means you have a scriptural right to stand infaith and make a withdrawal on your account in heaven forwhat you need.


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Some believers just don't understand that. They write out ahundred-dollar check, and as they put it in the offering plate,they say, "Bye, bye, one hundred dollars!"

What do those believers mean by that? They obviouslydon't know that with their offering they're opening up aheavenly account, an investment into God's kingdom with aguaranteed return!

For example, if you deposited a hundred-dollar check intoyour savings account, would you say as you gave it to the teller,"Bye, bye, one hundred dollars"? No, that would be silly.

You know where that money is going—into your account.You know you're going to earn interest on that one hundreddollars and that at any time you can come back and withdraw itbecause the account is in your name.

Have as much faith in your heavenly account as you do inyour earthly bank account!

There's a great difference, however, between depositingmoney in your heavenly account and depositing it in yourearthly account. The difference is in the return. God doesn'tpromise just a six or seven-percent return, as a bank does. Hepromises a thirty, sixty, and hundredfold return. In fact, Heeven goes beyond that; His return far surpasses what you couldask, think, dream, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!

I once read an interview in the Financial Post of thechairman of a very successful financial company. Thechairman, a Christian, is known as an investment guru.

In the article, the interviewer asked, "Given yourphenomenal success in the realm of investment, what would


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your advice be to the layman looking for the best place to investhis money?"

Guess what the expert for the Financial Post said? "Investin God," he advised. "You'll receive the greatest return you'veever experienced. The reason I'm so financially successful isthat I give liberally for the cause of the Gospel."

That man was absolutely right. No bank, retirement fund,term deposit, or mutual fund can guarantee you a better returnthan investing in the Gospel. When you truly understand thatfact, you will run to make heavenly deposits in your debit andcredit account with God!

Store Up Treasures in Heaven

Scripture gives us more insight about our heavenly bankaccount:

Do not gather and heap up and store up for yourselvestreasures on earth, where moth and rust and wormconsume and destroy, and where thieves breakthrough and steal.But gather and heap up and store for yourselvestreasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust norworm consume and destroy, and where thieves do notbreak through and steal.

—Matthew 6:19,20

These Scriptures couldn't be talking about spiritualtreasures, simply because we can't store spiritual treasures onearth. No, Jesus is talking about material treasures, saying, "Ifyou store those treasures on earth, they are subject to theworld's uncertain economy. But if you store them in heaven,


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they are subject to heaven's absolute principles of increase."

You see, some of the richest people I know live in fear oflosing their wealth or being kidnapped and ransomed. They settwenty security alarms all over their house, trying to keepthieves from stealing their riches.

Why do these people fear losing their riches? They're afraidbecause the treasures they've stored up on earth belong to thisworld system and therefore are subject to loss and destruction.

So how do we store up treasures in heaven? We know wedon't literally send our material goods and riches to heaven toenjoy them in our mansions for eternity. We won't need richesin heaven! The streets there are paved with gold, and the gatesare of pearl. Why would we need money in heaven?

These Scriptures are talking about making heavenlydeposits for earthly withdrawals and trusting in heaven'seconomy instead of the world's economy—about sowinginstead of hoarding.

Every time you give into God's kingdom, moth, rust, time,and changing economies cannot destroy you're investment. Yousow into heaven's economy expecting to see a return of wealthmanifested on the earth.

Matthew 6:21 (KJV) says, "For where your treasure is,there will your heart be also". Think about that. You can tellwhere a person stands with the Lord by what he does with hismoney. Where he puts treasure, (on earth or in heaven) revealswhere his heart is.

So the more treasure you store up in your heavenly bankaccount by your giving, the more you prove how much you are


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trusting, relying, leaning on, and believing in God. Do youthink God likes that? Yes! And the truth is, it's impossible forus to please Him any other way!

Let's go back to our text. Paul had a lot to say to thePhilippians about storing up riches in heaven:

For even in Thessalonica you sent [me contributions]for my needs, not only once but a second time.Not that I seek or am eager for [your] gift, but I doseek and am eager for the fruit which increases to yourcredit—the harvest of blessing that is accumulating toyour account.

—Philippians 4:16,17

Notice Paul says that fruit increases. This is anotherreference to the awesome power within a seed to multiply. ThePhilippians' harvest accumulated in their account by themultiplication of the seed they sowed into the work of God.You see, when you store up riches in heaven, blessingsaccumulate in your heavenly account!

Your Giving Comes Before God's Throne

Did you know that God actually watches as you store uptreasures in your heavenly account? It's true. In fact, yourgiving comes before His throne.

God is very aware of our giving. Verse 18 says, "...the giftsyou sent me ... are the fragrant odor of an offering andsacrifice which God welcomes and in which He delights."

The Bible also reflects this same truth in the account ofCornelius, a Roman centurion. Cornelius was "a devout man


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who venerated God and treated Him with reverentialobedience, as did all his household; and he GAVE MUCHALMS to the people and PRAYED CONTINUALLY toGod" (Acts 10:2).

One day Cornelius had a visitation from an angel, who saidto him: "Your prayers and your [generous] gifts to the poorhave come up [as a sacrifice] to God and have beenremembered by him" (v. 4).

Now we don't know much about Cornelius, but two thingswe do know: He was a man of prayer and a giver. That's whythe angel told him, "Your prayers and your giving have comebefore the throne room of God."

Every time you pray according to the scriptures, yourprayers come before the throne of God. God hears your prayersand wants to answer them. But God also sees every time yougive, and He's just as interested in your giving as He is yourpraying! He knows whether or not you're a sower, because Heliterally has an account of your giving.

Every time you give, it's a fragrant odor to God. God getsexcited when you give it delights Him! Why? He takes pleasurein seeing His children prosper, and they only prosper when theylive the lifestyle of a sower!

Visualize something like this in heaven: A group ofChristians accumulate tall stacks of prayers in God's throneroom—prayers that have ascended to Him from their heartsover the years. But these same people's stacks of giving, (whichalso ascend to God's throne throughout their lives), are so smallthey're hard to locate.

Those Christians arrive in heaven and ask God, "Lord, why


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did I always struggle financially during my earthly life?" Godwill say, "Come over here, Child; I want to show yousomething. See that huge pile over there? Those were yourprayers. But do you see that little ant mound in the corner? Thatwas your giving!"

Therefore, as we learn God's guidelines for sowing, werealize that He sees our giving and is pleased with us for it.

The Divine Promise of Abundant Supply

Let's say you've followed the example of the Philippianchurch. You have opened up an account in heaven and youmake deposits by sowing into the kingdom. You lay up yourtreasures in heaven, and you please God by your sowing.

Having fulfilled the conditions of faithful giving (vv. 15-18), you now have a legal right to stand in faith on the promisein verse 19: "But my God shall supply all your needaccording to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (KJV).

The actuality of this incredible promise rests on the balanceof the account you open in heaven. You determine that balanceby your sowing.

But notice the verse starts out, "My God shall supply...."Who are we talking about here? He's the Creator of heaven andearth, and the sun, moon, and stars. He's the One who knit youin your mother's womb and knew you before the foundations ofthe earth. He is the God who will supply all of your needs!

Then it continues, "My God shall supply...." It does not say,"My God may supply if He's in a good mood on that particularday"—no, He shall supply. That word shall is a strong,affirmative word. And why shall God supply all my needs? He


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will because I'm a sower! I have a covenant agreement with theGod of the universe, and as I keep my part of the bargain, Hepromises to keep His part.

Notice also that verse 19 doesn't say, "Social Security shallsupply," or "My job shall supply." No, it's "My God shallsupply."

"But you don't understand," you might insist, "I just got laidoff my job!" But you see, your job was never your supply. Godis your Supply, and He's never gone out of business yet!

Next, it says, "My God shall supply all of my needs." Whatdoes all mean? It means all! It means God shall supply all ofyour spiritual needs, emotional needs, physical needs, andfinancial needs—all your needs according to what? Accordingto your education? According to your job? No, according toHis riches in glory by Christ Jesus!

In other words, God supplies your needs based on whatJesus already did when He redeemed you from the curse ofpoverty. Jesus already took care of your supply, so just befaithful to deposit into your heavenly account in order to havesomething to draw from.

He will supply our needs according to His riches! That'squite a promise.

You see, we're in partnership with our Father, who is in realestate—He owns the universe! Oh, yes, and let me remind you,our Dad also has a cattle business. In fact, He owns the cattleon a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10)! And He's into preciousstones too—all the diamond and gold mines of the earth belongto Him (Psalm 50:12; Haggai 2:8)!


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Needless to say, our Father is wealthy. And it's according toHis riches in glory that our needs will be supplied!

Have you ever seen the prince or princess of a kingdomdriving around in a twenty-year-old, beat-up, two-toned (andthe second color is rust) Volkswagen? No way. Somethingwould be wrong with that picture, because it doesn't reflect theearthly glory that befits royalty.

The same thing applies to you, because you're the King'skid! "Do you mean God wants me to have a nice car?" you ask.Yes! "And He wants me to have a nice home?" Yes! In fact,God wants you to have the best of everything.

Christians ought to be the best-dressed people on earth.They ought to drive nice cars. After all, they are ambassadors ofChrist, and they represent Him.

If you were an ambassador for your country to anothernation, the foreign nation's perception of your country would bebased largely on its perception of you and your lifestyle.

Similarly, in your role as an ambassador for Christ, if youare broke and can barely make ends meet, your financialcondition doesn't accurately represent or glorify God. Peoplewill say, "I sure don't want to be a part of the kingdom yourepresent!"

God's kingdom is one of everlasting supply. We can rightlyrepresent Him on the earth because we don't base our supply oninterest rates or recessions—there is no recession in heaven—but on our sowing to a heavenly account.

Recognize who your Supplier is. Believe in His faithfulnessto supply what you need just as Daniel did when he was thrown


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into the lions' den. Daniel slept among hungry lions all nightwithout being eaten because he understood God's utterfaithfulness to supply His need for protection and deliverance!

When you truly understand the faithfulness of yourHeavenly Father to supply whatever you need, it will set youfree from poverty and lack for the rest of your life. As youfollow God's specific guidelines for sowing into His kingdom,God absolutely guarantees that financial blessings will chaseyou down according to His riches in glory!


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Chapter 10 Three Principles of Seedtime and


"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: forWHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALLHE ALSO REAP."

—Galatians 6:7 KJV

Sowing precedes reaping. Seedtime precedes harvest. Thesesimple truths are laws which God has placed on the earth. Aslong as this planet exists, that law is going to stay in place:"While the earth remaineth, SEEDTIME AND HARVEST, andcold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and nightSHALL NOT CEASE" (Genesis 8:22 KJV).

While this earth remains, we will experience day and night,winter and summer, heat and cold. Does day still follow night?Yes. Does summer still follow winter? Yes. Do cold and heatstill exist? Yes. Then it logically follows that the law ofseedtime and harvest remain in effect on this earth.

Within the law of seedtime and harvest, three primaryprinciples operate: you always reap what you sow, you willalways reap more than you sow, and you always reap in a


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different season.

Principle Number 1: You Always Reap What YouSow

Notice that Genesis 8:22 doesn't say, "harvest andseedtime" because harvest never comes first. We've alreadylearned that the common belief "Get, and then you can give" isopposite to the way God thinks. It's just not God's correct orderfor doing things. You sow before you reap.

So let's look at the first law of seedtime and harvest: Youwill always reap what you sow. We can see when God first setthis law into motion on the earth:

And God said, Let the earth put forth [tender]vegetation: plants yielding seed and fruit trees yieldingfruit whose seed is in itself, EACH ACCORDING TOITS KIND, upon the earth. And it was so.

—Genesis 1:11

Every seed reproduces after its own kind. So if you planttomato seeds, don't wait for corn to come up—it's not going tohappen!

Now this law can work for both good and bad. If you sowgood seed, such as kindness and love, you will reap a harvest ofkindness and love in your life. But if you sow bad seed, such asstrife and bitterness, you're in a world of trouble—a multipliedharvest of strife and bitterness is on its way back to you!

Galatians 6:7 states the law of seedtime and harvest in adifferent way: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: FORWHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE


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Paul wrote to believers, saying, "Don't be deceived; God isnot mocked."

I read that Scripture many times but it still took me awhileto understand it. I thought, Let's get serious. If you're going tomock anyone, you pick on someone your own size, and forgoodness' sake, you don't pick on the Creator of heaven andearth. He's bigger than you are, and anyway, where could yougo and how far could you run to get away from Him?

So I talked to God about it. I said, "Lord, what Christian inhis right mind would mock You? Not one Christian I knowwho actually loves You would start mocking You."

He replied, "Christians mock Me daily without knowing itby violating the law of seedtime and harvest. They aredeceived."

"How are they deceived, Lord?"

"They actually sow bad seed and expect a good harvest!"

I thought about that and realized how true it is. SometimesChristians rationalize planting bad seed. They say of theircompany's product, "Well, I'll just cut back on the quality thistime until I'm over this financial hump." Or they'll say, "I won'tkeep my word in this situation because it would be to my owndetriment." Or maybe they rationalize, "I promised to pay mycreditors that bill in thirty days, but I think I'll take six monthsinstead—it's better for my budget."

After planting bad seed, people often think they've gottenaway with it just because they don't reap any immediatenegative consequence. But that harvest hasn't been canceled; it


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just takes awhile for seed to grow. At some point down theroad, they will reap from the bad seed they have sown.

Then those same people cry out, "Why are these bad thingshappening to me?" But all they need to do is look back over thepast months and years and see what kind of seeds they've beenplanting. Oftentimes, they're reaping a harvest of bad seedsthey've sown.

The repercussions of sowing bad seed is like the process oferosion. When you sit by a river and watch it flow, you're notable to immediately see the erosion that's in progress. Youwould have to observe the riverbank for a period of time toactually see the effects of erosion on the land. But whether yousee it happen before your eyes or not, erosion nonetheless takesplace as you sit on the riverbank.

So don't be deceived; you can't mock God by thinkingwhatever you sow you won't reap. That law is working in yourlife whether you know it or not, and you are reaping today whatyou sowed in the past.

'The Devil Did It!'

Notice Galatians 6:7 doesn't say, "Whatsoever Satan sows,that will you reap." No, it says whatsoever you sow, you willalso reap.

Many times when bad things happen in our lives, we say,"Look what the devil is doing to me!" While it's true that thedevil does sometimes attack us, if we would look back threemonths, six months, or even several years, we might find that insome situations we are actually reaping the harvest of seedwe've sown ourselves.


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For instance, someone might pray, "Help me get out ofdebt, God!"

"How did you get in debt in the first place, Child?" Hewould respond.

"Well, you know, it was those credit cards. They made it soeasy to go into the store and just buy whatever I wanted."

But a person who charges more than he can afford on hiscredit cards actually sows seeds of debt, which he reaps as amultiplied harvest of debt as high interest rates steadily increasethe amount he owes.

Of course, we have all made silly mistakes at one time oranother for which we have reaped the consequences. I know Icertainly have.

For example, one time God spoke through my wifeconcerning a business deal in which I wanted to invest fiftythousand dollars. Anita had a clear check in her heart thatindicated I wasn't supposed to invest in this deal, and by thatGod was telling us, "Don't do it."

But I told Anita, "Honey, this is a one-in-a-million kind ofdeal! We're going to make so much money from this. I have togo for it!"

So I did. And guess how much I lost? Everything I invested.

Now I could have said, "Oh, look what the devil did to methrough this business deal," but no, I couldn't blame the devil. Imade a wrong decision without listening to what God had tosay about it. Had I listened to God first, I would have heardwhat He was trying to tell me-that it was a wrong move. Butinstead, I planted bad seed and then reaped a harvest after the


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same kind.

We will always reap the harvest of seed we plant. If yousay, "I want to be treated well," what kind of seed are youplanting? Have you treated others with kindness? Or maybeyou say, "I want people to smile at me." Then take the frownoff your face! "I want people to give to me," you complain. Butwhat have you been giving?

Seedtime and harvest is a law, which governs the entireuniverse. You can't escape it just because you don't believe itworks. Whether you believe in sowing and reaping or not, youwill reap whatever kind of seeds you sow in life. So as yousow, make sure you sow good seeds. In fact, make sure yousow your best!

Sow Your Best

As a sower, constantly look for ways to sow into thekingdom—and it doesn't just have to be money. You can sow apair of shoes, a jacket, a tie, even your time and energy. Thetruth is, anything you possess can become seed to sow.

But make sure you ask yourself, What do I want to reap? Ifyou'll ask yourself that question before you sow, you're likely togive your best and not your worst.

For example, what if someone said, "Honey, the churchneeds a television, and we have that set in the basem*nt thathasn't worked in three years. Why don't we give it to thechurch?" Be careful. You may end up reaping a harvest ofbroken-down goods yourself!

Remember, whatever you sow comes back to you. Everyseed reproduces after its own kind. So if you want to reap junk,


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start sowing junk.

I know someone who constantly takes her best clothes outof her closet and gives them away. She told me, "I do that fortwo reasons. First, if I give my best, that's what I'll reap. Andsecond, I'm cleaning out my closet because when I reap myharvest, I'll need closet space!"

Now of course, you need to stay balanced about what yougive away. In other words, follow God's leading in order toknow how much and to whom you should sow.

"But God never speaks to me about giving," you say. Ifthat's what you think, I challenge you to ask, "Lord, is thereanyone You want me to give something to?"

If you will quiet your heart and listen, it won't take longbefore you sense the Holy Spirit's leading to sow your best intosomeone's life. Why is that? Because God knows that as yousow your best, He can prepare His best as your harvest!

We Reap What We Sow: Personal Testimonies

As a teenager, my wife Anita had a friend who was so poor,she couldn't afford to buy new shoes. Anita's friend wore shoeswith holes in them, and every time it rained, the girl's feetwould get wet.

Anita, who had been a Christian since she was seven,prayed, "Lord, why don't You do something about my friend'sshoes?"

The Lord responded, "Why don't you do something aboutit?"

"I can't do anything, Lord," Anita said. "I only have two


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pairs of shoes-a nice pair that I really like and another, olderpair that are so tight on me, they make my heels bleed." Butthen she thought about it and said, "Well, I guess I could giveher those older, too-small shoes."

But the Lord gently reminded her, "Daughter, are you readyto reap what you sow?"

"Oh," Anita said. "I guess I better give her my good shoesthen."

So the next day Anita gave her friend the favorite pair ofshoes, and Anita wore the shoes that hurt her feet and made herheels bleed.

But this story doesn't end on a "poor Anita" note. TodayAnita has two closets full of shoes of every conceivable styleand color! Why does she? Because she's been a sower all herlife and she sowed her best shoes into a friend's life, that seedhas reproduced and multiplied after its own kind!

Anita and I have also experienced this law in operation inour lives together. When we were first married, we actuallybecame millionaires through a very successful businessventure.

But approximately one year later, we suddenly lost all ourmoney, our cars, and our home through a series of events.(What really happened is that we lacked the wisdom of God tonot only make but keep our first million—but we're not goingto make that same mistake again!)

I remember how devastated I felt as I drove away from thehome we'd lost. After we lost everything, every one of ourpossessions fit inside a small, borrowed truck.


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For a year, we struggled through a very tough time. Icouldn't find any work, and we had no money, no home, and novehicle of our own. Finally, we ended up staying in my father-in-law's house.

But during the following months when we were completelybroke, we never ran out of food. Food found its way to ourhome all the time! You see, back when we'd had money, wecontinually fed other people, taking them out for dinner,sending them food, cooking them meals, and such. Weconstantly gave, gave, gave. So when we needed food, foodwas supplied in abundance!

If you're always giving food, you'll always have foodsupplied when you need it. How do I know that? I know itbecause seedtime and harvest is a law set in motion by God,and it's just as real as, the law of gravity.

By the way, throughout that very rough year of trials, wemaintained the joy of the Lord, never giving up on God! Attimes, the only money we had was one dollar. But instead ofspending it on our needs, we'd sow it. Do you know what wefound out through that experience? The God of multiplicationcan do much more with a dollar than we can!

During that year we also never went without a car, althoughwe no longer owned one ourselves. Someone would show upwith a vehicle and say, "You can drive this for the next twomonths." After those two months, someone else would show upwith another one. And they always brought the cars to us filledwith gas!

Today my wife and I own three cars, two of which weregiven to us. I never wondered why cars have always been


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supplied to us when we needed them, because in the past, wesowed several cars into other people's lives, giving them awayto those who needed them. And every seed reproduces after itsown kind!

I'm convinced God provided for us throughout that difficulttime because we had been serious sowers. And even when thebottom fell out of our finances, we never stopped sowing;therefore, we've always reaped.

And it wasn't long before God brought us out of thatfinancial trial—completely out. Since then God's blessed usabundantly in every area of our lives!

Sow in the Area of Your Need

What do you need today? Take advantage of this firstprinciple of seedtime and harvest-that you always reap whatyou sow—and sow in the area of your need. Do you need yourdebts canceled? Plant seeds into your church to help get its debtcanceled. Do you need more clothes? Then give away some ofyour nice clothes to someone who needs them more than youdo.

I have sowed many items of clothing myself. For instance,I've given away many ties, and over the years, I've reaped manyties. I remember one day as I was ushering at church, I greeted aman and helped him find a seat.

As I seated him, I told him, "That's a wonderful tie you'rewearing. God has blessed you!"

"Oh, thank you," the man said, "I just bought it at the mall.It's brand new!"


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After the service, he came over to me and said, "I have torepent."

"Why?" I asked.

"The Lord told me to give you this tie the moment I metyou, and I didn't do it. But here it is now," and he handed methe tie. I was surprised, but I realized that it was a manifestationof my "tie harvest"!

Another time someone else walked over to me in churchand gave me an expensive suit jacket that fit me perfectly.

Each time something like this has happened to me, Irecognize that I am reaping from the harvest of seeds I'veplanted for clothing. Meanwhile, I just keep on sowing!

Now maybe you don't need clothes, but you don't want todeal with car payments anymore. Then find someone whoneeds help making a car payment, and pay it for him! Whenyou start planting car payments, then a harvest of car paymentswill show up!

Or you could say, "I'm believing God for a house." So helpsomeone pay a monthly mortgage payment. You see, as you do,you're planting seed for your own house! I'm telling you, thisprinciple works in every area, both good and bad.

And if what you need is money, then find a way to sowmoney into good ground. Maybe you could sell all those itemsstored away in the garage that you know you'll never use again.

So many of us are "keepers of stuff." We hang on to stuff,thinking, "You never know when you might need it!" But thatday never comes, so we continually gather more stuff to pile ontop of the old stuff. Then finally, we need a garage sale to get


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rid of it all!

Well, why not sell all that accumulated stuff you don'tneed? And then use the money you make as seed to plant foryour own harvest of finances!

So ransack your cupboards with the determination, "I haveto find something to give!" Tap into the principle of reapingwhat you've sown. Somewhere in your house waits seed thatcould be someone else's harvest. And the moment you find itand sow it, you release your own harvest of blessing!

Principle Number 2: You Always Reap More ThanYou Sow

Jesus related a parable about a sower who planted seed intofour kinds of ground. His description in Matthew 13:8 of goodground reveals the second principle of seedtime and harvest:You always reap more than you sow. "Other seeds fell ongood soil, and yielded grain—some a hundred times asmuch as was sown, some sixty times as much, and somethirty."

Only seed planted in good ground can reproduce with suchforce.

Sow Only in Good Ground

How do you identify good ground for sowing? First of all,be led by the Holy Spirit. As you are sensitive to His voice,He'll direct you to good ground.

Second, look for ground that already bears fruit for God'skingdom.


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For example, some organizations say, "Send us money tofeed the hungry in such-and-such country." Then you find outlater that they spent ninety cents of every dollar onadministrative costs and that only ten cents of each dollaractually fed the hungry! That's not good ground!

So be careful where you sow. Make sure you find goodground.

A ministry that's good ground is a ministry where God'sWord is fully taught and people are getting saved, healed,delivered, and set free. Ministers who believe in seedtime andharvest and are big givers themselves are good ground.

On the other hand, if a ministry asks for your help becauseit's about to go under, chances are it's not good ground. Do youknow why ministries often go under? Usually, it's from notgiving. If a ministry were to practice planting seed, thatministry would also reap a harvest.

So when I'm looking for good ground in which to sow, oneof the first things I want to know about a ministry is this: Doesthat ministry believe in sowing? Because if a ministry isn'tplanting seed, its harvest will eventually dry up. It becomesstony ground instead of good ground. One day their supportersmight receive one of those letters from them that says, "Goingout of business."

Give, and It Shall Be Given

Jesus Himself stated a powerful Scripture about the secondprinciple of seedtime and harvest—that you always reap morethan you sow:

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure,


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pressed down, and shaken together, and running over,shall men give into your bosom. For with the samemeasure that ye mete withal [or deal out] it shall bemeasured to you again.

—Luke 6:38 KJV

This Scripture affirms, "Give, and it shall be given untoyou"—not "it may be given unto you." In other words, you cancount on it. If you sow, it shall come back to you as harvest.

But notice God doesn't give the harvest back in the sameform as you gave the seed. When it's time for harvest, Godgives it back pressed down.

What does that mean? Well, think of a can of concentratedorange juice. It starts out in a "pressed down" form that fits intoa small can. But in its final form with water added, the orangejuice fills an entire pitcher. In a similar way, our harvest comesback to us in concentrated form, ready to expand andencompass our entire lives!

Also, the harvest comes back into our lives shaken togetherand running over. If you want a picture of what that means, justshake a can of pop and then open it! That's how we're supposedto receive our harvest: in a bubbling-over measure greater thanwe sowed.

Remember, we serve the first Giver, who gave His onlybegotten Son so He could receive back many sons anddaughters. God knows how this law of multiplication works,because He's the One who set it in place!

Finally, this Scripture promises that after we've given, menwill give back to us "into our bosom." The wealth needed forthe body of Christ to take the Gospel around the world already


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exists on this planet, but believers are just waiting for men topour that wealth into their bosom.

More Christians don't see this promise manifested in theirlives because they try to reverse the sequence of events, saying,"When I receive increase that is pressed down, shaken together,and running over as men pour money into my bosom, then Iwill give." No, we've already seen that it doesn't work that way.Giving comes first. It's really simple—no sowing equals noharvest.

One day I was meditating on this Scripture, and I prayed,"Lord, I'm so excited about this promise. I'm a giver, and I'mexpecting my harvest to be given back to me, pressed down,shaken together, and running over shall men pour into mybosom. So which man are You going to use, Lord?"

The Lord replied, "It may be the one you never expected, sodon't worry about trying to figure it out."

"Well, when is it going to happen, Lord? When will menstart pouring into my bosom?"

Instead of answering my question, the Lord said, "Youknow, Nasir, you're one of those men."

"What do You mean?"

"I mean, whose bosom have you been pouring into lately?"

So there I was, faced with that seedtime-and-harvest lawagain! The Lord directed me that sowing yesterday wasn'tenough; I had to keep looking for places to sow every day ofmy life.

When you see a brother in need, you're not supposed to say,


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"God bless you," and then turn and run the other way!

No, you're supposed to do something. Go help him. Sow aseed to meet his need.

With the Measure You Give

Our text goes on to say, "...with the measure you deal out[with the measure you use when you confer benefits onothers], it will be measured back to you" (Luke 6:38).

What does that mean? Well, I describe it this way: If yousow in teaspoonfuls, you'll reap back a harvest measured inteaspoons. If you sow in cupfuls, you will receive multipliedcupfuls of blessings. But if you sow in barrels, then you willreap a multiplied harvest of barrel-sized blessings!

The Lord once used the following hypothetical situation toteach me this principle: An offering is about to be taken up in achurch service. A man sits on the pew, wondering how muchhe should put in the offering. Meanwhile, the Lord sits on Histhrone, looking over the balcony of heaven at His child, waitingto see what he will do.

The man pulls out his checkbook, and the Lord speaks tohis heart, giving him a figure to write out the check for. ThenGod tells His angels, "That's My boy! Angels, bring that barrelfilled with blessings over to the open window." (Remember, inMalachi 3:10 God promised to pour you out blessings from thewindows of heaven!)

Two huge angels lift a big, heavy barrel and carry it over tothe open window of heaven. "All right, hold it right there," Godsays, and He looks down to see what His child is going to do.


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In the meantime, this man thinks, Man, I wonder if thatfigure is from the Lord. That's so much money; I don't know ifI'll have enough left for my needs!

Then the enemy comes along and gives him another, muchsmaller figure. The man can't decide which amount to write onthe check—the larger amount or the smaller one. Then at thelast minute, just as the offering plate passes by, he writes in thesmaller amount.

The Father sadly says, "Take back the barrel and bring Methe teacup." God intended to give that man an outpouring ofbarrel-sized blessings, but the man's teacup-sized seed onlyproduced a "teacup" harvest.

Let me explain the way this principle has worked in my life.When I began this lifestyle, I was only sowing one-dollar bills,so my harvest would come back to me in multiples of onedollar. When I started to give five-dollar bills, my harvest cameback in multiples of five.

Finally I realized, I seem to have tapped into something!I'm going to start giving ten-dollar bills every time there's anoffering so I can increase my harvest. Well, guess what? Ibegan to reap in multiples of ten!

Little by little, I increased the measure of my seed from tendollars, to twenty dollars, fifty dollars, and then one hundreddollars. Each time the measure increased, so did my harvest.

Then came the day when the Spirit of God said, "I want youto plant the biggest seed you've ever planted."

"How big, Lord? Two hundred dollars?"

"No, plant one thousand dollars."


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I said, "Lord, I can't do that! This is the wrong time. I'm stillin Bible school and I have a wife and three kids. We need thatmoney and more besides!"

"That's the whole point," the Lord said. "What you have inyour hand isn't enough for you anyway. In your hand, thatthousand dollars won't go very far, but in My hand, it will!Besides, in what measure do you want your harvest to return toyou?"

"Big, Lord, I want my harvest to be big!"

"Well, then, you'll need to sow big."

So I obeyed. And ninety-seven days later, I received a checkfor $16,500 from a source I wouldn't have expected, dreamedof, or imagined in a million years!

Could God have given me the harvest of that check had Ionly planted five dollars in the offering? I doubt it, because Iwould have disobeyed the Lord's leading. You see, I wassowing big to my harvest in order for it to come back to me asit did-pressed down, shaken together, and running over!

Too many Christians sow from their harvest. "I wish I had alot more money coming in," they say, "then I'd give more.

If that's the case, then decide how much money you wantcoming in; determine the amount of seed it will take to bringthat size of harvest in, and then plant that seed accordingly.

"Oh, that can't be scriptural," some people think. Sure, it is!Remember, every farmer determines the size of his harvest atseedtime.

Let me give you an example. I have a friend named Rogerwho attends our Wisdom classes. Roger owns an accounting


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business. Now most business people focus their prayers onbelieving for more customers, more sales, more commissions,and higher salaries.

But after months of listening to the same principles offinancial increase I'm teaching in this book, Roger prayed,"Lord, I see it now. You're in the seed-giving business! So I'masking You for something different than I ever have before.

"Right now I'm giving $25 a month to three ministries eachthat teach the uncompromised Word and get people saved,delivered, and set free. Lord, I'm not going to ask You for moresales or greater profits; I want to ask You for more seed. Myheart's desire is to give $100 a month to ten good ministries."

Seven months went by, and one night Roger came to theWisdom class and gave his testimony. He said, "When I got myheart lined up with God's heart and became more interested insowing than I was in building my business, my companyexploded. Last month we were able to give $235 to sevendifferent ministries!"

That's almost $2,000 in seed every month, when just sevenmonths before Roger was only able to give $75!

You may ask, "How was that man able to do that?" Godsupernaturally increased Roger's business because he was moreinterested in multiplying his sowing than he was in multiplyinghis bank account.

So start changing your profit goals to sowing goals. Ifyou're giving ten-dollar bills in the offerings, believe God forthe ability to give twenty-dollar bills—then plant toward yourharvest! If you want multiples of fifty dollars, then start sowingfifty-dollar offerings.


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Friend, these principles of increase work. Anita and I areliving testimonies to that fact. Every area of our lives—wherewe live, what we drive, what we eat, what we wear—has beentransformed by the mystery of the kingdom that says learn tosow. Sowing has become a lifestyle for us, and we know thatwe always reap more than we sow.

When you come across someone with a need, you ought tobe excited. You should say, "I know what's coming! My harvestis just around the corner, because I'm going to sow!"

When is that harvest coming? That's not your business.Your only job is to give, it's God's job to get the harvest to youin multiplied form!

Principle Number 3: You Always Reap In aDifferent Season

We know that reaping comes after sowing, but when does itcome? The Bible answers that question and gives us the thirdprinciple of the law of seedtime and harvest: You always reapin a different season than the one in which you sow.

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint inacting nobly and doing right, for in due time and ATTHE APPOINTED SEASON WE SHALL REAP, ifwe do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

—Galatians 6:9

God says we reap "in due time and at the appointedseason." That means the harvest doesn't always come when wewant it. "But Lord," we cry, "I need my harvest now! Yes, Lord,now would be just about right." No, it comes in due season.


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My own definition of due season is "never when the fleshwants it." Why? I say that because the flesh always wantseverything now.

But God knows you planted seed, and He knows you have aharvest coming. He's faithful, so refuse to grow weary whilewaiting. Keep on sowing without "loosening or relaxing yourcourage" even when you don't see any harvest on the horizon.As you're faithful to sow and "faint not," in due season you willsee a harvest. You must because it's God's law.

So what does God mean when He says, "Don't grow wearyin doing right"? When you grow weary, you get impatient. Theharvest doesn't come as fast as you want it to, so you begin todoubt and say, "Nothing good ever happens to me. I neverreap." But the very fact that God exhorts you not to grow wearylets you know the harvest won't necessarily come on yourschedule.

We see the same message elsewhere in Scripture: "Cast [orsow] your bread upon the waters, for you will find itAFTER MANY DAYS" (Ecclesiastes 11:1).

In other words, get in on every opportunity you can find togive. As you sow, you shall reap even though it may be after"many days," or at the appointed season. (And notice that youmust do the casting of your bread!)

Meanwhile, maintain your confession of faith. Say,"Blessings overtake me daily. I experience God's benefits everyday of my life!"

You know, a farmer doesn't plant seed, for example, andthen come back two days later and say, "Well, I tried planting,but it doesn't work. I went back and checked the seed, and there


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isn't anything coming up out of the ground." Farmers knowbetter than to say that-but a lot of Christians don't!

Some Christians say, "I gave in the offering and then waiteda whole week, but nothing happened!"

But just because you can't see any sprouts growing out ofthe ground right away doesn't nullify all the activity going onunderneath the soil. Out of that seed a little root is fighting itsway downward, and simultaneously, a tiny stalk is pushing itsway upward out of the seed. The harvest is in the making; youjust can't see it.

Sowing for Future Harvests

Another good definition of the phrase due season is "rightwhen you need it." In other words, don't get frustrated becausethe reaping doesn't come as fast as you expected. God is neverlate, but He's also very rarely early! He gets your harvest to youright on time.

You see, the Bible says that a righteous man's steps areordered of the Lord (Psalm 37:23). So if God has ordered yoursteps, it stands to reason that He knows what lies ahead in yourfuture.

God knows more than you do about the future attacks of theenemy and also about what you will need in the future.Therefore, He may be trying to get across to you where, when,and how much to plant so your harvest comes at the appointedtime—right when you need it in those future situations!

For instance, He may look into your future and say, "Okay,six months from now, I see that the enemy will attack Mychild's car. The engine is going to give out, and he'll need


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money to replace it or buy a new car. He doesn't know all thisyet, but I see it coming.

"I don't want My child to suffer financially because of thatfuture attack, so I'll prompt him to plant more seed right now.When that season comes, his harvest will be ready."

So the next time an offering plate comes around and theLord speaks up in your spirit, "Forget that five-dollar bill. Plantmore seed," don't answer, "Why, Lord? I don't need a bigharvest. Everything is going great!"

Yes, but you don't know what the future holds. God's nottelling you to plant more seed because He wants to getsomething from you. He's trying to tell you to sow more today,so a harvest will come to you to take care of these future needs!

We don't always know to prepare for the future, but Godtells us to prepare by sowing: "Give a portion to seven, yes,even [divide it] to eight, for you know not what evil maycome upon the earth" (Ecclesiastes 11:2).

You see, you don't know what evil may try to come intoyour life in the future, but God does. And despite everyobstacle the enemy wants to place across your path in the daysahead, God always plans your future harvests!

So when you're in doubt about how much seed to sow, givethe larger of the two figures you're juggling in your mind. As itsays in this verse, if the figure is seven or eight, choose eight.The Lord may be telling you, "Sow more into your heavenlyaccount now so the provision will be there when you need it inthe future!"


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God Reserves a Harvest Just for You

God actually appoints our harvesttime, according toJeremiah 5:24: "Let us now reverently fear and worship theLord our God, Who gives rain, both the autumn and thespring rain in its season, WHO RESERVES AND KEEPSFOR US THE APPOINTED WEEKS OF THEHARVEST."

God keeps track of the appointed weeks of your harvest. Hereserves that harvest specifically for you, but you'll never see itif you grow weary in sowing before that harvest comes.

What if you never live a lifestyle of sowing? Well, somedayyou will stand before Jesus, and Jesus will say, "Child, do yousee that big barn over there with your name on it? In that barnsit all the harvests I reserved for you in life. Unfortunately, thebarn remains full. I kept trying to get your harvest to youthroughout your life, but you were never faithful to plant yourseed."

The Prayer of a Sower

Friend, you never have to hear Jesus say those sad words toyou. Just make a commitment now to live by the law ofseedtime and harvest. Then the many harvests God reserves foryou in this life can arrive at the appointed times—in dueseason!

Let this prayer express your commitment to the Lord:

"Lord, I believe Your Word. I believe Your principlesof increase. I believe that prosperity is in my hands, andthis day I choose to obey Your Word.


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"I thank You, Lord, that I now know the same mysteryof the kingdom that You shared with the disciples. I'mgoing to do something with that mystery; I'm going to be asower!

"I know that You are a God of multiplication. As Iplant seed, I believe you will multiply it into a harvest ofblessing in my life.

"Direct me this day and every day, Lord, how to sow.Speak to my heart and tell me where, when, and how muchI should plant for the harvest You have prepared for me. InJesus' Name, amen."

I believe now that you've prayed the prayer of a sower, yoursowing will produce the reaping of harvests God has reservedfor you—according to the three principles of seedtime andharvest!


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Chapter 11 Watering the Seed With the Tithe

"Bring all the tithes—the whole tenth of your income—into the storehouse, that there may be food in Myhouse, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts,if I will not open the windows of heaven for you andpour you out a blessing, that there shall not be roomenough to receive it."

—Malachi 3:10

Every seed you plant needs water to grow. We have talkedabout planting seed to expect a harvest, but if you never waterthe seed, your expected harvest will never come. So let's look atwhat causes those windows of heaven to open and its rains towater your seed.

My Personal Journey In Learning To Tithe

I grew up Muslim, and somewhere in my upbringing Ideveloped the idea that all Christian preachers were afterpeople's money. So even after I got saved, I'd hang on to mywallet when I walked into church and wouldn't let go until Ileft!


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When the offering bucket passed by, I'd pull out some billsand discreetly look for the smallest one I could find to put in.

It wasn't that I didn't have much money—I was a verysuccessful businessman at the time—I just didn't think moneyhad anything to do with God. In fact, the only reason I gave atall was that I didn't want to be noticed as the only one in churchnot putting something in the offering!

Despite my ignorance in the area of giving, I was hungry forGod. One day as I prayed at home, I said, "Lord, I want more ofYou in my life!"

The Lord suddenly spoke to my spirit, saying, "Well, whatare you doing with your money?"

"What does money have to do with anything, Lord?" Iasked.

"Nasir, you've been robbing Me for years," the Lord replied."When you put a few dollars in the offering, you're just 'tipping'Me. I don't want your tip."

"But, Lord, the pastor talks about paying tithes, or 10percent of my income-and I made $112,000 last month! Tenpercent of that is a lot of change! I mean, I think I've been doinggood just to put five or ten dollars in the offering!

"Lord," I continued, "I really do love You. But unless Youcan prove to me from the Word that tithing is something I'mcommanded to do, I'm just not going to write out that kind ofcheck! However, if You can show me in Your Word that tithingis of You, I promise that for the rest of my life I will never robYou again."

So the Lord took me on a journey into His Word, searching


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for His kingdom principles tithing. What I found out in theWord that day radically changed my life. These principles,which I'm about to share with you, are the foundation uponwhich all other kingdom principles for financial increase arebuilt.

Stop Robbing God

First, the Lord took me to Malachi 3, where He explainshow to get closer to Him:

For I am the Lord, I do not change; that is why you, Osons of Jacob, are not consumed.Even from the days of your fathers you have turnedaside from My ordinances and have not kept them.Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lordof hosts. But you say, How shall we return?Will a man rob or defraud God? Yet you rob ordefraud Me. But you say, In what way do we rob ordefraud You? [You have withheld your] tithes andofferings.You are cursed with the curse, for you are robbingMe, even this whole nation.

—Malachi 3:6-9

Here God says something profound to His people. Here'sthe essence: "From the days of your fathers, I gave you MyWord. But instead of obeying My commandments, you turnedaside from them. You stopped being doers of My Word. Returnto Me, and I will return to you."

God's command to "return" indicates that the nation ofIsrael needed to change directions. God wanted them to stop


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doing what they were doing, turn back toward God's Word andHis ways, and do something different. And notice, the peoplehad to do the turning before God returned to them.

So the Israelites asked, "But how do we return to You,Lord?"

That's a good question and one we need to ask. The Lordasks the same thing of us. "Do you want to get closer to Me?Then take the first step and obey My Word. If you take the firststep, I'll take the next and draw close to you."

"Okay, Lord, I'm ready," I can hear a Christian praying. "I'mhungry for more of You. So what's the first step? Should I readmy Bible more? Should I pray more, worship more, attendchurch more? How can I get closer to You, Lord?"

"Get closer to Me through your wallet."

"Oh, no, Lord, not through my wallet! I'll get closer to youin any way but that one!"

But God answers, "That's exactly why your money is thefirst thing I'm dealing with. Don't tell Me you want to get closerto Me if you let your money stand between us."

Would God say something like that? He just did in thispassage in Malachi! He told His people, "You've been robbingMe."

The first time I read that, it made no sense to me. I askedGod, "Lord, how can a man rob You? What is he going to do—walk up to You and say, `Uh, excuse me, God, but this is astick-up'? A person would have to be crazy to think he could tryto rob You. I certainly would never do it."

The Lord said, "Yet you have unwittingly robbed Me,


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Nasir, by withholding your tithes and offerings."

Once I understood this, I got on my knees and repented. Ihadn't realized what I was doing to the Creator of heaven andearth—the One who saved, delivered, and healed me. At thatmoment I determined I would never rob God again.

If we don't change in the area of giving, we may as wellforget about trying to get closer to God in other ways becauseour wallets will stop us! God doesn't want a part of us; Hewants all of us.

Getting Out From Under The Curse of Poverty

Let's look again at Malachi 3:9. It says, "Ye are cursedwith a curse; for ye have robbed Me...." (KJV). The nation ofIsrael brought upon themselves the curse of poverty by notbeing faithful with their tithes and offerings. That's also thecase with the body of Christ today.

Many are broke and crying out for money, but in a sense,God can't do anything. He says, "I want to bless you, but you'reliving under a curse. Get out from under that curse, or Myblessings can never overtake you."

You see, God doesn't put curses on anyone, people reap theharvest of their own actions-whether curses or blessings.

Even in the natural realm, stealing from someone bringsconsequences. Suppose a man robs a bank and then gets caught.When he stands before the judge, the judge decrees, "Yoursentence is five years in jail."

What if the thief said, "Judge, I'm a nice guy. You're a niceguy. I never did anything to you, so why are you sending me to


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The judge would reply, "I don't have anything against youpersonally. For all I know, you may be a nice guy. But I'msending you to jail to reap the consequences of your actions."You see, the law, "Whatever you sow you will reap," governsthe earth.

Likewise, Israel brought itself under the curse of povertybecause that is the consequences people reap when they robGod. Spiritually, it's like going to "jail." But God didn't putIsrael under that curse; their own disobedience did.

The situation isn't much better among God's people today.Somewhere between 6 and 15 percent of believers in Americatithe. Even if we assume that the larger figure is correct, thatstill means 85 percent of the Christians in this country placethemselves under the curse of poverty by neglecting to tithe.

Those Christians may think, God wants me poor. But inactuality, God loves them and wants them to prosper. The truthis, they are simply experiencing the consequences of a law thatgoverns the universe—they curse themselves by robbing God.

But God in His mercy provides our way out from under thecurse of poverty!

Bring the Tithe Into the Storehouse

Verse 10 holds the key to releasing us from the curse ofpoverty: "Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of yourincome) into the storehouse, that there may be food in Myhouse, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if Iwill not open the windows of heaven for you and pour youout a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to


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receive it."This is the only time in the entire Bible that God says, "Go

ahead—check Me out. Prove Me." It's interesting that the onetime He tells us to prove Him, it is in connection with payingtithes and offerings.

I did some intensive research on what the tithe is. (I had tofor my own sake. I wasn't going to write an $11,200 tithe checkunless I knew it was God telling me to do it!) A tithe meansone-tenth of all your income—not one-twentieth, not thesmallest or the largest bill in your pocket, but one-tenth.

And it isn't just any tenth of your income either. It's the firsttenth. In other words, you set aside a tenth to God before youpartake of your income. The Bible says, "Honor the Lord withyour possessions, and WITH THE FIRSTFRUITS OF ALLYOUR INCREASE" (Proverbs 3:9 NKJV).

People ask me, "Well, does that mean the first tenth of mynet income or my gross income?"

I tell them, "Well, what kind of blessing do you want-a netor a gross blessing? I can tell you how I feel about it. If therewere any question in my mind about the matter, I'd rather beover the amount I'm supposed to tithe than under. Removingthe curse is too important to me."

Suppose when you stand before Jesus, you ask, "Should Ihave tithed on the net or the gross?" Even if He replies, "Youneed only tithe on the net," what's the big deal?

You might exclaim, "You mean, I gave 2 percent extra allof my life by tithing on my gross income, Lord!"

"Yes," Jesus would answer, "but I took that 2 percent as


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seed, multiplied it, and poured it back into your life as harvest."

So even if you pay too much in tithes, it will only mean agreater harvest for you if you do it in faith. You just can't loseby deciding to give more instead of less to God's kingdom!

God Will Open the Windows of Heaven

The Lord once said to me, "As long as My childrencontinue to tip Me instead of pay their tithes, they'll neverexperience My windows of heaven opening over theirfinances."

Only one other time does the Bible talk about God'sopening the windows of heaven. It says that in the days ofNoah, God opened those windows and heaven's rains floodedthe planet for forty days and nights (Genesis 7:11,12). Thatproves that heaven's windows are extremely large and a lot ofwater pours out of them! So if we want to open those windowsfor an outpouring of blessings in our lives, we must be faithfulto tithe, not tip, God.

You see, the tithe belongs to the Lord. We're going to lookat a Scripture later that proves that fact, but for right now, getahold of this: When you pay your tithes, you simply return whatalready belongs to God. Therefore, your tithe can't be yourseed. The tithe doesn't operate according to the seedtime andharvest law.

What is your seed? Your offering. However, you can't plantofferings and expect God to multiply them if you're not payingyour tithes.

Your purpose in being faithful to tithe is to open thewindows of heaven so God's spiritual rains can water your seed.


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On the other hand, if you're not faithful to tithe, the seed yousow will fall on dry, barren ground. Deprived of God's life-giving rains of blessing and power, that seed will die withoutever producing a harvest.

Bring Your Tithes to God's Storehouse

Notice that God says to bring the tithes into His storehouse.That does not mean "Send your tithes in the mail as you stayhome from church sleeping late."

God doesn't want you to forsake assembling together withother believers (Hebrews 10:25). He wants you up out of bed,at the local church where you are fed the Word, and payingyour tithes! For you, your local church is God's storehouse!

"But I don't have time to go to church," you say. Then youneed to make time. The truth is, time isn't the issue—yourpriorities are the issue. When church becomes importantenough to you, you'll make the time for it.

God Will Rebuke the Devourer

Not only does God open windows of financial blessing tous, but we receive added benefits as we faithfully tithe:

"AND I WILL REBUKE THE DEVOURER for yoursakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of yourground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you inthe field," says the Lord of hosts.

—Malachi 3:11 NKJV

Does money seem to flow out faster than it comes inbecause of unexpected expenses? For example, you think you're


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doing well financially, and then all of a sudden the car, thewashing machine, and the dishwasher all break down the sameweek! What's happening? That's the devourer stealing the fruitof your labor.

How can you stop the devourer? Be faithful with your tithesand offerings! Your faithfulness allows God to move on yourbehalf and rebuke the devourer. Almighty God personally tellsthe devil to back off and leave you alone!

Don't Rob God of His Pleasure

I studied this passage of Scripture in Malachi 3, and onething bothered me. I said, "Lord, there's something I don'tunderstand. As I've been going through the Scriptures, I'vefound proof that the tithe belongs to You [see Leviticus 27:30].

"You stated in Malachi 3:8 that people rob You in bothtithes and offerings, but I haven't found any Scripture that saysofferings belong to You. As far as I can tell, offerings are ourseed, planted by our own free will in any amount we choose byYour leading. So how do we rob You when we don't plant ourseed?"

The Lord answered my question by showing me anotherprinciple in the Word: "Let the Lord be magnified, Whotakes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant" (Psalm35:27). Then He said, "When you don't give offerings, you robMe of My pleasure and joy in seeing you blessed."

When I heard that, I determined then and there that I'd neverrob God of His joy again by not giving offerings. I purposed todo everything in my power to make Him happy, planting plentyof seed so He could multiply it into a great harvest of blessings!


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All We Are and Have Is the Lord's

Then God showed me an interesting Scripture: "For the[whole] earth is the Lord's and everything that is in it" (1Corinthians 10:26).

"What?" I exclaimed. "Are You telling me, Lord, thateverything in this earth is already Yours, including me andeverything I own—even my entire bank account?"

"That's right." He answered. "I give you food on your table,the car you drive, money in the bank, and job promotions. Igive you the very air you breathe. Everything you are andeverything you have, I give to you. But I'll allow you to keep 90percent if you'll stop robbing Me."

"Lord, I'm so sorry I tipped You. I won't ever rob Youagain! In fact, paying You 10 percent of my income is startingto look pretty good!"

I guarantee you, once you understand that God gives youeverything you own, you won't be so stingy with the 10 percentthat belongs to Him!

Next, the Lord took me to the Scripture that showed that thetithe belongs to the Lord:

And ALL OF THE TITHE of the land, whether of theseed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, IS THELORD'S; it is holy to the Lord.

—Leviticus 27:30

Did you notice that Israel had no option here? It says that"all of the tithe of the land" belongs to the Lord. That's whyGod said His people robbed Him; they hadn't returned to Him


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what was already His!

You see, we can't give God the tithe, because that wouldimply that we once owned that 10 percent. We're not doing Godany favors when we pay our tithe; we are simply returning toGod what always belonged to Him—not us-in the first place.

The tithe never belonged to us and never will. God doesn'tchange (Malachi 3:6). Therefore, returning the tithe to Godbrings us out from under the curse of poverty and places usunder the open windows of heaven.

If we decide to keep the tithe, we put ourselves in serioustrouble. Number one, we rob Almighty God Himself. Numbertwo, we put ourselves under the curse of poverty. And numberthree, we pay God 20 percent interest on His money!

"Pay God interest on the tithe?" You say, "That sounds alittle farfetched!" But I'm not the one who said it; God said it!The Bible says, "And if a man wants to redeem [or keep] anyof his tithe, he shall add a fifth [or 20 percent] to it"(Leviticus 27:31).

"But why do I have to pay interest to God?" you ask. Youdo for the same reason you pay interest on money borrowedfrom the bank-the money isn't yours. But in the case of thetithe, you are borrowing God's money.

Actually, the real issue is not that God charges you interest,but when you don't tithe you open the door for the devil to stealyour finances!

A woman once said to me, "This month I'm having somefinancial difficulties, and I can't tithe because I have to pay mycredit card bill. If I don't pay that bill, I'm going to be in big


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Isn't it interesting! That woman feared the credit cardcompany more than she feared God! But the truth is not "I can'tafford to tithe"—it's "I can't afford not to tithe"! The moneysimply isn't ours to keep.

The Tithe Is Holy

Notice that Leviticus 27:30 also says that the tithe is holy tothe Lord. God so highly esteems the tithe that He calls it holy!How can we therefore possibly look on the tithe with any lessesteem?

If God considers the tithe holy, we should consider it holyas well. Only holy hands should touch it-the hands of thoseobedient to God's Word.

In the Old Testament, when the wrong people touched theholy things consecrated unto the Lord, they died (1 Chronicles13:9,10). Obviously, we need to take it seriously when Goddeclares something holy.

Incidentally, this is also an important consideration forthose who serve as ushers in their church, because if an usherputs himself under the curse of poverty by robbing God, heshouldn't handle the church's holy tithe. He needs to repentbefore God and commit to bring his tithes into God'sstorehouse!

The tithe is serious. Dr. Yongghi Cho, the South Koreanpastor of the largest church in the world, takes the tithe veryseriously-and he has more than 750,000 members, so he's doingsomething right! Dr. Cho's church members have access to listsof those who tithe. That way they can ensure doing business


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with tithers.

For instance, one of Dr. Cho's church members may decide,"I want to ask a certain brother to work with me in my business,but first I'm going to check his tithing records. If he's not atither, I don't want to do business with someone who livesunder a curse!"

So the next time you put your tithe in the offering plate,don't just casually drop it in. Your tithe is holy unto the Lord,and it belongs to Him. Treat it with reverence.

Tithing Is a Commandment

God wants to promote His people, but believers can'treceive God's promotion until they fulfill God's commandmentand tithe:

Then you shall say before the Lord your God, I HAVEBROUGHT THE HALLOWED THINGS (THETITHE) out of my house and moreover have giventhem to the Levite, to the stranger and the sojourner,to the fatherless, and to the widow, ACCORDING TOALL YOUR COMMANDMENTS WHICH YOUHAVE COMMANDED ME; I have not transgressedany of Your commandments, neither have I forgottenthem....And He will make you high above all nations whichHe has made, in praise and in fame and in honor, andthat you shall be a holy people to the Lord your God,as He has spoken.

—Deuteronomy 26:13,19

Under the New Covenant, the local church uses the tithe to


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pay for furthering the Gospel. This includes building expenses,pastoral salaries, benevolent expenses, evangelistic outreaches,and so forth.

Under the Old Covenant, the use of the tithe was also forthe furtherance of God's kingdom. For example, the tithe metthe material needs of the Levites (who were equivalent toministers today) and others in need, such as widows, orphans,and poor strangers in the land (v. 13).

Again, this verse tells us that the tithe is hallowed, or holy.It also says that tithing isn't optional; it's a divinecommandment. We don't tithe according to the Lord'ssuggestions, but according to His commandments.

A believer might say, "I just got my paycheck, but I'm notsure I'm going to write my tithe check this week." No, don'teven think like that! Tithing is not an option. Although youmight argue with a pastor who says you're supposed to tithe,you can't argue with God's Word!

"But I just can't afford to tithe!" another person mightprotest. That is a lie from the pit of hell. God is just and doesn'tgive you commandments you can't fulfill. Fulfilling Hiscommandments is important. In fact, Jesus compares our lovefor Him with keeping His commandments: "If you [really]love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands" (John 14:15).

You see, the verb love is active, not passive. In other words,when you love someone, you show it. The way you show yourlove for God is by doing His commandments, and that includestithing.

Yet some people maintain the attitude, "Lord, I love Youwith every part of me except my money." No, God can't be the


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God of your life but not your money. Make up your mind-if youmake Him God of your life, make Him Lord of every part of it.

"But it's so tough to tithe!" others say. According to theBible, that excuse doesn't work:

For the [true] love of God is this: that we do Hiscommands [keep His ordinances and are mindful ofHis precepts and teaching]. And these orders of Hisare not irksome (burdensome, oppressive, or grievous).

—1 John 5:3

Do you want to show God you love Him? Then do HisWord. His commandments are never too hard, and He willnever ask you to do something you don't have the ability to do.His commandments are not hard, oppressive, or burdensome.

And God is faithful to bless your obedience! I can't begin totell you the testimonies we receive from people who take Godat His Word and as a result experience financial miracles.They've committed themselves to tithe no matter what, and Godhonors their obedience to His Word.

For instance, one woman heard this teaching and decidedfrom that day forward she would be a tither. She prayed, "Lord,I don't know how I'm going to do it. Every penny of mypaycheck is already accounted for. But You said to prove Youon the tithe, so that's what I'm going to do!"

So she started tithing. One, two, and then three weeks wentby. Standing in faith, the woman refused to look at her bankaccount balance, because she knew she would need rent at theend of the month and didn't want a dwindling balance to tempther not to tithe. Regardless of how impossible her financialsituation looked, she faithfully continued to tithe every week.


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Three days before the end of the month—right as her rentwas due-the windows of heaven opened for this woman. Herboss called her into his office and gave her a $10,000 salaryincrease! This woman's obedience to tithe, even when it seemedhard to do, turned out to be her key to financial breakthrough!

Tithe Comes First, Reward Second

That woman's testimony manifests God's promise in HisWord:

And the Levite [because he has no part or inheritancewith you] and the stranger or temporary resident, andthe fatherless and the widow who are in your townsshall come and eat and be satisfied, so that THELORD YOUR GOD MAY BLESS YOU IN ALL THEWORK OF YOUR HANDS THAT YOU DO.

—Deuteronomy 14:29

Everyone loves the promise in that verse. "Hallelujah!" theysay, "God's going to bless me in all the work of my hands!" Butthat promise doesn't apply to you unless you've fulfilled verse22: "You shall SURELY tithe all the yield of your seed [orgrain] produced by your field each year"

The woman whose testimony I've shared determined thatshe would surely tithe, no matter what-and God was faithful todo His part by blessing her in all the work of her hands! Butnotice that obedience came before the reward.

Another Scripture shows us the great increase we canexpect from the tithe:

Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency


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[from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of allyour income; so shall your storage places be filled withplenty....

—Proverbs 3:9,10

Today the phrase storage places usually refers to our bankaccounts.

So how would you like to see your bank account filled withplenty? Once again, in order to receive the promise in verse 10,you must obey the condition in verse 9: Honor the Lord bygiving Him the firstfruits of all your increase.

Tithing in the New Testament

You may say, "That's all fine, Nasir, but we live under theNew Covenant. What does the New Testament say abouttithing?" Let's take a look: "Here [on earth] mortal menreceive tithes, but there [in heaven] he receives them, ofwhom it is witnessed that he lives" (Hebrews 7:8 NKJV).

The writer of Hebrews spoke of Jesus, the One "of whom itis witnessed that he lives." Jesus is the High Priest of ourprofession (Hebrews 3:1). Another verse also refers to Jesus asour High Priest: "...We have such a High Priest, One Who isseated at the right hand of the majestic [God] in heaven"(Hebrews 8:1).

Verse 3 goes on to say, "For every high priest isappointed to offer up gifts and sacrifices; so it is essentialfor this [High Priest] to have some offering to make also."You see, Jesus as our High Priest receives our tithes andofferings and presents them to the Father. Unfortunately, toooften He goes into the throne room empty-handed!


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Tithing as a Form of Worship

We've discovered that the Lord considers tithing holy.Scripture tells us He also considers it a form of worship:

And now, behold, I bring the firstfruits of the groundwhich You, O Lord, have given me. And you shall setit down before the Lord your God and worship beforethe Lord your God.

—Deuteronomy 26:10

That's why you just can't play around with the tithe. In yourobedience to bring Him your firstfruits, you acknowledge thatGod is your Source, the One who gave you everything youhave. Therefore, when you bring your tithe to church and set itdown before the Lord, you do it as worship to Him.

After listening to me teach on tithing, the pastor of a churchrealized its importance as part of worship. He was so impressedwith this truth that one night he walked up to the pulpit and toldhis congregation, "I want to ask you to forgive me.

"Many of you have come to me in the past and said youwere going through a hard time financially. You told me thatyou couldn't afford to tithe, and I told you it was all right. Oryou said you could only give 5 percent instead of 10, and I saidthat was all right.

"I repent of every time I ever said that, because I allowedyou to stay under a curse all these years.

"Please forgive me," the pastor continued. "I was wrong. Ihadn't realized that the tithe was not yours to begin with andthat you were actually withholding something that belongs toGod. I will never compromise the Word again.


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"So if you ever come to me and say you can't afford to tithe,I'm going to tell you to sell your car and walk before you robGod. God will provide you with the transportation you need,but you can't afford not to tithe."

My respect for that pastor increased tremendously as Ilistened to him. Here was a man humble enough to admit hehad been wrong. He humbled himself so his sheep wouldn'thave to stay in poverty any longer. And he emphasized by hispublic repentance the importance of the tithe to worship.

Choose Life

You and I have a choice. We can live under the enemy'scurses or in God's blessings.

I call heaven and earth to witness this day against youthat I have set before you life and death, THEBLESSINGS and THE CURSES; therefore CHOOSELIFE that you and your descendants may live.

—Deuteronomy 30:19

God won't force us to do anything, including rendering toHim the tithe —even though it belongs to Him! If we don'twant to tithe, we don't have to.

But making wrong choices in life—choosing not to tithe,for example—causes us to live under the curse of the law fromwhich we've already been redeemed. It's never God's choicethat we suffer lack; He doesn't bless some and leave othersbroke. In a sense, we choose to suffer lack.

Poverty comes upon us as a curse when we don't obey theWord with our finances, because we reap what we sow


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(Galatians 6:7). Another way to say it is that "your dealingswill return upon your own head" (Obadiah 1:15).

Therefore, in tithing, God always leaves the choice up toyou. Will you rob God, or will you return the tithe that rightlybelongs to Him? Will you live under the curse of poverty orwalk in God's blessings? Will you choose life or embracedeath?

If you choose cursings and disobedience—death—Hishands are tied; He can't help you. As the Word says, yourdealings will return upon your own head!

God sets before you the choice and tells you, "You choose:life or death, blessings or cursings." And He's such a lovingGod that He then gives us the right answer: "Choose the way ofMy blessings—choose life!"

The Tither's Prayer

Don't let the enemy steal your harvest any longer. If you'vebeen unfaithful in tithing in the past, God provides for yourforgiveness through the blood of His Son Jesus: "If we confessour sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and tocleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9 KJV).

God is so good that if you repent, He will completely eraseall the times you robbed Him of the tithe so you can begin witha clean slate. In fact, He's such a good God that when you makea decision to give Him what is rightfully His, He will also blessyou on credit!

God will take you at your word. Commit to start tithing toopen those windows of heaven before your first tithe checkever hits the offering plate!


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If you're sick and tired of living under the curse of poverty,this is your moment to take off those chains of financialbondage once and for all. Pray this prayer from your heart, andget ready for a financial breakthrough!

"Father God, I have learned from Your Word theimportance of the tithe, and I believe it. I choose thisday to believe Your kingdom principles, not the lies ofthe enemy."I know my tithe is holy to You. So I proclaim thatfrom this day forward, I will always worship You withmy tithe, the firstfruits of my income. As I am faithfulto return to You the tithe which already belongs toYou, I know You'll be faithful to open the windows ofheaven for me."I know I don't have to live under the curse of povertyanymore, but according to Your Word, You will pourout Your rain on my seed and multiply a harvest ofblessings so great that I won't have room enough toreceive it!"Thank You, Father, for that harvest. I receive it nowby faith! In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen."

Friend, I rejoice with you that through your obedience totithe, you've now opened the windows of heaven over yourfinancial life!


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Chapter 12 How To Reap Your Harvest

"But when the grain is ripe and permits, immediatelyhe sends forth [the reapers] and puts in the sickle,because the harvest stands ready."

—Mark 4:29

Cultivating the growth of a seed involves more than justplanting and watering. The farmer sows the seed, and takes hissickle out to the field to reap the harvest. But if he neglects toreap his harvest, the fruit of it will be lost, left dying on thevine.

Let's look at some scriptural guidelines on how to reap theharvest from all the seed you've planted over the years. No oneknows better than the Chief Husbandman Himself how to bringin your full harvest in due time and at the appointed season.

The Harvest Comes To Those Who Believe

The first thing to understand is that the harvest doesn'tcome to everyone who sows seed into the kingdom of God; itonly comes to those who believe: "The word which they [theIsraelites] heard did not profit them, NOT BEING MIXED


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WITH FAITH in those who heard it" (Hebrews 4:2 NKJV).

The Israelites heard the good news that God wanted todeliver them from bondage and give them the Promised Land,but the message they heard didn't benefit them because it wasnot mixed with faith.

Now apply that same example to the law of sowing andreaping. Here's what I mean. I know people who just tossmoney in an offering plate as it goes by them with no clue ofthe significance of what they're doing. Those people cannotreap a harvest from their seed because they do not mix theirsowing with faith.

Plant your seed into the kingdom of God with fullexpectancy of the harvest the Word promises! As you place thatenvelope containing your seed into the offering plate, releaseyour faith as well.

Tell the Lord specifically what you're believing Him toprovide so that you will know when your harvest has come. Forinstance, you might say, "Lord, according to Your Word, I'mplanting this seed towards my rent being paid. Thank You,Lord, for the harvest!"

Bring in Your Harvest by Faith

The truth is, you reap finances the same way you reap anyother promise of God. First, you believe God's promise in yourheart, and second, you release your faith by speaking what youbelieve (Romans 10:8,9). That's how you were first saved, andthat's how you receive every promise in God's Word.

God is the One who multiplies your sowing, but you mustexercise your faith to reap your financial harvest. You cause


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increase to manifest in your life.

How do you do that? First, meditate on kingdom principlesregarding financial increase. Focus your thoughts and attentionon these truths until they become more real on the inside of youthan the circ*mstances you face on the outside.

Once you believe in your heart that it is God's will toprosper you and that His laws of sowing and reaping work, thenapply His principles of increase to your life: live a lifestyle ofsowing and tithing. As you do, you obtain the legal right to afinancial harvest.

Now walk in that legal right. Release your faith by callingin your harvest with the words of your mouth: "Lord, I'm atither, and I've planted seed into Your kingdom. I believe YourWord, so right now I claim the harvest that is rightfully mine!

"Angels, go forth and bring in my harvest! The Word saysmen shall give back into my bosom, so angels, I commissionyou to go forth and influence men to give to me. Thank You,Lord, for my harvest!"

You may say, "Wait a minute! Where did you get this ideaof angels' influencing men?" Well, have you ever observed theinfluence of demons on a person? If demons can influencepeople for evil, certainly, angels can likewise influence peoplefor good.

You see, ministering angels surround you, waiting tohearken to the voice of the Word (Psalm 103:20). Hebrews1:14 says that they are "ministering spirits sent forth tominister for those who will inherit salvation" (NKJV).

When you release your faith and pray the Word, your angels


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say, "Oh, he just spoke the Word! I have to go—I've got aharvest to bring in!"

What if you start speaking words of doubt, saying thingslike, "This seedtime and harvest business doesn't work"? Yourangels would say, "He just canceled his order, so now we can'tdo anything about his harvest."

You see, angels only speak one language—the language ofthe Word. They do not respond to crying, screaming, whining,or complaining, but only to the Word spoken forth in faith.

Between 'Amen' And 'There It Is!'

How often do you release your faith and send forth theangels to bring in the harvest you've believed for? If you praythe prayer of faith twice for the same need, then you obviouslydidn't believe what you prayed the first time.

You may wonder what to do between the "amen" and the"there it is!" The time between when you call in the harvest andwhen you actually see it manifested in your life. Simply this:you stir up your faith.

The Bible says to "stir up the gift of God which is in you"(2 Timothy 1:6). In other words, the supernatural force of faithexists inside you and you must stir it up. Therefore, if youbelieve you received your harvest when you prayed, stir up yourfaith and keep it stirred up! You do that by thinking faith,talking faith, and thanking God in faith for the answer!

When negative thoughts come to mind, replace them withthoughts that line up with the Word. Instead of thinking, It'sbeen a long time, and I don't see the harvest, start dwelling onfaith Scriptures. Think to yourself, I'm a covenant child of God.


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My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches inglory because I'm a giver!

Every time you open your mouth to speak, talk about theharvest you believe is coming in. Don't talk about your lack,and don't say that sowing seed doesn't work. Just keep speakingGod's Word over your finances, and soon you'll get your faithso stirred up about your incoming harvest that you won't beable to contain your excited expectation of it! Then every timeyou think of it, thank God that your harvest is already on theway. Thank Him for His faithfulness to always meet yourneeds.

The more you thank God, the more quickly your harvestmanifests, because that's your faith speaking. God says thatfaith is the substance of what you're hoping for or lookingforward to, and the evidence of what you do not yet see(Hebrews 11:1).

So start praising God! Don't wait until your harvestmanifests to praise Him, but praise Him in faith for thefinancial breakthroughs already coming your way.

Keep Your Mouth Hooked Up to Your Harvest

Why is it so important to speak your faith? Jesus explained,our mouths are hooked up to our harvest:

Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Belifted up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt atall in his heart but believes that what he says will takeplace, it will be done for him.

—Mark 11:23


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Get ahold of this truth: You sow with your giving, and youreap with your words.

The moment you plant your seed and release your faith withthe words of your mouth, the angels begin working to bring inthe finances and your harvest is on its way!

You can either hinder or help your harvest manifest by whatyou allow your mouth to say. Words of doubt cancel thedelivery of your harvest while words of faith bring your harvestinto manifestation.

There is a powerful force behind saying and believing thatbrings every promise of God into your life. But to allow thatforce to work, you cannot change what you believe, nor whatyou say as you wait for your harvest to manifest.

As the Bible says, you hold the power of life and death inyour tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Therefore, with your words youcan kill your harvest or bring it to life.

The truth is, more harvests have been left on the heavenlyshelf as a result of believers' negative confessions than anyother reason.

Therefore, no matter what, maintain this confession offaith: "Thank You, Lord, the harvest is coming. My bills arealready taken care of. I know it's done because I've planted theseed, and I have every right to expect the harvest. I thank You,Lord, that the angels are now bringing in the harvest. Theharvest is coming! It's coming!"

Then you must believe you've received your answer fromGod. As the Bible says, "Whatever you ask for in prayer,believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you,


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and you will [get it]" (Mark 11:24).

In other words, believe you've already received your harvestand that it's on the way. When do you believe? When you don'tyet see the harvest!

For instance, suppose you are believing God for a new van.After you've asked Him for it and planted seeds toward it, thenany time you think of it, say to yourself, "My new van iscoming in. It's gorgeous, loaded with all the extras I've askedGod for. It's already mine; I can see it, and I know it because Iplanted the seed and did not doubt. I rest in faith now, andrejoice over my harvest!"

You see, if you really believe you received your harvestwhen you prayed, you will rejoice right now—not when youactually see the manifestation of your harvest.

You may say, "When I see my harvest, then I'll rejoice."

But if that's your attitude, you didn't believe you receivedyour answer at the time you prayed. If you believed, then everyword out of your mouth would speak of the harvest in the pasttense, because it has already been released in the spirit realm.

You would say, "I sent forth my angels, and I believethey're bringing in my harvest right now. I know that van iscoming in. Thank You, God, for my van!"

Many Christians plant seed without ever seeing theirharvest. But here's the good news: Unlike natural seed, spiritualseed never dies, nor does it have a time limit in which togerminate, grow, and produce a harvest.

Every seed you ever planted represents a harvest justwaiting in heaven for you to call into your life by faith. So if


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you canceled out your harvest in the past with words of doubtand unbelief, repent and ask God to forgive you. Then releaseyour faith once again, and commission the angels to bring inyour unclaimed harvests!

Receive the Harvest Through Faith and Patience

When you plant seed, you must believe it will bear fruit inorder for it to actually do so. But harvesting that fruit takespatience as well as faith. Jesus spoke of this process ofbelieving for the harvest in His parable of a farmer:

The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seedupon the ground, and then continues sleeping andrising night and day while the seed sprouts and growsand increases—he knows not how.The earth produces [acting] by itself—first the blade,then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.

—Mark 4:26-28

Notice the farmer in Jesus' parable plants seed but has noidea how the harvest actually comes. Nonetheless, he doesn't letthat concern him; he is the "good ground" Jesus described inthe parable of the sower:

But as for that [seed] in the good soil, these are [thepeople] who, hearing the Word, hold it fast in a just(noble, virtuous) and worthy heart, and steadilyBRING FORTH FRUIT WITH PATIENCE.

—Luke 8:15

After you sow the seed into the ground, don't walk off andstart worrying about it. Follow the farmer's example—he's sosure of God's law of sowing and reaping that he goes to bed and


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falls asleep! He knows the seed automatically increasesaccording to God's law of seedtime and harvest, and thatwhether he is asleep or awake, the seed will grow.

Although the farmer doesn't see the results of his plantingthe first, second, or third week, he doesn't panic. In fact, hekeeps on sleeping and rising, patiently going about his dailylife. He doesn't know how his seed sprouts and grows; all heknows is that the law of seedtime and harvest works. He simplywaits patiently and in faith.

So don't worry about your harvest. Just plant your seed andthen enter into rest (Hebrews 4:3)! Through faith and patienceyou inherit God's promises (Hebrews 6:12).

In other words, don't try to decide when it's harvesttime; letGod do that. Remember, when you plant seed, you reap yourharvest in a different season.

If you say, "But I planted seed three days ago, and I haven'tseen a harvest yet!" let me reassure you-that's all right. Justrelax, and be patient without doubting.

And if you say, "Now it's been a whole year, and still noharvest," the message remains the same. Have patience withoutdoubting. Let patience have her perfect work (James 1:4).Why? Because God promises you will reap in due season!

For example, my wife and I planted seeds to help others buytheir homes ten years before we owned our own home outright.Now we thought we needed to own a home years before weactually did, but God knew we'd be moving to the United States(we had no idea at the time!). He knew that the appointedseason for our "home harvest" was to be in the States.


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During the long years between the sowing and the harvest,Anita and I exercised patience without doubting that our homewas on the way. We had to practice what we preach!

I know it's tempting during that "in-between" time to say, "Isure wish God would hurry up." But God knows you need thatharvest. He has your situation under control, and He'll get thatharvest to you in time.

"Yes, but in four more days, I have to pay rent!" youcomplain. Don't you think God knows that? He'll get it to you ifyou refuse to get anxious and full of worry.

Do you really believe in the God of multiplication? Do youbelieve in His law of sowing and reaping? If you do, then youcan rest, knowing God will multiply your seed back to you.

So sleep peacefully tonight and every other night. Andremember, you bring forth your harvest by faith and patience.

Only God Knows How Your Harvest Will Come

Let's observe something else about the harvest from a versewe've already studied:

He who observes the wind [and waits for all conditionsto be favorable] will not sow, and he who regards theclouds will not reap.

—Ecclesiastes 11:4

What does the last part of that verse mean, "...he whor*gards the clouds will not reap"? Literally, it means if you're afarmer watching the clouds, you may say, "Oh, it looks like astorm is coming, so I won't go out to the fields to reap theharvest today."


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How To Reap Your Harvest

That may work in the natural realm, but in the spiritualrealm, there is never a time to stop standing in faith for yourharvest.

Therefore, don't be moved by the stormy circ*mstances oflife as you wait for your harvest. Know that your seed hasproduced a harvest because you have sown and you have acovenant with God for blessing. And keep thanking Him for theharvest that is coming in by faith!

"Yes, but I planted last week, and no money has come inyet," someone says. "I didn't get a raise, and I found no check inthe mailbox."

If you're looking for external circ*mstances to confirm whatyou believe, you'll never reap a harvest. Stop looking at theclouds, trying to decide when, how, and through whom Godwill bring in the harvest.

Just like the farmer in the parable of Mark 4, rest in faiththat something's happening in your seed beneath the groundeven though your natural eyes can't see a thing. Walking byfaith means believing God for the harvest when you can't seehow your answer can come to pass.

At one time or another we've all wondered, How is my seedgoing to be multiplied? What avenue will God use to get it backto me? Will I get a raise at my job? Will that businessman atchurch give me the money I need?

But instead, we need to stay in peace and not worry aboutthe harvest, knowing God will take care of bringing it to us aswe rest in faith.

Another problem about trying to figure out how your


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harvest will come in is that you can easily become a respecterof persons. I think I'd better be really nice to that brother, youmay think. He may be the one God is going to use to get myharvest to me.

Don't limit God with your carnal speculations! There's a99.99 percent chance that you're wrong, because you just don'tknow who God will use as a channel for your harvest.

It seems like God orchestrates a spiritual "chess game,"moving people's seed and harvest around in a way that bestbenefits everyone concerned.

Although in the natural it may look as if your harvestshould come from a particular person, God may use a totallyunexpected source. For example, many times God has used anunsaved person—the last person Anita and I would ever expectto receive from—to give us needed finances or material goods.

Our harvest of $16,500 was one such time—the time Iobeyed God's prompting and sowed in thousands, therebyreaping in thousands. We would never have imagined receivingmoney from the particular person who gave it to us—especiallysince we were in the ministry serving God and this persondidn't even know Jesus!

So let me encourage you. Don't stay up all night biting yournails, worrying about where the harvest will come from. LetGod figure it out. After all, He's a God of order. He's notconfused, and He knows what He's doing!

On the other hand, if God tells you to give to someone,make sure you obey. God can't get your harvest to you until yousow, because remember, you're not just a receiver of harvest;you're a giver of harvest.


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How To Reap Your Harvest

Yes, God has promised that men will pour into your bosom,pressed down, shaken together, and running over (Luke 6:38).But God wants you to be one of those who pour! Let yourattitude be, "Lord, You can use me anytime You want to givesomeone else his harvest."

Harvest Comes One Step at a Time

Let's look at Mark 4:28 again: "The earth produces[acting] by itself—first the blade, then the ear, then the fullgrain in the ear." What does that mean? This verse tells usharvest is a step-by-step progression. You're not usually goingto see your entire harvest spring forth all at once.

If you were broke yesterday, chances are you probablywon't wake up a millionaire tomorrow. It can happen, but mostlikely you will build toward that. If you were in debt yesterday,you may not get completely out of debt overnight. It took you alittle time to get yourself in debt, so you'll probably get out ofdebt one step at a time.

Think again about the farmer. He doesn't go out to look atthe field he's planted and say, "Oh, my goodness, only a bunchof blades are showing out of the ground! That's nothing! Thissowing business doesn't work!" The farmer knows, however,that the blade will soon grow into an ear and then the full grainin the ear!

Yet some people say, "I planted a hundred dollars in theSunday morning offering, and then someone gave me a twenty-dollar bill after service. That harvest doesn't even cover myseed! Planting seed doesn't work!" But in reality, they're justseeing the "blade"—only the beginning of their harvest.


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The truth is, blessings come into our lives all the timewhich we don't count as harvest but which actually make up apart of our harvest. Some blessings may just be the blade, notthe full-grown grain.

So don't say that sowing doesn't work; you don't want to killthe rest of your harvest with your words! Instead of looking atthe blade as your total harvest, look at it as a sign of moreharvest to come. Be grateful for the little blessings, and startsaying, "Hallelujah! My harvest is already on its way!"

The full harvest usually comes gradually, so enter the restof faith. And keep reminding yourself the progression of theharvest: first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in theear.

Don't Waver!

What happens to those who get weary of waiting after theysow seed and see only the blade or the ear of the harvest?Because they don't see an immediate, full return on their givingwhen they desire, some start to waver: "It's almost the due datefor my rent. I don't know if God is bringing in my harvest ornot."

The moment a person starts wavering, he cancels out hisharvest:

...The one who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like thebillowing surge out at sea that is blown hither andthither and tossed by the wind.For truly, let not such a person imagine that he willreceive anything [he asks for] from the Lord.

—James 1:6,7


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How To Reap Your Harvest

The reason so many Christians don't receive what they needfrom God is that they waver back and forth in doubt andunbelief. On Sunday morning they say, "That sermonencouraged my faith. I believe my harvest is coming!" But onMonday night, they say, "Oh, what a terrible day at work! Lord,why doesn't this harvest come? I'm always broke. It's probablynever going to come!"

No wonder those people do a lot of sowing and very littleharvesting! They won't receive anything from God if they keeptalking like that.

It's also important to realize that some harvests take longerthan others because God moves through men. In other words, ifthe person God originally wanted to use as a channel of Hisprovision for you isn't obedient to sow, He goes to plan B.Nevertheless, you will always reap in due season.

God isn't worried if plan A falls through, because He knowshow to get your harvest to you. Meanwhile, the person whoactually suffers is not you but the one who didn't obey the HolySpirit's leading initially. He won't receive any harvest becausehe failed to sow.

I know a man who is both a minister and a musician, whocan attest to the fact that you can slow down your harvest ifyou're not sensitive to sow according to the Lord's leading. Thisman was holding a meeting at a church one day when the Lordspoke to his spirit, saying, "Do you see that lady in the secondrow, third in from the aisle?"

"Yes, Lord," he answered.

"She's been believing Me for a piano a long time. You owna baby grand piano; I want you to give it to her."


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"But, Lord, I'm a musician! I need the piano. I love to playit; it's a big part of my life and ministry!"

The Lord replied, "Oh? When did you get so attached tothat piano?"

The minister got the message. "I understand, Lord," he said,and he walked over to the woman and told her he had a piano togive her. This, of course, blessed the woman beyond words.

After sowing his piano, this music minister began to believeGod for a white grand piano to replace it.

Time went by, but no piano showed up. Finally, a year laterthe minister returned to the same church where he had given hispiano away. After the service a woman came up to him andsaid, "I think I have a piano that belongs to you."

"What do you mean?" the man asked.

"Well, the Lord has really been dealing with me for sometime now to give you my white grand piano."

"Hallelujah, glory to Jesus!" the man exclaimed. "By theway, when did God tell you this?"

"About a year ago," the woman replied, "the last time youwere here."

And we wonder why our harvest is a little slow at times!

God moves around possessions and money among Hispeople. As I've said several times, one person's seed is another'sharvest. God gives a particular person several opportunities tosow according to His leading simply because He wants to getmore harvest to that person.

But God won't wait forever. If the person won't obey His


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How To Reap Your Harvest

leading to give, God will eventually say, "I'm sorry, I can't waiton you anymore. You're not willing to be obedient, so I'll asksomeone else to sow in this situation, and the harvest will go tothe next person instead of you."

Catch the Spirit of Giving

The spirit of giving is available to all who receive it.Remember what Jesus said regarding the widow He watchedthrow only two mites into the treasury: "She gave of her want,therefore she will be blessed more than all those people whogave of their abundance." (Mark 12:42-44.) That woman haddefinitely caught the spirit of giving!

I know a modern-day example of that story. A man namedAndrew from Nigeria volunteers in our ministry. He and hiswife attend a Tulsa Bible school and have two children.

Andrew's father severely persecuted him after Andrewmade the decision to give up his medical profession in Nigeriaand attend a Bible training school in order to serve the Lord infull-time ministry. In fact, when Andrew returned to Nigeria thesummer after his first year as a student, his father made sureAndrew was unable to obtain a new visa to return to the UnitedStates. Therefore, Andrew couldn't work in the United Stateswhen he returned that fall for his last year at school.

So during his second year of Bible school, Andrew and hisfamily lived completely by faith. Finally, in December, Andrewwas down to his last two dollars. He prayed, "Lord, I'm going tobuy bread with one dollar and give You the other dollar. I'mtrusting You to provide for me."

That next Monday evening, Andrew served as an usher at


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the Wisdom class I teach. When the offering plates were passedaround, he put in his last dollar. Why? He did it in obedience toGod.

(Let me tell you something about God. You never have toask Him, "Should I give in this offering or not?" Giving or notgiving is not an issue—the only issue is "How much?" And becareful when you ask God that question. His amount is almostalways higher than the amount you thought it should be,because He wants to stretch your faith!)

As Andrew returned home after the Wisdom class thatnight, he didn't have a penny to his name. But at four o'clock inthe morning, the telephone rang. It was a pastor in Nigeria.

"Andrew," the pastor said, "the Lord woke me up last nightand told me to call and tell you I'm sending you one thousandU.S. dollars."

The next day at school, a classmate came up to Andrew andslipped a two-hundred dollar check into his hand.

After classes that day, Andrew approached the dean of theschool and said, "Dean, I know I owe you for both my wife'sand my tuition for last month and this month. I have to tell youthat I don't have the money to pay you right now and if youwant us to drop out, we will."

The dean replied, "I don't know what you're talking about.Your tuition is paid up for last month, this month, and nextmonth! Someone walked in here and paid it for you and yourwife!"

When Andrew arrived home that night, he got a call froman old friend in England. His friend told him, "Andrew, I'm


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How To Reap Your Harvest

sending you a check for two hundred dollars."

Before that week was over, Andrew had received a total oftwenty-five hundred dollars! But God didn't stop there!

This all happened a few days before Christmas. The dayafter the call from England, the church gave Andrew a hamperfull of Christmas food, and that night someone showed up athis apartment with a Christmas tree and decorations.

During the weeks preceding this financial breakthrough,Andrew's little daughter had asked him over and over, "Daddy,when is Santa going to bring Christmas presents?"

How was Andrew supposed to answer that question withonly one dollar in his pocket? He kept saying, "Just believeGod, Sweetheart. He will take care of us."

So his little girl believed God for a battery-operated toySinger sewing machine. Then the night before Christmas,someone came to the family's apartment and dropped off elevenChristmas presents—one of them was a toy Singer sewingmachine!

I've seen too many testimonies like Andrew's for anyone toconvince me that God won't take care of His children. God is sogood!

And how is Andrew today? He's doing great. Miraclescontinue to overtake him because he's still willing to trust God,even with his last dollar.

Andrew's story should inspire great faith to begin applyingGod's principles for financial increase in your life. It doesn'tmatter if you begin applying these principles, as I did, at a timein your life when your tithe check is thousands of dollars. It


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doesn't matter if, like Andrew, you give your last one.

What does matter? That God is faithful. He will meet youexactly where you are. He will rush toward you in the sameway that the prodigal son's father rushed to him. He will helpyou. He will uphold you. And ultimately, He will bless youwith the blessings of Abraham.

You'll be blessed coming in, and you'll be blessed goingout. You will be blessed in everything you set your hand to do.Those enemies of poverty, lack and debt that have come againstyou in one direction will flee from you in seven directions.

Because He is Jehovah God, the Creator of heaven andearth. He watches jealously over His own Word to bring whatHe has spoken to pass. There is no investment banker or stockbroker on earth who will do for you what He will do. Put yourfaith and trust in Him today.

Remember, it's up to our generation to accomplish whatGod has called us to do in these last days, and that is onlypossible through our knowledge of God's kingdom principles offinancial success, and putting them into practice.

Therefore, don't grow weary as you wait in faith for yourprosperity to manifest. Once you've done your part according tothe Word, keep your faith stirred up and your mouth hooked upto your harvest. Think harvest, speak harvest, and praise Godfor your harvest.

No longer do you have to live in poverty and lack! As youget a revelation of these principles and begin living a lifestyleof sowing and reaping, the curse of poverty will be broken overyour life. And as surely as God made day to follow night, yourfinancial increase is on its way.


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About the Author

Dr. Nasir K. Siddiki, a Muslim businessman in the 1980s,achieved phenomenal success by the world's standard. He had itall: money, power, status and a thriving business.

His life took a dramatic turn after a deadly virus attackedhis nervous system. When physicians offered no hope, Nasircried out to God. It was not Mohammed who answered hisprayer. It was Jesus—the God of the Christians—who enteredhis hospital room and his life, leaving Nasir forever changed.

Nasir's first encounter with Jesus brought healing. Hissecond encounter brought salvation. Finally, as Nasir studiedthe Bible with fervor, he encountered Jesus as his provider.When Nasir applied God's principles of financial increase hisbusiness exploded. Soon he was invited to speak at seminarswhere crowds of thousands arrived to learn his scriptural keysto success.

Today, Dr. Nasir Siddiki is dedicated to teaching thosebiblical principles to audiences worldwide through Biblecolleges, universities, seminars, church services, and monthlyteaching tapes. He has also taught Biblical Economics at theAmerican Bible College and Seminary, where he was awardedan honorary doctorate for his work in this field.

Dr. Siddiki currently lives with his wife, Anita, and theirthree children in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Wisdom Ministries isbased.

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Free Tape

For your FREE tape on miracles, a complete list of Dr. NasirSiddiki's teaching materials, or ministry engagements, please

contact us at:

Wisdom Ministries

P. O. Box 2720

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74013-2720

(918) 712-7122

When you contact us, please include your praise reports if theprinciples presented in this book have helped you.

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Tapes and CDs Available

Dr. Nasir Siddiki

Authority of the Believer - Vol 1Authority of the Believer - Vol 2Becoming a Spiritual Giant - Vol 1Becoming a Spiritual Giant - Vol 2Catching the Spirit of Excellence - Vol 1Catching the Spirit of Excellence - Vol 2Catching the Spirit of Excellence - Vol 3Common Sense Trading Led By the Holy SpiritExperiencing God's GloryExplosive Power of the WordFaith That Brings VictoryFavor with God & ManFlying High in Business Vol 1Flying High in Business Vol 2For Men OnlyGod Is FaithfulGod's Prerequisite of WealthGrowing Up SpirituallyHarness the Power of MoneyHealing Made SimpleHow to Know the Voice of GodHow to Receive the Commanded BlessingIssues that Stop Your HealingKingdom Principles of Financial IncreaseLeadership Principles - Vol 1Leadership Principles - Vol 2Leadership Principles - Vol 3

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Life After DebtManaging Money God's WayMark of a WinnerOfferings That God Must MultiplyPeople Skills God's WayPrayer - The Currency of the KingdomPrayer That Moves AngelsProsperity - Motives of the HeartRest of FaithSecrets of Successful PrayerStrongholds of the Mind - Vol 1Strongholds of the Mind - Vol 2Strongholds of the Mind - Vol 3Strongholds of the Mind - Vol 4Strongholds of the Mind - Vol 5Strongholds of the Mind - Vol 6Strongholds of the Mind - Vol 7The Voice Of GodWhat Feeds the SeedWinning On Wall Street - Vol 1Winning On Wall Street - Vol 2Wisdom for Business - Vol 1Wisdom for Business - Vol 2Wisdom for Successful LivingWorship - Drawing Near to God - Vol 1Worship - Drawing Near to God - Vol 2Worship - Entering the Holy of Holies - Vol 3

Anita Siddiki

Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit

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Dr. Nasir & Anita Siddiki

Bridge to the Spiritual RealmMarriage: God's Plan - Heaven on Earth - Vol 1Marriage: Sizzling Sex God's Way - Vol 2Marriage: Communication is the Key - Vol 3Marriage: The Difference between Men & Women - Vol 4Obtaining Your Healing


Common Sense Trading Led By the Holy SpiritWinning On Wall Street


Dr. Nasir and Anita's Miracle Healing Testimony

For your FREE tape on miracles


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Wisdom Ministries P. O. Box 2720

Broken Arrow, OK 74013

(918) 712-7122

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